
    动词词组 (包括短语动词介词词组词组)

    1)be backinout 回家外出
    2)be at homework 家班
    3)be good at 善擅长
    4)be careful of 心注意仔细
    5)be covered with ……复盖
    6)be ready for ……作准备
    7)be surprised (at) ……感惊讶
    8)be interested in ……感举
    9)be born 出生
    10)be on 进行演 (灯)亮着
    11)be able to do sth 够做……
    12)be afraid of (to do sth that…) 害怕……(敢做……恐怕……)
    13)be angry with sb 生(某)气
    14)be pleased (with) ……感高兴(满意)
    15)be famous for ……著名
    16)be strict in (with) (工作)严格求
    17)be from ……什方
    18)be hungrythirstytired 饿渴累
    19)be worried 担忧
    20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值做……
    21)be covered with ……覆盖……
    22)be in (great) need of ()需
    23)be in trouble 处困境中
    24)be glad to do sth 高兴做……
    25)be late for ……迟
    26)be made of (from) ……制成
    27)be satisfied with ……感满意
    28)be free 空闲空
    29)be (ill) in bed 卧病床
    30)be busy doing (with) 忙做……(忙……)

    1)come back 回
    2)come down
    3)come in 进入进
    4)come on 快走吧
    5)come out出
    6)come out of ……出
    7)come up
    8)come from ……
    9)do one's lessonshomework 做功课回家作业
    10)do more speakingreading 做口头练朗读
    11)do one's best 力
    12)do some shopping (cooking reading cleaning)买东西(做饭菜读点书扫)
    13)do a good deed (good deeds)做件事(做事)
    14)do morning exercises 做早操
    15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操
    16)do well in ……某方面干
    17)get up 起身
    18)get everything ready 切准备
    19)get ready for (be ready for) ……作准备
    20)get on (well) with ……相处(融洽)
    21)get back 返回
    22)get rid of 掉
    23)get in 进入收集
    24)get onoff 车
    25)get to 达
    26)get there 达里
    27)give sb a call ……电话
    28)give a talk 作报告
    29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)
    30)give back 送回
    31)give……some advice on ……忠告
    32)give lessons to ……课
    33)give in 屈服
    34)give up 放弃
    35)give sb a chance ……次机会
    36)give a message to…… ……口信
    37)go ahead 先走前走吧干吧
    38)go to the cinema 电影
    39)go to bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)
    40)go to school (college) 学(学)
    41)go to (the) hospital 医院病
    42)go over 遍复 go over to ……走
    43)go fishingskatingswimmingshopping 钩鱼滑冰游泳买东西
    44)go home (there) 回家()
    45)go round 便绕道走
    46)go up
    47)go out for a walk 外出散步
    48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)
    49)go on with one's work 继续某工作
    50)go upstairsdownstairs 楼
    51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄
    52)have a lesson (lessons)a meeting 课开会
    53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行场足球(蓝球)赛
    54)have dictation 听见
    55)have a try 试试
    56)have a goodwonderful time 玩高兴
    57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)
    58)have a report (talk) on 听关……报告
    59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝杯水(杯茶)
    60)have breakfastlunchsupper 吃早饭午饭晚饭
    61)have a meal (three meals) 吃顿饭(三餐饭)
    62)have a dinner 吃正餐
    63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包牛奶
    64)have (have got) a headache 头痛
    65)have a fever 发烧
    66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感)
    67)have a look (at) ……
    68)have a rest (a break) 休息会(工间课间休息)
    69)have a talk 谈话
    70)have a swimwalk 游泳散步
    71)have sports 进行体育锻炼
    72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会
    73)have something done (请)做……
    74)have a testan exam 测验考试
    75)have an idea 意
    76)had better do sth (not do sth) 做……(做……)
    77)have a word with ……谈句话
    78)help sb with sth help sb do sth ……方面帮助…… 帮助……做
    79)help oneself to some chickenfishmeat 请便吃点鸡鱼肉
    80)help each other 互相帮助
    81)keep up with ……落……
    82)keep silentquiet 保持沉默安静
    83)keep sb doing sth ……直做……
    84)keep one's diary 记日记
    85)make a noise (a lot of noise much noise noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂响声)
    86)make a living 谋生
    87)make sb do sth 迫某做……
    88)make faces (a face)做鬼
    89)make friends (with)……交朋友
    90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误
    91)make roomspace for ……腾出方
    92)make a sentence (sentences)with ……造句
    93)make a fire 生火
    94)be made fromof ……制成
    95)be made in ……方制造
    96)look out of (outside) 外(外面)
    97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典
    98)look up 仰
    99)look after 顾
    100)look for 寻找
    101)look like
    102)look finewelltiredworried 起气色健康疲劳忧虑
    103)look out 心心
    104)look on …as… ……作……
    105)look around 四周
    106)look at 着……
    107)put on 穿(衣服)戴(帽子)演(戏剧)
    108)put up 建造搭起挂起举起
    109)put into 进入输入
    110)put one's heart into 全神贯注
    111)put…down… ……放
    112)put…into… ……译成
    113)set up 竖起建起
    114)set off 出发动身
    115)set out 出发
    116)set an example for ……树立榜样
    117)send for 派请()
    118)send out 放出发出
    119)end up ……送发射
    120)take one's advice 听某劝告
    121)take out 出取出
    122)take down
    123)take place 发生
    124)take one's place 坐……座位代某职务
    125)take the place of 代……
    126)take a walkrest 散步休息
    127)take it easy 紧张
    128)take sth with sb 身带着
    129)take sb to a parkLondon for one's holidays 带某公园伦敦度假
    130)take care of 关心顾保
    131)take a look (a last look) at (眼)
    132)take an exam 参加考试
    133)take away 走
    134)take back 收回带回
    135)take hold of 抓住……
    136)take off 脱(衣帽鞋等)掉
    137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动)
    138)take photos 拍
    139)take some medicine 服药
    140)take a bustrain boat 公汽车火车船
    141)turn on 开旋开(电灯收音机等)
    142)turn off 关(电灯收音机等)
    143)turn in 交出交
    144)turn…into… 变成
    145)turn to 翻转
    146)turn down (音量)调低
    147)turn…over ……翻
    148)play basketball 篮球football 踢足球volleyball 排球
    149)play games 做游戏
    150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉提琴)
    151)play with snow 玩雪
    152)play a joke (on) ……开玩笑

    153)think over 仔细考虑
    154)arrive atin a place 达某处
    155)eat up 吃完吃光
    156)do well in ……干
    157)enjoy doing sth like doing sth 喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事
    158)find out 发现查出(真相等)
    159)finish off 吃完喝完
    160)stop doing sth 停止做某事
    161)stop to do sth 停做某事
    162)hold a meting 举行会议
    163)hold up 举起
    164)hurry up 赶快快点
    165)enter for 报名参加
    166)laugh at 嘲笑
    167)be used to 惯
    168)used to 常常
    169)wake…up 唤醒
    170)work out 算出
    171)sth happen to sb 某发生某事
    172)sb happen to do sth 某碰巧做某事

    1)ask for …………请求
    2)ask for leave 请假
    3)send for 派请()
    4)pay for 付……款
    5)wait for 等候
    6)thank for ……感谢
    7)apologize to sb for sth 某事某道歉
    8)look for 寻找
    9)leave…for 离开…………
    10)fall off 跌落
    11)catch cold 着凉伤风
    12)catch up with 赶
    13)agree with sb 赞成意某意见
    14)filled……with ……装满
    15)tell sb about sth 告诉某某事
    16)talk about 谈……
    17)think about 考虑……
    18)worry about 担忧……
    19)look after 料
    20)run after 追赶面跑
    21)read after ……读
    22)smile at ……微笑
    23)knock at 敲(门窗)
    24)shout at ……喊(嚷)
    25)throw away 扔掉
    26)work hard at 努力做……
    27)wait in line 排队等候
    28)change…into… 变成
    29)hurry into… 匆忙进入
    30)run into… 跑进
    31)hear of 听说
    32)think of 认考虑
    33)catch hold of 抓住
    34)instead of 代……
    35)hand in 交
    36)stay in bed 卧病床
    37)hear from 收……信
    38)at once 立刻
    39)at last
    40)at first 起先首先
    41)at the age of… ……岁时
    42)at the end of… ……末
    43)at the beginning of… ……初
    44)at the foot of… ……脚
    45)at the same time
    46)at nightnoon 夜里中午
    47)with one's help 某帮助某帮助
    48)with the help of … ……帮助
    49)with a smile 面带笑容
    50)with one's own eyes 亲眼见
    51)after a while 会
    52)from now on 现起
    53)from then on 时起
    54)far example 例
    55)far away from 远离
    56)from morning till night 早晚
    57)by and by 久
    58)by air mail 寄航空邮件
    59)by ordinary mail 寄信
    60)by the way 便说
    61)by the window 窗边
    62)by the end of… ……底止
    63)little by little 逐渐
    64)in all 总
    65)in fact 事实
    66)in one's twenties 某二十岁时
    67)in a hurry 匆忙
    68)in the middle of ……中间
    69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻快
    70)in time (on time) 时
    71)in public 公众公开
    72)in order to ……
    73)in front of ……前面
    74)in the sun 阳光
    75)in the end 终
    76)in surprise 惊奇
    77)in turn 次
    78)of course 然
    79)a bit (of) 点
    80)a lot of 许
    81)on one's way to 某……路
    82)on foot 步行走路
    83)a talk on space 关太空报告
    84)on the other hand 方面
    85)aton the weekend 周末
    86)on the left (right) 左(右)边
    87)on the other side of ……边
    88)on the radio 通收音机(线电广播)
    89)to one's joy ……高兴
    90)to one's surprise ……惊讶


    1)a bit 点
    2)a few (of) (数)……
    3)a little (数)
    4)a lot of (lots of) 许
    5)a piece slice of 张(片块)
    6)a cup of 茶怀
    7)a glass of 玻璃杯
    8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 堆(堆堆)……
    9)a box of 盒
    10)a copy of 份
    11)a bowl of 碗
    12)a basket of 篮
    13)a plate of 盘
    14)a bottle of 瓶
    15)a basin of 脸盆
    16)a set of 套
    17)a kind of 种
    18)a type of 种类型
    19)a great deal of 非常量(数名词)
    20)a large (great) number of 非常量(数名词)
    21)a great many 量许(数名词)
    22)a different type of 种型号
    23)a group of 队组群

    1)all kinds of 种样
    2)all over the worldthe country 全世界全国
    3)all over 遍部分浑身
    4)all one's life 生
    5)one after another 次
    6)the Children's Palace 少年宫
    7)day after day 日复日
    8)up and down
    9)the day after tomorrow 天
    10)the day before yesterday 前天
    11)the lastpast two years (or so) 两年(左右)
    12)the whole countrythe whole world 全国全世界
    13)a moment ago 刚
    14)just nowthen 刚
    15)half an hour's walk 步行半时路程
    16)late on
    1agree with意……意见符合致
    2ask for请求询问
    3arrive atin达
    4begin with……开始
    5come from
    6feel like想
    7fall behind落……面
    8fall off掉
    9get to达
    10get on(车)
    11get off……
    12hear of听说
    13knock aton敲(门窗等)
    14laugh at嘲笑
    15look at
    16look after
    17listen to听
    18look for寻找
    19quarrel with吵架
    21wait for等候

    1come out出花开
    2come over便访
    3come along
    4come in进
    5eat up吃光
    6fall down倒跌倒
    7find out找出查明
    8go back回
    9go on继续
    10go out外出
    11get back回取回
    12grow up长成长
    13get up起床
    14go home回家
    15hurry up赶快
    16hold on挂断等等
    17look out留神注意
    18look over检查
    19look up查阅
    20move away搬走
    21put on穿演
    22pass on传递
    23run away逃跑
    24ring up电话
    25set off出发动身
    26throw out乱丢抛散
    27turn on开
    28turn off关
    29take out取出
    30trip over绊倒
    32write down写记
    33wake up醒
    34work out算出解出

    1be fed up with厌倦
    2catch up with赶
    3go on with继续
    4get on with……相处
    5pullup from…………中拉出

    1take care of料顾
    2make room for……腾出方
    3make friends with……交朋友
    4play a joke on戏弄某
    5have a look at
    6have a drink of喝点
    7say goodbye to告告辞

    1be late for迟
    2be angry with生气
    3be busy with忙
    4be short for……简称
    5be interested in……感兴趣
    6be famous for……著名
    7be good at擅长
    8be different from……
    9be goodbad for……益害
    10be friendly to……友

    英语常词组4249 (详细版)
    1a fraction of 部分
    2a matter of concern 焦点
    3a series of 系列 连串
    4abandon sb to sth (顾责义务等)抛弃离弃
    5abandon sth to sb 已放弃
    give up doing:放弃做某种行
    6ability to do sth(注:加of doing) 力做某事
    7to the best of one’s ability
    ability:具备做某事力(法:ability to do sth(注:加of doing))
    capability:具备做某事需力素质(法:capability to do sth加of doing))
    8be able to do sth 够
    able:强调通努力获力(法:be able to do sth)
    capable:(法:capable of doing)
    9be about to do …when… 算
    10abound within        富充满…
    11above all 义词especially   尤 重
    12be absent from 缺席
    13absence of mind 义词being absentminded 心焉
    14absent oneself from sth
    15absolve sb from      赦免某…
    16be absorbed in 义词be engrossed inbe lost inbe rapt inbe concentrated on
    be focused onbe centered on 全神贯注…
    17abstain from           避开(免)…
    18be abundant in 义词be rich inbe well supplied with 富富
    19abundant in 富
    20accept sth 意某事
    21accept sb into sth accept sb as sth 接纳某
    22accept that… 相信认…
    23access to (数名词) 接进入
    receive:表示客观事实(法:receive sth from sbsth)
    24by accident 偶然
    accident 通常指幸意外事车祸摔伤砸伤等指意偶然造成
    incident 通常指事件中较事件插曲生中碰留较深印象事件指政治具定影响事态战争叛乱
    25without accident 安全
    26accommodate sb with   某提供…
    27accommodate oneself to 适应…
    28of one’s own accord 愿
    29in accord with …致                             
    30out of one’s accord with …致
    31with one accord 义词with everybody agreeing 致
    32in accordance with 义词in agreement with  根
    33account for            解释
    34on one’s own account ①某缘 某利益
    ②(at one’s own risk) 行负责
    ③(by oneself)
    35on account 赊账
    36on account of
    37on no account 什原
    38of …account …重性
    39take…into accountconsider …考虑进
    40give sb an account of 说明 解释 (理)
    41account for 解释说明
    42on account of 义词because of
    43on no account 义词in no casefor no reason 绝
    44accuse sb of sth 控告
    accuse :控告(法:accuse sb of sth )
    charge:控告(法:charge sb with sth )
    sue:控告(法:sue sb for sth )
    45be accustomed to 惯
    46acknowledge that… 承认
    47acknowledge doing 承认做
    48acknowledge sb asto be sth 承认某
    49be acquainted with ①解 ②熟悉
    50act for                代理…
    51act on                 …起作…行动
    52act out 划着表演履行…表演出
    53act as 扮演
    54take an active part in 积极参加
    55be active in 热心
    real:真真正指客观存非想象虚拟相反义词 unreal
    true:真实强调事实实际情况相符假相反义词 false
    56adapt to 义词adjust oneself to 适应
    57adapt from 改编…(剧)
    58add in 增加
    59add to 加
    60add sth to sth
    例:one added to one ismakes two…加…
    61add up
    例:The balloons added up the festival atmosphere增加
    62add up to
    例:His whole school education added up to no more than one year加起总
    63be addicted to …瘾
    64in addition 义词besides 外
    65in addition to 义词as well as other than …外
    66adhere to 义词abide byconform tocomply withcling to
    insist on persist in ①粘附 ②坚持遵循
    67adjust sth to sth    调节
    68adjust to(doing)sth 惯适应…
    adjust:稍作调整(法adjust to(doing)sth)
    adapt:较改动适应(法adapt sth for sth)
    69admire sbsth for (doing) sth 钦佩某做某事
    70admit of 义词be capable of leave room for  留…余
    71be admitted to (doing)              承认
    72adore doing 喜欢做某事
    73in advance 预先
    74advance ontowards sthsb …前进
    75advance sb sth advance sth to sb 某预付…钱
    76gaingethavewin an advantage over 胜…处优势位
    77have the advantage of 具…利条件
    78have the advantage of sb 知道某知道事
    79take advantage of 义词make the best of make use of profit from
    80advertise for          登广告寻求寻找…
    81advise sb of sth       某事通知某
    82advise with sb on sth 某商量某事
    83soon after… …会
    84right after …立刻…
    cancould be able to + afford (to do)负担起
    85agree with
    例:I dont agree with what you said意(观点)
    The climate here doesnt agree with me(气候食物)适合某
    86agree on …(观点)达成致
    87agree to 意(计划)
    88be in agreement with 意 致
    89ahead of …前
    90ahead of timeschedule 提前
    91aim at                   瞄准针…
    92let in air …通风
    93by air 飞机
    94in the air ①空中②肯定 具体③谣传中
    95on the air (线电电视)播送
    96alien to …相反
    97above all 尤
    98after all 毕竟
    99all along 直
    100all but 义词almostnearly 差点没
    101all at once 义词:suddenly 突然 时
    102all in all 总
    103all of a sudden 突然
    104all over again 次
    105all over 遍
    106all right
    107all the same 然忘底
    108all the time 直
    109all together 总道
    110above all 重
    111after all 毕竟底
    112 all in 累极
    113first of all 首先
    114for all 然
    115not at all 点
    116once and for all 次
    117 alliance with  …联盟
    118allow for                义词:take into consideration take into account
    119allow of                 容许容…
    almost nearly 区
    修饰 no none never any no any 合成词时般 almost
    although though区
    though 放句尾although 放句尾
    120have ambitious forto do …雄心抱负
    121amount to                相…
    122 angry with sb atabout sth 某某事生气
    announce 指正式公布宣布侧重预告关心感兴趣事情尤指新闻
    declare 正式公众宣布侧重众发表宣战议宣判
    123answer for 义词:undertake responsibility for be liable for
    take charge for …负责
    124answer to 义词:conform to 适合符合
    reply:物动词vi接 to书面语
    125 anxious about 挂念…
    126 anxious to do sth 渴做…
    127 anxious for sth 渴某物
    128 anxious for sb to do sth 希某做某事
    129anything of 点
    130for anything
    131not anything like
    132anything but 根
    133apart from …外()
    134take apart 拆开
    135set apart 储存
    136tell apart 区
    137appeal to ①吸引②申述③请求
    138appeal to sb for sth   某事某提出呼吁
    139appear +形容词to dothat… 似
    140have an appetite for  喜爱
    141the apple of someone's eye 掌明珠
    142applicable to 适
    143apply for 申请
    144apply to ①适 ②…申请
    145apply to sb for sth   请求某…
    146apply oneself to sth 致力某事
    147appoint sb as             命某…(职务)
    148appoint sb to             命委某…
    149approach sb onabout sth 某事某交道
    150approach to  …方法
    151appropriate forto 合适
    152approve of                  赞成
    153approximate to 接
    154apologize to sb for sth 某事某道歉
    155make an apology to sb for sth 某某道歉
    156apt at 聪明 善
    157apt to 易
    158argue withagainst sb abouton sth 某辩某事
    159argue for 张
    160argue sb intoout of doing sth     说服某做做某事
    161arise fromout of                      …引起
    occurhappentake place事事情变化等发生产生
    162 around 差
    163around the clock 夜继日
    164arrange with sb forabout sth       某商定某事
    165arrive at 达(点车站)
    166arrive in 达(点)
    167 a matter of fact 实际
    168 a result(of)
    169 a rule 通常例
    170 far as 远…程度
    171 far as …be concerned …言
    172 follows
    173 for 关
    174 good as …样
    175 if
    as many as +数词 +复数名词物具体数目前
    as much as +数词 +复数名词价格重量前
    176 regards 关
    177 to 关
    178 usual 例
    179 well
    180 well as …外()…
    181 ashamed of …感羞愧
    182aside from …外()
    183ask for                               请求………通询问找…
    184assess onupon                        …征税罚款
    185assign … to                          …分配…
    186assist sb with sthin doing sth   帮助某做某事
    187assure sb of sth            某确信某事
    188 astonished atby …感吃惊
    189 a loss 知措
    190 a time 次次
    191 all 丝毫()点
    192 all costs 惜切代价
    193 all events 样
    194 all times 时总
    195 any rate 少
    196 best 充量
    197 first sight 乍初起
    198 first 初起先
    199 hand 手边附
    200 heart 心里质
    201 high speed 高速
    202 intervals 时隔
    203 large 数未捕获逍遥法外
    204 last 终
    205 least 少
    206 length 终
    207 most 超
    208 no time 决
    209 once 立刻
    210 one time 时
    211 present 目前
    212 someone's disposal …处理
    213 random  机意
    214 the age of …岁时候
    215 the bottom of …底部
    216 the cost of …代价
    217 the end of …结尾
    218 the foot of …脚
    219 the height of  …顶点(事业等)高峰
    220 the mercy of …控制
    221 the moment 刻目前
    222 the same time 时
    223 this rate 速度
    224 times 时
    225attach to 缚系结
    226make an attempt at doing sthto do sth 试图做…
    227attend onupon 义词wait upon serve look after 侍候料
    228attend to                义词give one’s attention ①专心…②顾
    attend 指参加会议听报告典礼仪式学等(attend to服务)
    join 指加入某团体参军入团等
    join in 指参加赛活动
    take part in 指参加群众性活动运动劳动等(活动中发挥作)
    229attitude totoward ……态度法
    230attribute … to          …咎…
    231avail oneself of         利…
    232 available to sb 供
    233on average 均
    234average out 算出…均数
    235 aware of 义词be conscious of意识
    236awara … to              …授予(判)…
    237 away from 远离…
    238right away 立刻
    239far away 遥远
    1back and forth 回反复
    2back of …面
    3back up 备支援
    4at the back of 义词behind …面
    5in the back of …部(里面)
    6on the back of …部(外面)
    7be on one’s back 卧病起
    8at one’s back 支持维护
    9have sb at one’s back …支持 …作台
    10turn one’s back on sb 理睬(某)背弃抛弃
    11behind one’s back 背着某(说坏话)
    12go from bad to worse 况愈
    13bang sth into sb      硬某事灌输某
    14bare of 没缺乏
    15bargain with sb aboutoverfor sth 某某事讨价价
    16bargain on doing sth    料想商定做某事
    17be based on 根
    18on the basis of 根
    19battle with sb for sth 某事某斗争
    20battle of sth 关某事斗争
    21battle againstwith sb 某事某作斗争
    22be in season 市in peak season旺季
    23be of + 抽象名词:年龄(age)(size)颜色(color)重量(weight)高度(height)价格(price)意见(opinion)方法(way)usevalueimportance
    24beg … of sb            请求某…
    25beg for                   乞求…
    26believe in               信…
    27believe it or not 信信
    28belong to                属…
    29beat…at  …运动项目赢
    30beat down 杀价
    31beat off 击退
    32beat up 痛毒
    33beat the crowd 避开群
    before long:久
    long before:久前
    34as before 前样
    35beg sb for sth beg sth offrom sb 某乞讨某物
    36beg sb to do sth 请求某做某事
    37beg one's pardon 请原谅
    38begin with sth …开始
    39to begin with 义词first of all 首先 第(常开始语)
    40at the beginning of 开始
    41to begin with 第开始起初
    42on behalf of 义词as the representative of   …名义
    43behaved wellbadly 表现差
    44falllag behind 落
    45behind schedule 误点
    46believe in 相信信 信仰
    47believe it or not 信信
    below 指位置低某物定正方反义词 above
    under 指某物正方反义词 over
    48belong to(doing) 属(注:动进行语态)
    except for:…外 (整体中部分细节)接短语
    except that:接句表示事物先作总体评价然局部提出点法排范畴东西
    except when:接关时间句
    49benefit from 受益处
    50for the benefit of  …利益(处)
    51be beneficial to …益
    52bent on sth 定决心做…
    53beside point 离题相干
    54for the better  转
    55get the better of 义词defeat sb 败
    56had better do 做
    between:两者间两者间(法:between 应 and 连 or 连)
    57beyond one's ability 超越某力
    58beyond question 毫疑问
    59bid onfor sth …出价
    60bid to do 企图做…
    61bid sb sth bid sth to sb            某问候…
    62at birth 出生时
    63by birth 出生出身血统
    64give birth to 出生
    65be to blame for 应负责
    66blame sth on sb blame sb for sth      …咎某
    67blaze with sth          ①燃烧②闪耀着③激发…
    68in blossom 开花(指树木)
    69be in blossom 开花(强调状态)
    70come into blossom 开花(强调动作)
    71blow away 刮走吹走
    72blow down (风)吹倒
    73blow off                 ①吹掉②热水蒸气等放掉
    74blow over (风)吹翻刮翻 
    75boast ofabout 吹嘘
    76boil over                发怒激动
    77book up 订完
    78be bound to 注定
    79bound for 开
    80borrow sth from sb 某…
    81bother … about sb       …烦扰
    82bother about doing sth to do sth 做某事操心烦恼
    83break away ①逃走②断裂
    84break away from
    例He broke away from all his old friends断绝
    She should break away from such habits改掉(惯)
    85break down
    例With our plans broken downThe peace talks have broken down(计划谈判)失败
    Her health broke down under the pressure of work(身体健康)垮掉
    Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substance分解
    The telephone system has broken down(机器车辆)出障
    86break in                  训练破门入插嘴开始
    87break into ①强行进入②突然发出开始
    88break off sth with sb               中断突然停止讲话
    89break out (战争火灾等)爆发
    90break through 突破
    91break up                
    例After midnightthe party broke up散会
    She broke up the candy and give each child a small piece分开
    91break up with 某分手
    92hold one's breath 屏住呼吸
    93out of breath 气接气
    94breathe in 呼入
    95breathe out 呼出
    96in brief 简言
    97bring about
    例He brought about a quarrel between his parents引起
    She msde every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problems实现
    98bring along 捎
    99bring back ①②…想起 ③恢复…带回 ④(风)刮倒
    100bring sb back to 某恢复…
    101bring down
    例:Electricity lines were brought down by falling trees or brabches…倒
    bring down prices 降低价格
    102bring forth 生产产生
    103bring forward
    例:Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting提出…意见
    They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday提前
    104bring in ①赚取 ②吸引
    105bring off 成功完成…
    106bring on ①…长更②引起(火灾疾病)③端(食物)
    107bring out ①解释清明 ②出版(书唱片等)
    108bring through 救活…渡难关
    109bring to …恢复知觉
    110bring up
    例:She was born in TaiWan but brought up in Japan抚养
    She was so ill that she brought up everything that she ate at noon 呕吐
    111 on 赖……建立…
    112 up ①加增强(体质)②建立开发
    113 bulk 成批散装
    114burn down (火势)减弱()焚毁
    115burn off 烧掉
    116burn out ①烧熄灭 ②(热)出障③耗体力
    117burn up ①烧毁发烧②(火)烧更旺激怒
    118burst into ①闯入…②突然发作
    119burst onupon 突然…
    120burst out 突然…起
    121bury in sth 专心致志某事隐居
    122on  business 出差
    123 busy with sth 忙某事                                          
    124 busy doing sth 忙做某事
    125but for
    126but thenagain 然方面
    127last but not least 点重点
    128 sb sth buy sth for sb 某买某物
    129 accident 偶然
    130 air 通航空途径
    131 all means 切办法务必
    132 and by 久迟早
    133 and large 总体说
    134 chance 偶然
    135 far …
    136 hand 手体力
    137 itself 独
    138 means of
    139 mistake 错误意
    140 no means 决
    141 oneself 独
    142 reason of
    143 the way 便说说
    144 virtue of 助
    145 way of 通…方法
    1calculate onupon 指期着…
    2call after …命名
    3call at 拜访(某)
    例I formed the habit of calling in on himcalling in at his office in the afternoon便访
    4call away 走
    5call back ①回电话②收回(说错话)
    6call for
    例The trouble calls for quick action by the government求
    I will call for you at five o’clock找(某)
    We called for the packages at the post office取(某物)
    7call in
    例Your father is illYou should call in a doctor at once找(医生)
    The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads召集
    8call off ①取消 ②(狗)开(咬)
    例They’ve called off the game because of the thick fog取消
    9call on 拜访(某)号召
    例I formed the habit of calling in on himcalling in at his office in the afternoon便访
    10call out ①令罢工②求某出动
    11call out to sb 喊某
    12call up 义词remind of①回忆起②电话
    13a campaign against 反…运动
    14a campaign for 赞成…运动
    15be capable of doing 够
    16be capable of being + 分词 够…
    17be care about 关心
    18be care for 喜欢
    19in the care of sbin one’s care …顾
    20take care 心走
    21take care of 负责处理顾
    22care nothing about …漠关心…毫介意
    23be careful aboutwith …心
    24can’t be too careful 心分
    25can but do …罢
    26can not but do
    27can not…too… 越…越
    28can only do
    29be capable of 力做
    30be capable for 资格做
    31capitalize on 利
    32care about
    例He cared about money 喜欢
    The professor said that he was interested only in researchhe didn’t care about his students关心
    33care for 顾
    34care of ①关心②喜欢③烦劳转交(某物)
    35take care 保重心
    36take care of 顾
    37carry away ①运走②变激动③[般动态]着迷失理
    38carry back ①…回忆起②回
    39carry forward ①推进 ②发扬
    40carry off 抢走
    41carry on
    例He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation进行
    One person should carry on where the other had left off继续进行
    42carry out 开展实现贯彻进行底
    例I was chosen to carry out our experiment进行
    He didn’t carry out his promise to us履行
    43carry through ①利实现 ②帮助渡难关
    44in case 义词for fear that 防万
    45in case of 义词in the event of 果发生…万
    46in the case of …言
    47in any case
    48in no case 决情况(放句首倒装句)
    49in that case 假样话然样
    50in any case 义词at any rateat any priceat any cost

    51cast about for 寻觅…想方设法
    52cast away 丢掉抛弃…
    53cast down …沮丧
    54cast off 抛弃……
    55catch attention 引起注意
    56catch at 抓住…渴取…
    57catch on ①受欢迎流行起②理解③勾住绊倒
    58catch sb out ①…突陷困境 ②抓住某短处
    59catch sb red—handed 场抓住现场捕获
    60catch up with 追赶碰
    61catch a chance 抓住机会
    62catch a cold 感
    63be caught in 困…
    64have caution sb against doing sth 警告某做某事
    65cause sb to do 某做某事
    66cause sb sth 某带…
    67be cautious aboutof 谨防
    68cease from doing sth 停止做某事
    69center one’s attention on 义词focus one’s attention on注意力集中…
    70be certain ofabout 义词be sure of 确信
    71be certain to 必然定
    72for a certain reason 某种原
    73for certain 确定
    74for certain of 义词for sure 肯定
    75make certain of (doing) sth 确保做某事
    76make certain that… 弄清楚弄明白
    77centre… onupon (…)集中…
    78chair a meeting 持会议
    79challenge sb to sth… 某提出某事挑战
    80accept one’t challenge to do sth 接受某挑战做某事
    81chance doing 险做
    82chance to do 碰巧做
    83by chance 碰巧
    84on chance
    85take a chance 险
    86give sbsth half a chance …机会
    87change…for… …代…
    88change…into… …变成…
    89change hands 换转手
    90change ones mind to do 改变意
    91for a change 换换环境(花样等)
    92charge sb for sth 某事某索(费)
    93charge sb with sth 控告某做某事
    94charge sth upon sb …咎某
    95on the charge of 某控告
    96in charge of …
    97in the charge of …
    98take charge of 掌
    99chat with sb about sth 某关某事进行聊天
    100cheat sb of sth 骗取某…
    101cheat in 登记报托运
    102cheat out of 结账离开查证核实查
    103check out 查明结账
    104check up 检查…
    105check up on 查证核实
    106check up with …相符合
    107chew overpon 深思细想
    108have on choice but to do 做…选择
    109choose to do 选择做…
    110choose…frommongut of …中挑选…
    111choose between…and… …中挑选…
    112claim sth from sb 求某…
    113clash into… 猛撞…
    114clean out (…)扫干净清出
    115clean up (…)收拾整洁扫干净
    116clean up on 击败…胜…
    117clear away
    例The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment收走
    How can we clear away these doubts清
    118clear of 没接触
    119clear off ①离开走开②逃离③清…④摆脱烦恼
    120clear up ①(天)放晴②整理…
    121make it clear that 说明
    122clever at 善
    123climb down ①…爬②退服输屈服
    124close down ①工厂倒闭②(电台)停止播音
    125close in 包围…迫…
    126close on 接
    127close to 接处
    128close with …接受…
    129close your mind to sth …拒考虑
    130come close 差
    131cohere with 连贯符合…
    132combine…with… ……结合
    133come about 发生造成
    134come across ①(偶然)碰②理解
    135come along ①快点快点说 ②起
    136come at ①袭击…②达…
    137come back ①回②顶嘴
    138come by 短暂拜访努力获
    139come close 差
    140come down ①坍塌②降落降③着陆
    141come down in 降败落没落
    142come down on…(for…) (…)某索…
    143come down to 流传…
    144come down with 捐少钱
    145come from
    146come in 进取名次
    147come in contact with …取联系
    148come in for 接受遗产等受处分等
    149come into 开始(活动)
    150come into being 开始存
    151come into power 开始执政
    152come off ①脱落脱开②结果③分离进展
    153come on ①登台②出场③改进改善④加油⑤吧
    154come on to 开始
    155come out ①出版②(消息)传开③考第…名④开花⑤(污渍)洗
    156come out first 获第
    157come out of …产生…结果
    158come out with ①发表公布…②说出提出…
    159come over ①占②发生③远处④便拜访
    160come short of 缺乏
    161come through 历困难等历…活着
    162come to ①渐渐②总计③谈
    163come to oneself (昏迷)苏醒
    164come to an end 结束
    165come true (梦想)实现
    166come under 编入受…支配
    167come up ①发生②提③举行④走⑤(太阳)升起⑥(植物)长出面
    168come up against 碰困难反等
    169come up to ①达②符合(愿)
    170come up with ①赶②提出(意见)③出笔钱④找(答案)
    171give comfort to 安慰
    172take comfort in …慰
    173 command of 指挥控制
    174take command of 指挥控制
    175under command of ……指挥
    176command sb to do sth 命令某做某事
    177commend sth to sb …交托某
    178commend sb upon his+n 表扬某…
    179comment on 评
    180commit sb for 某押交…
    181commit oneself to 承担…
    182commit sb to prison 某送进监狱
    183 common
    184 common with …样
    common ordinary usual
    185communicate sth to sb …通知某
    186communicate with sb by… …某通讯
    187keep company with …
    188…with… ……较
    189 with…in… ……相较
    190compensate sb for… …某赔偿
    191complain ofabout 抱怨…抗议…
    192complain to sb of sth 某控诉…
    193compliment sb on his + 名词 夸奖某…
    194 company with sbsth …起…时
    195keep sb company 陪伴
    196…to… …作…
    例Shakespeare compared the world to a stage…作…
    197…with… ……作较
    例Compared towith many girlshe indeed very fortunate…相
    198 notes with sb 某交换意见
    199 comparison 较起
    200 comparison with 义词in contrast to …起
    201compete againstwith sb for sth 某某物竞争
    202 competent atinto do 够做
    203complain aboutof 抱怨控告
    204complain to sb about sth 某抱怨…
    205comply with 遵守
    206compromise with sb on sth …某妥协
    207conceal sth from sb 某隐瞒…
    208concede to sb 某步
    209conceive of 义词think of 想象设想
    210concentrate … on sth (注意力)集中…
    211concur with sb … 意某…
    212express concern aboutfor …表示担心
    213have concern with …关
    214with concern 关切着
    215 far as … be concerned …言
    216condemn sb to 判某…刑罚
    217 the conclusion of …结束时
    218 condition 点
    219 good (bad) condition 处良(坏)状态
    220on condition …条件
    221on condition that only if 果
    扩展in that because
    now that since 然
    for all that although
    222out of condition (身体)状态
    223under condition 处…状态
    224under on condition 决
    225condemn sb to 判决
    226conduct to 道路通…
    227confer sth onupon sb 授予某称号学位等
    228confer with sb onabout sth 某协商…
    229confess to (a crime) 承认(罪行)
    230confide sth to sb 某吐露…
    231confide in 信……讲真心话
    232 confidence 推心置腹
    233with confidence 满怀信心
    234have confidence in …信心
    235confidence in …信赖
    236 confident of 信心
    237confine…to …限制…某范围
    238confirm sb in 某更坚定(信念等)
    239confirm sb in his + 名词 (信念等方面)…更坚定
    240conflict with …斗争
    241conform to 义词be in agreement withcomply with符合遵
    守服comply with…办keep to遵循aside by
    服stick to…做
    242confound…with… ……混淆
    243 confronted with 面
    244congratulate sb on sth 某事祝贺某
    245connect with …相连连接衔接
    246 connection with 义词with regard to 关
    247 conscious of 义词be aware of 察觉
    248consent to 答应
    249 consequence  结果
    250 consequence of  …缘
    251consequent on
    252consider + 名词doingwh to do 仔细考虑
    253consider…(to beas) …视…
    254considerate towards 体谅体贴
    255consign…to… …委托交付…
    256consist in 存…
    257consist of …构成
    258consult sb about sth 某咨询某事
    259consult with sb 某商量
    260contemporary with …时代
    261content with 满足
    262contrary to 违反
    263contrast … with ……
    264contribute totowards …起作
    265count down 倒计时
    266count on
    267contrary to 义词in opposition to …相反
    268on the contrary 相反
    269 the contrary 相反
    270contrast…with ……相()
    271 contrast towith …形成
    272 contrast
    273contribute to doing sth ①贡献②投稿③…中起定作
    274make contribution to 贡献
    275beyond control 法控制
    276havehold the control of 控制着
    277keep control of 控制着
    278lost control of 失…控制
    279out of control of 失…控制
    280under the control of …控制
    281 one’s convenience 方便时间点
    282It is convenient for sb to do 方便做…
    283convert sth into sth …转换成…
    284convey sth to sb 某传达感情等
    285convict sb of 宣判某…罪
    286convince sb of 某确信
    287cooperate with sb 某合作
    288cope with 妥善处理
    289correlate towith …相互关联
    290correspond with 通信符合
    291correspond to 相
    292 all costs 惜代价
    293 all cost of 牺牲某物代价
    294 any cost 情况
    295 cost 成价算
    296 the cost of …代价
    297count down 倒计时
    298count from…to… …数…
    299count onupon 赖指确信…
    300count up to 计…
    301count the day 期
    302counter to …相反
    303 course of …程中
    304 the course of …期间
    305of course 然
    306a matter of course 理然事
    307 a matter of course 然然
    308during the course …程中
    309 due course 没太久 定时候
    310cover sbsth with …准某…覆盖…
    311crash tointo 猛撞…猛然倒坠落
    312 crazy about 热衷着迷
    313on credit 赊购
    314with credit 优异成绩
    315 one’s credit 某感光荣
    316 critical of 爱挑毛病批评
    317cross out 删取消
    318cross over to 投…投诚
    319crowd…with personspersons to… 某处挤满
    320cruel to …残忍
    321cry for …流泪
    322cry in one's beer 酒消愁
    323cry on one's shoulder
    324cry over sth …流泪
    325cure sb of his + 名词 治愈某某种疾病
    326 curious about …奇
    327 curious to do 做某事奇
    328cut away 切割掉缩减
    329cut down
    例:They want to cut down a large forest in the area砍倒
    Lily is trying to cut her weight down削减减少
    330cut down on 减少
    331cut in 插嘴发动超车抢道
    332cut off 切断切电话中断剥夺(继承权)断停
    333cut out 戒掉(机器)失灵(动)关掉剪裁

    334cut sb to 刺穿某……伤害某感情……
    335cut someone short 断
    336cut through 锯断剪断抄路克服避开理睬
    337cut up 切[破]碎难痛苦歼灭(敌兵等)割伤恶

    1there is a danger of doing sth 存…危险
    2be in danger 危险
    3be in danger of 具危险性
    4out of danger 脱离危险
    5don’t dare do 敢做…
    6dare sb to do 激某做…
    7date back to  (时间)追溯
    8date from 某时期开始()
    9out of date 时
    10up to date 崭新
    11to date 义词:so far until now 目前止
    12day after day 天天重复变化
    13day by day 天天逐渐变化
    14every few days 隔天
    15every other day 隔天[两天]
    16to other day
    17every third day 隔天[两天]
    18make a day of it 整天时间某事
    19the day after tomorrow 天
    20the day before yesterday 前天
    21to a day 恰天差
    22to the day 恰天差
    23to this day 迄直天直现
    deal with how 处理
    do with what 处理
    copy with 处理
    24deal in 营买卖
    25deal with
    例I’d rather deal with a girl than a boya boy are sharp …交道
    I’m used to dealing with matters of this sort 处理
    The book deals with qusetions on politics
    What shop do you deal with…做买卖
    26a great deal of 量
    27debate about sth 争某事
    28be in debt 欠债
    29be in debt to sb 欠…债
    30be in one’s debt 收某恩惠感激某
    31out of debt 负债
    32decide on 决定
    33decide to do 决定做
    34declare … for on against 表态支持反…
    35in decline 降
    36on the decline 反义词on the increase(增加) 衰退中 减少中 
    37decorate…with sth …装饰装潢
    38dedicate sth to 力量时间等…
    39defend sb from 保护某免…
    40take delight in …乐
    41to one’s delight 令某高兴
    42be delighted atbywith sth …感高兴
    43be delighted to do 高兴做某事
    44take a delight in 干…乐
    45deliver sb from …解救某
    46deliver sth to sb …交付某
    47demand sth of sb 某求(非物质)东西
    48demand sth from sb 某求(物质)东西
    49in demand 需求
    50on demand 受求时
    51depend onupon…(for…) (…)赖…
    52be dependent on
    53deposit sth with sb …寄放某处
    54deprive sb of sth 夺剥夺某…
    55derive … from… (…)取……
    56design sth for …预定…
    57design sb for 算某事…
    58despair of… 丧失…信心
    59depend on 取决相信某
    60itthat depends 情况
    61derive…from… 义词obtain…from… …取…
    62derive from 义词come from 起源
    63despair of 义词lost heart 绝
    64in despair 绝
    65deserve to do 应该做某事值做某事
    66deserve doing deserve to be done 应该…
    67design sth for sth 设计
    68design to do 计划做…
    69have desire for …愿
    70have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想做某事
    71in detail 详细
    72detect sb in( + v-ing) 察觉某(做)…
    73determine to do sth 决定做某事
    74be determined to do sth 决定做某事
    75determine on (…)赖…
    76deviate from 偏离…办
    77 sth to( + v-ing) …专(做)…
    78be diagnosed with 确诊患…(疾病)
    79dictate( + sth) to sb 某口述(…)
    80die away (风声光)逐渐减弱逐渐消失息
    81die down (风声光)逐渐变弱逐渐降低
    82die for …死
    83die from 死疾病(外疾病情感外原)
    84die of 死疾病(疾病情感饥寒年老等部原)
    85die off 家族相继死亡草木先枯死
    86die out (种族)灭绝
    87be dying to do sthfor sth 渴做某事
    88differ from…in  …区…
    89differ from sb onabout sth …某意见
    90make a difference …影响
    91make no difference to sb …没影响
    92have difficulty in doing sthwith sth 做…困难
    93dig at sth 苦学…苦干…
    94dig for sth 搜集…
    95dig out sth 掘出挖掉…
    96dilute sth with sth ……淡稀释
    97direct sb to 指导某…
    98in all directions 四面八方
    99in the direction of …方
    100the directions for sth …说明
    101give sb directions to sp 告诉某某走
    102disagree with sb (尤指食物)(某)适宜
    103disagree with sb onabout 某某方面意见
    104disarm sb of sth 解缴某…
    105discharge sb (from…) for …开
    106discredit sb with 某…丧失信誉
    107discuss sth with sb 某讨…
    108dismiss sb from 开解某…
    109dismiss sth from …消…
    110on display 义词:on show 陈列
    111dispose of 义词:get rid of throw away 处理掉
    112dispute withagainst sb onabout sth 某争辩…
    113beyond dispute 容争议争议
    114 dispute 争议中
    115dissent from 意…某(意见)致
    116 a distance 隔段距离远处
    117from a distance 远处
    118 the distance 远处
    119 distinct from 义词be different from    …截然
    120distinguish between sth and sth 区辨
    121distinguish sth from sth 识……
    122distinguish sth to sb …分某
    123distribute sth over sth …散布…
    124dive into 跳水全心投入做…
    125divide…into… …分成…
    126divide sth with sb 某承担
    127do away with 取消废杀死
    128do for sth …设法弄…代…
    129do sb down 胜某
    130do up 整理(房间)包扎废梳妆扮
    131do well in 某方面擅长
    132could do with 需
    133can’tcould’t do with 容忍
    134do with what 处理放置
    135cancould do without 没…行
    136doubt aboutof sth …怀疑
    137doubtful ofabout 怀疑
    138drag sb into 某拖进…
    139drag out 拽出
    140drain sth awayoff 排…水液体
    141draw away 拉开离开
    142draw off 脱手套等排余水撤退
    143draw to …移动逼
    144draw with 追…
    145dream ofabout sth 梦(见)…
    146dream awayoutthrough 空想虚度时间等
    147dress sb in sth …穿
    148drink sth offupdown …饮
    149drink to sb …干杯祝福
    150drink up …喝光
    151 away at sth 努力做…
    152…into… …驱…
    153 to do 迫某做某事
    154drop awayoff 掉()离逐渐减少
    155drop behind sb 落
    156drop in 路拜访
    157drop in on sb 便走访某
    158drop out 退出辍学
    159due to
    160dwell atin 留居…
    161dwell onupon 详细讲述…
    162 dying to 渴

    1each other 互相
    2be eager for 渴
    3be eager to do 渴做某事
    4have an ear for …鉴赏力
    5by ear 记忆乐谱
    6earn sb sth 挣
    7earn fame 博名声
    8earn one’s living 谋生
    9on earth 究竟
    10ease sb of his + 名词 消某…
    11put sb at one’s ease 某感拘束
    12at ease 放松
    13with ease 容易
    14ease offup 减轻放松
    15go easy on sb 某宽容
    16go easy on sth 省着点浪费
    17take it easy 放松
    18eat away sth 继续吃…蚕食掉
    19eat out 馆子
    20eat up ①…吃完 ②耗…③侵蚀
    21economize on 节省
    22educate oneself 学
    23be of no effect 效
    24bringput sth into effect …效实施
    25come into effect 生效开始实施
    26give effect to 义词carry out实行
    27go into effect 义词come into effecttake effect 生效
    28have an effect on …产生影响
    29in effect 义词be in operation ①效②实际
    30take effect 生效
    31a side effect 副作
    32make an effort to do 努力做…
    33spare no effort to do 力做…
    34without effort 毫费力
    35to no effect 起作没取效果
    36to the effect that 意…容…
    37to that effect 意思…
    38either…or… 者…者…
    39elect sb as 推选某担某职务
    40elect sb to do 推选某做某事
    41eliminate sth from ……排掉排出
    42or else 否
    43be embarrassed by …尴尬
    44emerge from …出现形成暴露(问题 意见等)
    45placeputlay an emphasis on 强调重点放…
    46employ sb as sth 雇某担
    47employ sb to do sth 雇某做某事
    48be employed in 忙…
    49be out of employ 失业
    50empty sth of sth ……倒空
    51encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某做某事
    52encourage sb in 鼓励
    53encourage sb in … with sth …鼓励某做某事
    54end in
    例The match ended in a win for us…告终
    55end off 圆满完成
    56end up
    例The politician finally ended up his speech结束
    57end up with …结束
    58at the end of …头
    59by the end of 直…止
    60be at an end 义词finished 结束
    61be in the end 义词finally eventually终
    62no end of 义词very manymuch 量
    63put an end to
    例:We must put an end to this foolish behaviour制止
    64on end 义词continuously 连续
    例It rained for three days on end连
    65endure to 坚持…
    66enforce sth onuponfrom sb 强迫某…
    67engage in 忙事
    68be engaged in 忙事
    69enjoy oneself 玩开心
    70enlarge onupon 详述…
    71ensure sb fromagainst sth 保护某免受…
    72ensure tofor sb sth 保证某…
    73enter for    报名参加
    74enter into 开始(谈话谈判等)
    75enter onupon 开始 (时代种生涯段期等)
    76entertain sb towith …招某
    77be entitled to 资格干…
    78entreat sth of sb 恳求某…
    79equip…for… …装备…
    80be equal to 相等胜
    81equip sth with sth …装备…
    82be equipped with 装备装
    83be equivalent to 相
    84error in 做某事差错
    85in error 错误
    86escape from …逃脱…流出
    87narrow escape 死里逃生
    88in essence 义词in one’s nature 质
    89essential tofor 必少
    90estimate for …估价估计
    91even as 正恰…时候
    92even ifthough
    93even now 样
    94even then 样时
    95even so 然
    96at all events  义词in any case 样
    97in any event ()样
    98in the event that 义词if 假 果
    99in the event 结果 实际情况(常but连)
    100 the event of 义词in case of 万发生…时
    101ever so 极
    102ever since
    103for ever 永远
    104every now and then 偶尔
    105every other 隔
    106evolve sth from sth …推出…
    107evolve from… …演化
    108for example 例
    109set an example to sb 某树立榜样
    110follow the example of …榜样
    111examine sb in 考查某…
    112examine into 调查细查…
    113exceed in …领先
    114except for 义词apart from …外
    except for:…外 (整体中部分细节)接短语
    except that:接句表示事物先作总体评价然局部提出点法排范畴东西
    except when:接关时间句
    115with the exception of …外
    116 excess of  超
    117 excited aboutatby 某某事激动
    118 sth for sth …换成…
    119 sth with sb 某交换…
    120 exchange for 交换…
    121exclude sb from 拒绝某加入…
    122exclusive of 包括
    123excuse for 口
    124 excuse of  作…口
    125excuss oneself for his + 名词 …辩解
    126excuss sb from 某免…
    127exert sth on sb 某施加…
    128exert oneself to do sth 努力劲
    129 in expectation of 指
    130expert atinon 善
    131exist on …生存
    132 in existence 存
    133come into existence 出现
    134expect + 名词 + of sb 某寄予期…
    135expel sb from …驱逐开某
    136 the expense of 损害…情况…牺牲
    137experiment onpon …做实验
    138experiment with 试验…
    139 (an) expert atin 擅长
    140explain sth to sb 某解释某事
    141explode with 爆发…
    142explore for 勘探…
    143expose sb to 暴露… …受(危险风险)
    144beyond expression 法形容
    145give expression to 表达 表现
    146find expression in  表现
    147extend sth to sb 某提供…
    148extract sth from …中取出…
    149 the extreme 义词extremely 极
    150close (shut) one’s eyes to 理会视见
    151have an eye for sth …鉴赏力识力眼力
    152 the eyes of in one’s eyes 义词in the judgment of ……观点
    153keep an eye on sbsth 义词keep a watch on 监视
    1face to face 面面
    2face up to 勇敢付…
    3in one’s face 着某面
    4in the face of 面着(问题困难)
    5faculty members 教职员工
    6fail in fail to do 未…知
    7be faithful to 义词be loyal to …忠诚
    8keep faith with …守信
    9lose faith in  …失信心
    10in good faith 义词honestly sincerely 真诚
    11on faith 毫怀疑 赖
    12fall back on  求助
    13fall down 跌倒倒塌失信
    14fall in with 意…
    15fall in love with 爱
    16fall into the habit of 养成…惯
    17fall off 降变坏离开叛离
    18fall out 争吵结果离队
    19fall out of 放弃惯等
    20fall over 落…脸跌倒
    21fall short of 没达 低
    22be familiar to sb …熟悉(注语生命事物)
    23be familiar with sth …熟悉(注语生命事物)
    24have a fancy for (没道理)喜欢 想
    25take a fancy to 义词be fond of喜欢
    26far from ①远远②非…()
    27by far …(较级高级连)
    28so far 止 (完成时)
    29fasten sth onupon sb 罪名等强加某
    30fatal to 致命
    31find fault with 义词complain about criticize …吹毛求疵
    32at fault 错
    33favour sb with sth 某…
    34be in favour of  赞成
    35be in favour with 受宠
    36out of favour with 失宠
    37in one’s favour 义词to one’s advantage …利
    38be favourable to 利
    39favorable to 赞成
    40fear for sth …担忧
    41in fear 惊恐
    42in fear of 害怕
    43for fear of 防
    44for fear that 唯恐怕
    45fearful of 惧怕
    46be fed up with …厌倦
    47feed on ①(动物)…食②…滋养
    48feed sb on sth feed sth to sb 某物喂某
    49feed sth to… …喂…
    50feed sth into sth feed sth with sb …供…
    51feel for sbsth 情某摸索找某物
    52feel free to 便
    53feel like doing 想做某事
    54feel your way 摸索着走动谨慎行事
    55fetch water 取水
    56a good few 相
    57quiet a few 相
    58fight against sb 某作战架
    59fight back 击奋力抵抗
    60fight for sth 某事战
    61fight off 击退…竭力避免…
    62fight over sth 某事争辩
    63fight with sb 某争辩
    64figure on 计划料想
    65figure out sth 计算出解决明白清楚
    66figure out at 合计
    67fill in 填写表格消磨时间填满
    68fill in for sb 暂时代时补缺
    69fill out 膨胀长胖填写
    70fill up 填满
    71fill (sth) with …填满装满
    72find sth for sb 某找…
    73find out 查明真相
    74finish up with …结束…
    75fire aton sb 某开火
    76fire sb for sth 某事解雇某
    77fire sb with sth 某物激励某
    78catch fire 着火(尤指意外)
    79on fire 着火
    80set fire to 放火
    81at first sight 乍第次见
    82for the first time 第次 (作状语)
    83in the first place 首先 第
    84be fit for 适合
    85fit into 刚放入
    86fit in with 合适
    87fit sb to 某适应…
    88fix (on) a time for sth 约定时间干某事
    89fix one’s eyes on 注视
    90fix one’s attentions on 注意
    91fix sth onupon 集中注意力…
    92flare outup 闪亮突然发怒
    93flow away 流走流逝
    94flow in 涌入
    95flow from ……结果
    96flow out(of sth) (…)外流
    97fly into 突发…
    98fly up to 飞…
    99focus on 义词concentrate on 集中…
    100fold aboutround 交叠合拢
    101fold up 垮掉放弃倒闭
    102fold up into 折叠起成…
    103follow sb 着某
    104follow rules 遵循法规
    105follow out 贯彻执行……探究底
    106follow up …探究底
    107follow up sth with 继续行动等加强…效果
    108fool sb out of sth 诈骗某…
    109for ever 永远
    110for good 永久
    111for oneself 独
    112for the better 转
    123for the moment 暂时
    124for the present 暂时
    125for the sake of …利益
    126for the time being 暂时
    127forbid sb from doing sth 准某做某事
    128forbid to do sth 禁止某做某事
    129force…on  …强加…
    130force to do sth 强迫某做某事
    131 force 强迫
    132 in force 实施中效
    133go into force 开始生效
    134foreign to 非…原
    135forget it 没关系
    136forgive sb for doing sth 原谅某做某事
    137 the form of …形式
    138 fortunate for sb to do sth 幸运做某事
    139 fortunate in 幸运运气
    140 freed from 免受
    141 with 慷慨
    142 free 免费
    143for free 免费
    144set free 释放
    145make friends with 某交朋友
    146 friendly towith sb …交
    147from time to time 时
    148 front of …前面(物体外部)
    149 the front of …前面(物体部)
    150 full of …充满
    151full up 客满
    152make fun of 嘲笑
    153furnish sb with sth 某提供某物
    154furnish sth to sb 某提供某物
    155fuss about 瞎忙…
    1gather together 聚集
    2gather up 收集
    3in general 通常
    4get a bargain 买便宜货
    5get about 四处走动传开
    6get across 传达…通讲清楚解触犯
    7get alongon (with) 进展…相处
    8get away 逃走跑掉走开离开摆脱
    9get back 返回恢复取回继续做
    10get back to 答复某回某事
    11get back from …回返回
    12get by 勉强够花
    13get close to
    14get down (高处)跪弯腰
    15get down to 开始认真事认真考虑某事
    16get in 进站达回收集请…做进入()陷入
    17get in touch with 联系
    18get into 染(坏惯)陷入(困境)
    19get hold onof 抓住
    20get nowhere with 毫进展
    21get off 班车起飞(动身)离开受惩罚放脱
    22get on 车活
    23get out 出版发表生产逃走
    24get out of 车走出离开摆脱逐渐放弃避免说出公
    25get over 疾病(震惊等)中恢复常态克服
    26get round 消息(传开)走动处旅行
    27get rid of 掉戒(坏惯)
    28get the hang of 熟悉掌握
    29get through
    例The operator finally got me through通电话
    He has got through 1000 dollars in less than a year完
    She has got through the examination通
    I’ll be with you as soon as I get through the work做完
    30get to arrive atin reach 达
    31get together 相聚
    32get up 起身站起起床组织筹划
    33get up as 扮成
    34get used to doing 惯
    35give away ①泄露(秘密)②分发
    36give back …恢复(健康情绪)
    37give in 勉强意屈服认输呈交宣布发表 
    38give in to sb 某步
    39give off 发出(蒸汽烟)发散(光线)放出(气味)
    40give out ①散发②宣布③完④精疲力竭⑤耗全力⑥发出声音
    41give up 放弃中止停止结束某物交某投降泄露
    42give sb sth give sth to sb 某物某
    43be gald about sth …高兴
    44glance around 环视
    45glance at 瞥
    46take a glancelook at 眼(强调动作)
    47glare at (生气)瞪
    48catchget a glimpse of 瞥见(强调结果)
    49be glorious in …方面辉煌灿烂
    50a glorious view 壮观
    51glory in …意夸耀
    52be glued to 粘着…离开
    53glue oneself to 集中注意
    54go about sth 开始做…(事)流传变成前进
    55go after sbsth 追求某某物
    56go against 违背
    57go ahead ①开始做某事 ②进行进展 ③表意
    58go around 传开
    59go away 走开离家出走消失外出度假
    60go back to 追溯返回
    61go beyond 超出
    62go by (时间)消逝
    63go down (价格)跌(气温)降
    64go for 攻击适取(…)力做争取
    65go in for 参加(赛考试)爱
    66go into 调查
    67go off 爆炸开火中断(灯光)熄灭离开出发逃走
    68go on (with sthto do sth) 继续发生
    69go out (灯炉火)熄灭出送出发出出[国](妇女)离家工作辞职退职台流行(衣服样式等)时参加社交活动交际出版(时间)罢工垮倒塌参加(心)(to)失知觉入睡…充满情
    70go over (仔细)检查复渡走完转(to)改变立场
    71go roundaround 足够分配
    72go steady with 某确定关系
    73go through  通头尾阅读排练历
    74go up  涨增长兴建
    75go without 勉强维持凑合
    76go without sth 没…行
    77as good as …样
    78be good at 擅长
    79be good for …处
    80be good to …心
    81for good 义词for ever 永远长期
    82take…for granted …认理然
    83be grateful to sb for sth 某事感激某
    84fall to the ground (计划希等)失败落空
    85grow up 成长逐渐发展形成
    86guard against 警惕防止 
    87be on guard 站岗
    88be on one’s guard 警惕提防
    89keep guard 守
    90guess at  猜估计
    91by guess  猜
    92be guilty about …感疚
    93be guilty of …负责

    1be in the habit of 惯
    2break off a habit 改掉(某种惯)
    3get into the habit of 养成…惯
    4get out of the habit of 改掉…惯
    5had better do
    6half athe 名词 数词 + 名词 + and a half 数词 + and a half + 名词
    7hand back 某物
    8hand down
    例This custom has been hand down since the 18th century…传
    9hand in …交
    10hand off (告示)请勿动手
    11hand out 分发(某物)
    12hand over(to sb)
    例Thief was handed over to the police 移交
    13hand up 举手
    14at hand 前
    15by hand 手工
    16in hand 手 控制住
    17in the hands of …掌握 控制
    18off hand 马毫准备
    19on hand 现(帮助)场放手边
    20on the one hand…on the other hand… 方面…方面…
    21hand in glove with 狼狈奸 密切合作
    22live from hand to mouth 勉强度日现挣现吃
    23a handful of 少数
    24handle with (手)搬运时…
    25hang about 闲荡逗留
    26hang behind 落…面
    27hang on hold on (电话)挂断坚持抓紧等
    28hang on to 紧紧握住…
    29hang out 常某…挂出
    30hang out with sb 某闲逛
    31hang over 挂……
    32hang together 相符齐心协力
    33hang up 挂断电话
    34happen to… 某某物出事
    35happen onupon sb 偶然发现某
    36hardly any 没
    37hardly…before… ……
    38hardly ever 少
    39hardly…when… ……
    40do harm to …伤害
    41in harmony with sb 某联手
    42out of harmony with …协调
    43hasten sth to 火速…送…
    44hasten to 赶…
    45have a gift for …天赋
    46have sb downinup …做客(down城市请乡up乡请城)
    47at the head of …前头
    48have a long head 远见
    49have a good head for …
    50from head to foot 头脚
    51at the head of 居…首位
    52head down to   …进发动身
    53head for …进发
    54head on 迎面正面
    55hear from 收某信
    56hear ofabout 听说某事(注重容)
    57hear sb out 听某话讲完
    58at heart 质心里
    59by heart 熟记 背(诵)
    60in one’s heart 心深处事实
    61to one’s heart’s content 情
    62with all one’s heart 全心全意
    63the heart of city 市中心
    64heart and soul 全心全意
    65give heart to sb 鼓励某
    66lose heart 灰心
    67losegive one’s heart to sb 爱某
    68put one’s heart into 热衷
    69take sth to heart 深某事感动
    70help sb with …帮助某
    71help sb offon with 帮某脱穿…
    72help sb out 帮某解决难题等
    73help oneself to 便(便吃)
    74with the help of …帮助
    75hesitate about 做…犹豫决
    76hesitate at 某事犹豫
    77hide sth from sb 某隐瞒…
    78hinder sb in 妨碍某…
    79hinder…from 义词stop…from 阻碍…做
    80hint at 暗示…
    81hire oneself to 受雇
    82be in the hire of sb 受雇某
    83hire onout 接受雇
    84hit against 撞…
    85hit off with 适合…
    86hit out at sb 抨击某某
    87hit sb up for 请求某…
    88hold a meeting 开会
    89hold back ①犹豫决②隐瞒③阻止
    90hold back from …隐瞒
    91hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
    92hold down 控制(升)压制
    93hold in 约束…抑制…
    94hold power 掌权
    95get hold of 抓住
    96hold off 拖延保持距离
    97hold on 挂断(电话)
    98hold on to 紧紧抓住(尤指坚持放)送卖(某物)
    99hold out 出(衣服试穿)坚持(抵抗)顶住(压力)
    100hold out sth 提供机会予希
    101hold out against …退
    102hold out for …坚持住
    103hold out for sth 坚持求
    104hold out till 坚持…时刻
    105hold to 坚持(原)
    106hold over 延期…挟
    107hold up …延误举起
    108hold sbsth up 抬起延迟阻碍
    109hold the attention to 吸引…
    110hold together 团结起
    111catchtake hold of 抓住
    112get hold of 找
    113on holiday 休假
    114take a holiday 休假
    115on one’s way home 某回家路
    116 honest in 诚实
    117have the hono(u)r of sth 幸做某事
    118 hono(u)r of sth 出…敬意
    119 one’s honour 义词in honour of 祝贺纪念
    120on one’s honour 某名誉担保
    121hope for 希(某事发生)希
    122 the hope of 抱…希
    123 one’s horror 令某感恐惧
    124hunt for 搜寻
    125hungry for 渴
    126hurry awayoff 匆忙离
    127hurry through 匆忙赶完
    128hurry up (with sth) 赶紧
    129 a hurry 迅速匆忙
    130 no hurry 赶时间
    1be identical with 义词exactly alike 完全相
    2be identified with 视…等
    3identify oneself with 参加…中间
    4identify sth with 认……致
    5idle aboutalong 闲逛
    6idle away 虚度时间
    7if only 愿…算…行怕…
    8only if
    9if anything (表达法否定句表反意见)
    10if not 然
    11if so 果话
    12if ever 果话
    13ever if 然
    14what if …办
    15be in ignorance of 知道…
    16be ignorant of …解
    17immigrate into 移民…
    18immunize sb against 某…免疫力
    19have a greatstrong impact on …重影响
    20impact on …强烈影响
    21impatient at sth 耐烦
    22impatient for 渴
    23impatient of 法容忍
    24impel sb to 促某…程度
    25implore sb for sth …恳求某
    26import sth from …进口…
    27importune sb for sth 某强求
    28impose…on  …强加
    29impress sth on sb 某…留强烈印象
    30impress sb with sth 某留…印象
    31make an impression on sb 义词give sb an impression 某留印象
    32one’s impression of sth 某…印象
    33createleave an… impression on sb 某留造成…印象
    34give sb a goodbad impression 某留坏印象
    35be under the impression that 认…
    36improve in 义词get better 改进
    37improve on 做物原物更
    38improve sth 义词make sth better 原物改进
    39make improvement in 表示原物改进转
    40in (the)light of 鉴
    41in a hurry 匆忙
    42in a moment 立刻
    43in a sense 某种意义说
    44in a way 某种程度
    45in a word 句话
    46in accordance with …致
    47in addition 外
    48in addition to …外()
    49in advance 预先
    50in all 总
    51in any case
    52in any event
    53in brief 简单说
    54in case of 假
    55in charge of 负责
    56in common with
    57in consequence(of)
    58in debt 欠债
    59in detail 详细
    60in difficulty 处境困难
    61in effect 实际
    62in favor of 支持
    63in front of …前(外部)
    64in the front of …前(部)
    65in general 般说
    66in half 成两半
    67in hand 办理
    68in honor of 纪念
    69in itself 质身言
    70in line with …致
    71in memory of 纪念
    72in no case 决
    73in no time 立
    74in no way 决
    75in order 序
    76in other words 换句话说
    77in part 部分
    78in particular 尤
    79in person 亲
    80in place of 代
    81in place 合适位置
    82in practice 实践中实际
    83in proportion to …成例
    84in public 公开
    85in quantity 量
    86in question 正谈
    87in relation to 涉
    88in return 作回报
    89in return for 作…报答
    90in short 总
    91in sight 见
    92in spite of
    93in step with …致协调
    94in tears 哭着
    95in the companywake of 着
    96in the course of …期间程中
    97in the distance 远处
    98in the end 终
    99in the event of 万
    100 the face of …面前
    101 the first place 首先
    102 the future 未
    103 the heat of the day 天中热时候
    104 the least 丝毫
    105 the long run 长期
    106 the way 挡道
    107 the world 究竟
    108 time 时
    109 touch 联系
    110 turn 轮流
    110 vain 徒劳
    111clude a note 藏纸条
    112include…in …列…里面
    113clusive of …包括
    including sbsth sbsth include
    eg:the book contains twelve unitsincluding two mainly revisions
    104cline to 倾…
    105crease by 增加…
    106crease to 增加…
    107dependent of 独立受约束
    108dicative of 表明 说明
    109different to 兴趣关心
    110dignant with sb 愤慨
    111dispose sb for 某适应…
    112indispose sb to 某厌恶…
    113fect…with sth 感染…
    114fer sth from …推出
    115inferior to 低
    116have a stronggreat influence on …重影响
    117under the influence of …影响
    118form againston 告发举报检举
    119form sb of sth 通知某…
    120fuse sth into sbsth 赋…某种东西
    121fuse sth with …注入…
    122hibit sb from 禁止某做…
    123initiate sb into 某加入…
    124ject sth into …注射…
    125innocent of 辜
    126innovate inonupon …创新
    127inoculate sb against 某注射…疫苗
    128inquire after 问起某生活等情况
    129quire for 询问点
    130inquire of sb about sth 问某…
    131sert sth ininto …插入…登载广告
    132insist onupon 坚决张…
    133insist that…(should)do 坚持求
    134insist that…did 坚持说
    135inspire sb to do sth 激励某…程度
    136inspire sb with 鼓起某…(信心勇气等)
    137for an instant 瞬间
    138 an instant 立刻
    139on an instant 立
    140the instant ……
    141instead of 代
    142instruct sb in sth 指导某
    143follow the instructions 说明做
    144insure…for …保险(少钱)
    145insure…against …保险
    扩展ensure 安全 assure…(of) …确信保证
    146integrate…with ……结合
    147integrate sth into …入…
    148tended to do 算
    149 intended for …设计
    150intend…for 算…
    151intent on 专心
    152teract on 相互影响(…)
    153 interest in …感兴趣
    154havetake interest in …感兴趣
    155with interest 兴趣通某种关系
    156places of interest 名胜
    157interfere in 干涉
    158interfere with 扰某某事突抵触
    159 intervals 隔会 隔段距离
    160intervene in 干预
    161introduce sth into sth …输入引入…
    162introduce sb to sb 某引荐…
    163introduce oneself 介绍
    164invest in 投资…
    165investigate into …进行调查
    166invisible to 见
    167invite sb to 邀请某…
    168invite sth from sb 征求某…
    169 involved in 卷入…
    170involved with 涉
    171isolate…from ……隔离开
    172issue from …流出
    173issue in 导致…
    174 itself 动独
    175 itself 质
    176of itself 行
    177 itself 独占
    1be jealous of 妒忌
    join in参加正进行活动(聚会)
    join参加(组织the clubpartyteamsb)
    take part in 参加群众性活动
    attend 出席(会议meetingwedding)
    2join sth to ……连结起
    3join up 参军
    4join sth with ……结合
    5joke with sb about sth 某开…玩笑
    6make a joke ofabout …开玩笑
    7play a joke on sb 取笑
    8jolt along …震动摇晃
    9to one’s joy 令某高兴
    10judging byfrom …判断
    11judge of …作评价
    12just as 正…时候
    13jump at 抢着接受
    14jump for …跳跃
    15jump from… to 突然话题跃话题
    16jump into 跳入
    17jump over 跨栏
    18jump on 叱责
    19junior to sb 年纪较…轻职位较…低
    20just a moment 稍等会请稍等
    21not just…but… 仅……
    22just now 刚
    23in justice to …公正起见
    24with justice to 公道公正讲
    1be keen on 喜爱 渴
    2keep at 坚持做…停做…
    3keep away …离开避开
    4keep away from 远离避开接
    5keep back
    例He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something back 隐瞒
    Finallyhe did not give her the right changebut kept back five pounds扣留
    6keep down 控制镇压弯腰蹲
    7keep one's eyes on 关注
    8keep sth from sb 某隐瞒…
    9keep…in …抑制住隐瞒…
    10keep in with 继续…相
    11keep off (雨雪等)暂时停…接……驱开
    12keep on 继续做…
    13keep on at 纠缠某
    14keep out …进入参加(警示语)请勿
    15keep out of …置身…外
    16keep to oneself 保守秘密…
    17keep track of 留心记录掌握…线索保持…联系
    18keep up (天气)持续…变化保持良状态
    19keep up with 赶…肩前进…保持接触
    20keep a close watch on 密切注视
    21kick againstat 抗议……发牢骚
    22kick off 开球
    23kick out 某撵走
    24be kind (of sb) to do sth 心做…
    25be kind to …友
    26all kinds of 式样
    27kind of 稍微点
    28of a kind 徒名类
    29kill off 消灭…
    30kind ofsort of somewhat 点
    31kneel beforedownto 跪
    32knit sth into …编入…
    33knock about 漫游表示某物方知确切位置
    34knock down 倒某拆毁建筑物杀价
    35knock down for 求某…
    36knock … off 停止某事谋杀偷抢劫减价
    37knock out 击倒昏睡完成…淘汰出(赛)…吃惊
    38knock over 撞倒
    39knock aton 敲门
    40knock under to …屈服
    41knock up against …突偶然碰见
    42know aboutof… 知道听说
    43know nothing about …知
    44know…from 区分……
    45have a good knowledge of 熟知
    46to(the best of) one’s knowledge …知

    1(a)lack of 缺少
    2be lacking of 缺少
    3lag behind 落…
    4land…at …送……达
    5land up at …歇脚
    6at larg ①逃逍遥法外②般说体③详细
    7last out 坚持
    8the last minutemoment 紧关头
    9be late for 迟
    10early and last 早晚
    11early or last 迟早
    12laugh at 嘲笑某
    13laugh away 笑驱烦恼等
    14laugh down 笑声断…
    15laugh over 笑着谈…
    16launch sth against sb 某发出命令威胁等
    17launch into 投入…
    18launch onupon 着手进行
    19launch sb ininto 某进入…
    20lay aside …放边…留
    21lay away …留积蓄
    22lay down 中断(工作)辞职放弃规定制定(条例规定)
    23lay off 停止岗…
    24lay on 提供加(惩罚命令)…猛攻…
    25lay on for …安排…
    26lay out 展示…安排设置…
    27lay to (功)…
    28lay stressemphasis on 强调
    29lead to 导致…
    30lead…(from…)to (…)…引…
    31lead up to 导致…原渐渐引某话题
    32lean against (背)着…
    33leap from…to …跳…
    34leap to 立做出…
    35leap…over …跃…
    36leap with …跳跃
    37learn from …学
    38learn of 听说…
    39least of all 尤
    40not least 特尤
    41at least 少
    42in the least (bit) 点丝毫极少
    43leave…alone 扰
    44leave aside 予考虑搁置边
    45leave…behind 留…忘带
    46leave sth for sb …留某
    47leave off 停止做…
    48leave out 包括考虑省…
    49leave over 留……延期
    50leave sth (up) to sb …交付某
    51leave sth with sb …交某
    52leave a message for sb 某留口信
    53at one’s leisure …空时候
    54lend…to …交
    55lend oneself to 帮助…屈…
    56let alone 更说
    57let…down …失
    58let in …进招致祸害等
    59let sb in for 某遭…
    60let sb into 某进入…某知道…
    61let…off 放烟火放掉蒸气…轻处罚
    62let on to …泄露秘密
    63let out 放掉泄漏放宽[长]骂出租包散场解雇
    64be liable for …责
    65be liable to 易
    66be at liberty to do 权做做…
    67take the liberty of 擅
    68lie about sth to sb …某撒谎乱放
    69lie behind sth …真实原
    70lie down 躺卧
    71lie in 睡懒觉
    72lie in wait (for sb) 等机会伏击某
    73lie onupon …相邻位赖…压迫…
    74lie sb out of sth 某处骗取…
    75lie under 蒙受…
    lie—lay—lain 躺位
    lie—lied—lied 撒谎
    lay—laid—laid 蛋放置
    76give sb a lift 某搭便车
    77light up 亮……变亮
    78in the light of 考虑(未)
    79castshedthrow light on 阐明
    80if you like 果愿意话换句话说
    81something like 约…相似
    82be likely to do 做
    83be likely that… 做
    84limit…to …限定…
    85line up 排队组织安排
    86link sth with ……结合起
    87link up with …连接
    88listen in to 监听…
    89listen to 留神听…
    90live by …生活
    91live for …生活目标
    92live off 住…外…供养住…外
    93live on …食继续活着…生活
    94live out 实践活(段时间)住校(走读)
    95live through 历某事物幸存受住…
    96live up to 达辜负实践誓言等做……相等
    97live with sthsb 忍受(压力快)…住起
    98lock sb inout 某锁……外
    99lock sth away …锁藏起
    100long for  渴
    101for long  长久
    102long before 久前
    103before long 久
    104long after …久
    105long ago 久前
    106long since 久前久
    107 long 见
    108 the long run 义词in the end 长远说
    扩展 in the short term 短期说
    109look about 环顾
    110look after 料…
    111look ahead 前负责处理
    112look around 环顾四周
    113look at 查…考虑着眼…
    114look back on 回忆(事)
    115look down onupon 鄙视起…
    116look for 寻找…期…( hunt for)找工作
    117look forward to doing 盼(做)…
    118look in(on sb) 便(某)
    119look into 观察调查…里面窥视浏览
    120look on 观合读书旁观
    121look on sb with …某
    122look on with sb 某合读…
    123look out(+for…) 心留心寻觅考虑…利益
    124look over 检阅逐检查
    125look through 翻阅穿
    126look to …注意…
    127look up 查阅 (字典资料)(物价)涨(形势)转
    128look up to 尊敬
    129look upon 作认…(接 as)
    130look through 预览温审核查…中显露出
    131lose one’s way 迷路
    132lose the point 弄错
    133 a loss 知措迷茫
    134lots of 许
    135 at first sight 见钟情
    136loyal to 忠
    1magnify oneself against sb 抬高反某
    2major in 修(某课程)
    3make after 追逐
    4make away 离逃
    5make away with 携…逃摧毁…浪费…
    6make do with …设法付…凑合着…
    7make ends meet 收支相抵
    8make for ……移动促成
    9be made from 原材料
    10be made of 原材料
    11make in 干涉加入纷争
    12make into …制成……转变
    13make off 匆忙离逃走
    14make off with 携…逃
    15make out 弄清楚理解(询问否处理)应付开出写出
    16 make over (正式法) 转移交改造(衣服等)改制改写
    17make sense of …意义
    18make up 扮编造事谎言作出补偿
    19make up for 弥补…衡
    20make up to 接巴结追求(女)
    21make up with sb 某解
    22make with 产生…(手眼等)做动作
    23make up one’s mind to do 定决心做某事
    24make it 获成功(困难情况)准时达
    25make progress in 取进步
    26make room for 腾位子
    27make full use of 充分利
    28make the most of 充分利
    29manage to do 设法做
    30manage withwithout 没帮助处理…
    31in a manner 某种意义
    32in the manner of …典型风格
    33manufacture sth frominto …制成
    34march on 进军
    35march out of 毅然走出
    36marry sb 嫁某
    37get married (to) (…)结婚
    38be married (to)+ 段时间连(…) 结婚
    39match…againstwith ……赛
    40be no match for sb …手
    41as a matter of fact 事实
    42for that matter 方面
    43it doesn’t matter 没关系
    44mature into 成长…
    45may as well do 妨做做…
    46may well do
    47what do you mean by… 说…话什意思
    48mean for 准备…
    49by all means 然行没问题
    50by any means
    51by means of …方法
    52by no means 决(by no means 置句首时句子倒装)
    53means of transportcommunication 运输(通信)工具
    54You know what I means 知道说意思表解释说明
    55measure up 测量
    56measure up to 符合达…
    57take measure to do 采取措施
    58meet up with 偶尔碰见…
    59meet with 遇见…遭受
    60in memory of 纪念
    61mention to sb 某讲起
    62don’t mention it (道谢时回答)客气
    63at the mercy of sbsth …摆布
    64have mercy on sb …仁慈
    65show mercy to …情
    66a mess of 许量
    67make a mess of …(工作计划)团糟
    68in a mess 混乱
    69might as well do 妨做做…
    70might as well do A as do B 做B做A
    71the minute that as soon as ……
    72in a minute 立刻
    73just a minute 稍等片刻
    74mistake…for …错认…
    75mix sth with sth ……混合起
    76mix up 搅匀…混淆…
    77at the moment 时
    78for the moment 目前暂时
    79for a moment 会
    80in a moment 会马
    81just a moment 稍等片刻
    82in the mood for 情绪做…心境做
    83be more than not only 仅仅
    84more or less 差约概
    85much more 更加况
    more than :1)+名词: 2)+形容词副词:非常 3)+数词:止
    more…than: …说
    no more than :仅仅(相only)…样(相not…any more than)
    no more…(否定)than… (否定):…样…
    not more than: at most 超
    not more…(肯定) than… (否定):说…说…
    not more…than…:
    86for the most part 部分
    87at most 超
    88make a most of 充分利
    a most + adj:非常
    the most + adj:(表高级)
    89mothod of …方法
    90motion to sb 某示意做…
    91mourn for 哀悼
    92move aboutaround 四处走动
    93move along 前移动
    94move away 离开走开
    95move down 移降
    96move in(on sb) …逼
    97move into 搬进迁入
    98move off 离走掉
    99move on(to) 开始做(事)换(话题)
    100move overup 挪开
    101move to 搬家迁移…
    102much too +adjadv |too much +数名词
    103 much 样
    104 much as …样达
    105 much…as… …程度
    106 much as sb can do 难完成
    107 too much for 非…力
    108much as
    109much too 太
    110 much 全然
    111too much 太
    1by the name of 名
    2be named after …取名
    3in the name of …名义
    4narrow escape 九死生
    5native to (动植物)特产
    6be native to 特
    7native languagetongue 母语
    8necessary tofor 必
    9in need of 需
    10there is no need to do 没必做某事
    11next door 隔壁隔壁
    12next to 次
    13no doubt 疑
    14no less than 少…亚
    15no longer
    16no more than …样
    17no more
    18none but 仅仅
    19none other than 正
    20have none of 拒绝接受
    21above normal 高正常(温度)
    22take note of 注意…铭记心
    23nothing but 仅仅
    24for nothing 免费酬劳毫结果
    25have nothing on 远
    26have nothing to do with …关
    27take notice 注意
    28take no notice of +名词 理会…
    29do sth at short notice 少时间准备
    30until further notice 行通知前
    31notify sb of sth …通知某
    32now and then 偶尔
    33now that since 然
    34every now and againthen 偶尔
    35from now on 现开始
    36just now 刚现
    37right now 立刻
    38up to now 目前止
    1object to 义词 be opposed to 反
    2objection to (接动名词) 反
    3observe sb dodoing sth 某做某事
    4obstruct sb infrom 阻挠某做…
    5on occasion 义词 now and then 时必时
    6by occasion of 义词 because of
    7sb occupy oneself in 某正忙(做)…
    8sb be occupied in doingwith sth 某正忙(做)…
    9occur to sb 某想…
    10It occurred to sb to dothat 句 某想…
    11of all (名词前表吃惊)竟然偏偏
    12off and on 间歇
    13off duty 班
    14be better duty 济较宽裕
    15be off for sth 定数量东西
    16give offence to 触视
    17take offence at 某事生气
    18be offend bywith sb atfor sth 某事某生气
    19offend against 违背

    offer sth to sb
    offer sb for sth
    provide sth for sb
    provide sb with sth
    supply sth to sb
    supply sb with sth 某提供某物
    20on (the) one hand 方面
    21on a largesmall scale 规模
    22on account of
    23on behalf of 代表
    24on board 船(车飞机)
    25on business 出差
    26on condition that 果
    27on duty 值班
    28on earth 究竟
    29on fire 着火
    30on foot 步行
    31on guard 值班
    32on hand 场手边
    33on loan to
    34on occasion(s) 时
    35on one's guard 警惕
    36on one's own 独
    37on purpose 意
    38on sale 出售
    39on schedule 准时
    40on second thoughts 重新考虑
    41on the contrary 正相反
    42on the grounds of 根…
    43on the other hand 方面
    44on the point of …时刻
    45on the road 旅途中
    46on the side 作兼职
    47on the spot 场马
    48on the whole 体
    49on time 准时
    50on(anthe) average 通常
    51at once 立
    52all at once 突然时
    53for this once just for once 次破例回
    54once againmore 次
    55once and for all 永远劳永逸
    56all at once 立马
    57once in a while 义词 occasionally 偶尔
    58once more 次
    59once upon a time 前
    60all at once 突然
    61at once 马
    62just forthis once 仅次
    63one another 相互
    64only just 刚刚
    65only too 非常
    if only:引起条件状语句条件限制更严限制性条件状语句表示…… ()…时候唯条件…
    only if:引导条件句通常表示说话某事寄予某种强烈愿相as long as独立表示客观条件限制某事完全实现感惋惜遗憾复杂心情常虚拟语气
    66open intoononto 通…
    67open out  开…开发…表明
    68open up  畅欲言开(门容器)开业开张
    69be open to sb …开放愿意接受(考虑)…
    70operate onupon sb for 某某疾病开刀
    71operate (sb) on 某某部位动手术
    72operate to …起作
    73comego into operation 开始运转
    74putbring sth into operation …投产运转
    75in one's opinion 某
    76be opposed to…  反…
    77be opposite to …相反
    78in opposition to 反
    79or else 否
    80or so 约
    81in order 井井条处良状态合适恰
    82in order to do 目
    83in order that …
    84out of order 毛病出障违反规定
    85made to order 定做(衣服)
    86originate infrom 起源…引起
    87other than …外
    88quite other 完全
    89and otherwise 等等
    90or otherwise 相反情况
    91out of breath 喘气
    92out of control 失控制
    93out of date 时
    94out of door 户外
    95out of order 出障
    96out of place 适
    97out of practice 荒疏
    98out of sight 见视野外
    99out of the question 毫
    100out of touch 联系
    101on the outskirts (of) 城郊
    102over and over (again)
    103overflow with 充满…
    104owe…to sb …功某
    105owe sb for …欠某…
    106owe sb money 欠钱
    107owing to …
    108own up to 爽快承认…

    1keep pace with sb 某保持步调致
    2pack the lunch 准备午餐
    3pack sth for sb …准备
    4pack sb off 解雇某
    5pack with 某方挤满…塞满东西
    6pack up 完成工作…包整理
    7go to great pains 义词take pains 功夫努力
    8parallel to …等类似
    9parallel…with ……较
    10pardon sb for 做…请某原谅
    11part fromwith sb 某分手告
    12part with sth ……分开舍弃卖掉
    13take part in 参加
    14play a part in 参某事
    15for the most part 通常半
    16in part 部分某种程度
    17participate in 参…
    18participate with sb in 某分担…
    19be particular about 挑剔讲究
    20in particular 义词especially 特尤
    21pass away 消失世
    22pass by 理会
    23pass down (世代)相传递
    24pass off 进行避开停止
    25pass off as 充
    26pass on 传递
    27pass sth on sb 某提出批评宣布判…刑
    28pass sth to sb …传某
    29pass through …
    30(a) passion for …热爱热情
    31be patient with …耐心
    32pause on 某方面某点停止(暂停)
    33pay back 偿报复惩罚
    34pay down 现金支付
    35pay for ①付酬②清③受…报应
    36pay off 付清某工资债务取成功
    37pay sth to sb 某表示问候访问某等
    38peculiar to 独特独
    39penalty for  …处罚罚金

    would rather +句
    would rather do than (to)do
    prefer to doing to doing
    prefer to do than (to)do 宁愿(前者)愿(者)
    40give a performance of 演出
    41permit of 容许某事
    42persuade sb into 说服某做…
    43persuade sb out of sth 劝某取消
    44persuade sb to sth 劝某意…
    45phone (sth) to sb 某电话(告诉…)
    46pick off 选择目标射击剪
    47pick on 意刁难挑剔选中挑选
    48pick out 精心挑出辨[区]出弄明白领会(文章等意义)
    49pick over …挑选辨出
    50pick up
    例She picked up the little book and give it to him拾起(物品)
    He has picked up some bad habits at that club沾染
    He picked up French while he was staying in Paris(非正式)学意中学会(语言)
    Pick me up at the hotels接()
    This room must be picked up before the guests arrive整理收拾
    The class picked up the story where they had left it继续讲(事)
    We picked up the radio signals on our receiver接收
    51pick up on …熟悉起
    52pile up 堆积
    53have pity on sb 某表示情
    54feel pity for sb 情某
    55in place of 代
    56in the first place 第究竟
    57take the place of 代
    58place sth onin sb 某寄予希信
    59plan on 算做…
    60play along with 参……合作假意
    61play at 做游戏参加赛等做事敷衍事
    62play at sb in sth …某开玩笑
    63play out 戏演完赛进行底
    64play onupon 择手段利…
    65play upon to 演戏中…配合迎合…
    66play a part in …中发挥作
    67play a joketrick on 戏弄
    68take(a) pleasure in 喜欢做某事
    69plenty of 量
    70plug in 塞子插头塞入插进…
    71pointattotowards 指着…暗示…
    72point out 义词indicate 指出…
    73beside the point 切正题关紧
    74come to the point 谈问题
    75to the point 切题
    76be on the point of doing sth 刚做
    77there is no point in doing sth 没必做某事
    78be popular with 受…喜爱
    79possess sb of sth 某占
    80post…over with… 面贴满…
    81pour into …投入量金钱量投资
    82pour out (to sb) 迸发畅欲言
    83practise at 开业做(医生律师等)
    84practise in 练…
    85practise uponon 欺骗某利某缺点
    86praise sb for sth 某…受赞扬
    87be in praise of 赞扬
    88pray to sb for sth 恳求
    89pray sb for sth 某恳求某事
    90precede sth bywith …加引言
    91prepare for …准备
    92prepare sb for sth 某…准备
    93prepare sth for sth …准备
    94prescribe forto …命令…开处方
    95present the ideas 陈述观点
    96be present at 出席
    97for the present 暂时
    98present sth to sb 某物送某
    99present sb with sth 某物送某
    100 present 现
    101for the present 暂时目前
    102preside atover 持会议等
    103 ahead 匆忙前进坚决继续进行
    104press( + sb) into 催促某做…
    105press( + sb) for 强迫某…
    106press( + sb) on sb …强加某
    107prevail onuponwith sb 劝说某做…
    108prevail over 胜…
    109preventstopkeep sb from 阻止某做…
    110take pride in …豪
    111print sth on …牢记…
    112prior to …前
    113 private 私
    114proceed against sb for sth …某起诉
    115proceed from ……着手出
    116profit byfrom …中益利…
    117prohibit sb from 阻止某做…
    118pronounce on …发表意见
    119pronounce…on sb 宜判某…
    120propose to sb 某求婚
    121protect…from 保护…免…
    122 proud of …豪

    provide sth for sb
    provide sb with sth
    offer sth to sb
    offer sb for sth
    supply sth to sb
    supply sb with sth 某提供某物
    123provoke sb into 惹某…
    124cast sb into prison …投入监狱
    125put sb in prison …投入监狱
    126sendtake sb to prison …投入监狱
    127throw sb in prison …投入监狱
    128pull about …拖拖粗暴
    129pull away 脱身离开
    130pull down 拉倒摧毁……精神振
    131pull in (火车)进站驶路边(某处)停拘留(问话)
    132pull off 脱衣努力实现…
    133pull out 拔出…撤走…渡难关驶离路边
    134pull sb through 某渡困难
    135pull together 齐心协力
    136pull sth on sb 拔出刀枪等着某
    137pump sb for sth sth out of sb 某处探出…
    138 punctual for 准时
    139punish sb for sth 某事处罚某
    140purchase…with 鲜血牺牲生命换…
    141on purpose 意
    142push around …推推烦扰欺侮…
    143push on to 努力…推进前进
    144push on with 加紧工作学等
    145push sb on 促某继续做
    146push sb over 某推倒刮倒
    147push through …通
    148put about …转散布…麻烦…
    149put across 表达清楚
    150put aside 忽视某物储存
    151put away 积蓄攒钱…收起放回原处…送监狱
    152put back 放回原处拨慢推迟 
    153put down 写记搁(桌子)放镇压定
    154put by 放边避开(质问等)储蓄储存…备
    155put down 镇压放拒绝控制记录取缔击败(飞机)
    156put…down atfor 估计…认…
    157put…down to …记某账
    158put forth (正式)长出
    159put forward 提出(计划建议)推荐…提前拨快时钟
    160put in 插嘴选举安装填
    161put into effect 实行
    162put into force 生效
    163put into power 权
    164put into shape …整理井井条
    165put off 推迟…搪塞脱掉…扔掉换方关掉避开
    166put sb off 某失…某分心等
    167put on 演装作发胖穿抹
    168put sb on to 引起某…注意
    169put out 熄灭扑灭清理掉公布出版广播
    170put sb through 组织某受考验
    171put up 提升树立举起抬起张开(伞)张贴公布接…提供食宿提供(资金)供应(某事需钱)表现出做出出售推荐(某做某事)建筑
    172put someone up 某提供住宿
    173put upon 欺骗……成牺牲品
    174put up with 忍受受苦
    175puzzle…aboutover …难窘困
    1qualify sb for sth 某工作职务等合格
    2be qualified for 某种职业合格
    3be qualified in 某种科目学科合格
    4quarrel with sb 某吵嘴争吵
    5quarrel with sthsb 责备…
    6question sb on sth 问题等询间某
    7call…in question …表示怀疑
    8beyond (all) question 义词without question 毫疑问
    9out of the question 义词impossible
    10in question 义词under discussion 谈
    11without question 毫疑问
    12quite a few 相
    1race with sb 某赛跑
    2rage againstat 某某事发脾气
    3be caught in the rain 雨淋
    4raise sb from 某…站起
    5raise sth to sb 某举起…
    6at random 便意胡乱
    7range between 范围……间等
    8range from…to …变动…(……间变动)
    9range over 涉包括
    10at any rate 义词at all events 总
    11rather than …()
    12reach an agreement 达成致
    13reach for 伸手取…
    14reach out to sb 某感兴趣愿意提供帮助
    15beyond the reach of 法达(理解)
    16out of reach of  法够
    17within reach of 义词within one’s reach 够
    18react against 反抗
    19react on …影响
    20react to …作出反应
    21read aboutof 谈获悉…
    22read out 宣告开…声读出…
    23read sth through …头读尾
    24in reality 义词in fact really 事实
    25reason for …原
    26reason sb into sth 劝说某做…
    27reason sb out of sth 劝说某做…
    28reason with sb againstfor 反赞成…某评理
    29by reason of 义词because of
    30it stands to reason that … 理然
    31reason with 义词argue 劝说
    32recall sb to 某想起…
    33receive sth from sb 某…
    34receive sb into 接受某加入…
    35recommend sb for 推荐某加入…
    36recommend…to … 托付…
    37recompense sb for 补偿某…
    38recognize…as… 承认……
    39recognize…to be… 认……
    40recover from …状态恢复
    41in the red 亏损负债赤字
    42reduce sth by 减少…
    43reduce…to …减少…
    44refer to 谈涉…查阅指功
    45refer…to… 送交呈交
    46refer to…as  …称做…
    47within reference to 关
    48reflect in 映出…
    49reflect onupon 思考…
    50refrain from 忍住抑制住做…
    51within regard to 义词concerning 关关
    52give one’s regards to sb …问候
    53regardless of 义词despite in spite of 顾
    54reinforce…with 沉陷…
    55relate to ……相处
    56relate…towith ……联系显示……关系
    57inwith relation to 关关
    58relative to …关
    59relevant to …关
    60to one’s relief 令…感放心
    61relieve sb from 消某…
    62relieve…of …解苦痛等
    63rely on 信赖
    64remark onupon …发表评
    65remedy for …治疗法补救药物
    66remember sb to sb 代……致意
    67remind sb of 某想起…
    68remove sb from …某开
    69render sth to …做汇报
    70rent atfor 租金(少钱)
    71rent sth tofrom 租(房子等)……租…
    72in good repairs 义词in good conditions 处良状态
    73repay sb for 报答某…
    74repeat sth to (讲话)传…
    75represent sth to sb …陈述
    76representative of 代表…
    77replace…bywith …取代
    78reply to 回复…
    79report of 说出…印象
    80report onupon 报告汇报某事
    81report to …报
    82represent sth to 某讲述…
    83reproach sb forwith …指责某
    84at the request of sbat one’s request 应某请求
    85by request 应邀
    86on request 求
    87request sth from sb 某请求某物…
    88request of sb 恳求某…
    89require of sb 求某…
    90rescue sb from …状况营救某
    91the arrival of the rescue 救援
    92research into 调查…
    93resemble in …类似
    94reserve sth for sb …储蓄…
    95reside atin 住…
    96resign from 辞…职务
    97resign one's post 辞职
    98resign…to …交付…
    99resign oneself to 屈服陷入…
    100resist doing 阻挡做…
    101resolve sb onto dothat… 某决心做…
    102resort to 诉诸…求助…
    103resort to force 诉诸武力
    104with respect to 义词concerning 关关
    105respond to …反应(药)效
    106 response to 回答反应
    107have responsible to do 着做某事责
    108take responsible for 负责…原
    109 on 义词be supported by 视线停留…搁…赖
    110 with …手中取决……
    111restore sb to 某恢复…
    112restrict…to 义词keep within limits …限制
    113restrain…from 义词hold back from 制止…做…
    114果result from …引起
    115result in lead to果 导致…
    116 a result 结果
    117 a result of
    118with the result that 结果
    119retire from …退休
    120retreat from 放弃……退出
    121 return 作回报
    122 return for 作…报答
    123return from …回
    124return to …回复(话题等)恢复职务
    125reward sb for …答谢某
    126rich in 富
    127get rid of 摆脱掉
    128ride inon 坐骑…
    129right awayoff 立刻
    130right now 现立刻
    131ring…aboutinround 包围围拢…
    132ring back 回电话
    133ring off 挂断电话
    134ring for 铃…
    135ring sb up 电话…
    136rise from …升起复活
    137rise by 增加…
    138rise to 增加…
    139give rise to 义词lead to 引起导致
    140 risk 险
    141take risk of …风险
    142 the risk of 着…风险
    143rob sb of sth 抢劫某…
    144roll down 摇
    145roll in 量涌入姗姗迟
    146make room for 腾出空间
    147root in 扎根…
    148root…outup 根清…
    149rouse sb (up) from 某觉悟唤醒某
    150rouse sb for …唤醒某
    151rub along 起日子两勉强相处
    152rub away 擦…
    153rub down 力擦遍……擦亮
    154rub off 消…
    155come to ruin 崩溃毁灭
    156fall into ruin 崩塌
    157lie in ruins 化废墟
    158rule out 排
    159 a rule 般言
    160break a rule 违反规
    161under the rule of …统治
    162rule out 排…性
    163make it a rule to do make a rule of doing惯做
    164 across 偶然
    165 after 追逐追赶
    166 away 走掉跑掉
    167 away with 轻易举赢…耐住
    168 back with sb 带着…跑回
    169 down ()耗量停止工作…逐渐失作…撞
    170 for 竞选
    171 in 跑进便探访
    172 into 偶然遇途中遇(恶劣天气)碰(困境麻烦等)达

    173 off …逃跑…流掉进行试验等
    174 out 耗完期失效
    175 out of 完…
    176 over 溢出撞倒碾扎快速阅读
    177 through 快速阅读
    178 up against 意外碰困难遇某
    179 up to 跑…达…积累…
    180rush atonupon 奔…
    181rush hours 班高峰
    182rush intoout of 闯入…
    183rush intoto 仓促…
    184rush back to sp to do 跑回某做某事
    1safe and sound 安然恙
    2in safety 安全
    3sail for 船开…
    4sail into 船驶进…
    5sail through 利通(考试)
    6for the sake of …起见
    7on sale 出售廉价出售
    8be for sale  售
    9on sale 出售 市
    10set sail 启航
    11just the same
    12the same as …样
    13at the same time 时
    14thank you all the same 然感谢(尤指没什帮助时然需
    15to one’s satisfaction 令满意
    16be satisfied with …满意
    17save sb from 某…救
    18save sth for …节省节约钱时间等保留
    19save up 储蓄攒钱
    20save the situation 扭转局面
    21say sth in 某种语言讲…
    22to say the least 毫夸张说
    23that is to say 换句话说
    24as the saying goes 常言道
    25on a large scale  规模
    26be scare of 害怕
    27scare…awayoff …吓跑
    28scare…out of sb 某吓死
    29scare sb to death 吓死
    30behind the scenes 台幕秘密背里
    31on the scene 现场
    32ahead of schedule 提前
    33behind schedule 落计划进度晚规定时间
    34on schedule 期准时
    35be schedule for 预定
    36scrape through(in) 勉强通
    37from scratch 头开始
    38scream for …尖
    39scold for 某事责骂某
    40scores of 量许
    41keep the score 记分
    42in search of 寻找(方法)
    43search for sbsth 寻找某某物
    44search sp for sth 某查找某物
    45search into 研究调查…
    46search out 寻找找…
    47in season  旺季
    48seat oneself atinon …边里坐
    49just a second 稍等会
    50second to none 亚
    51within second 立刻
    52in secret 秘密
    53keep a secret 保守秘密
    54secure…against 掩护保护…便
    55secure sb from 保护某免…
    56secure…with …保护
    57see about 查询…
    58see after 顾…
    59see into 调查解…性质意义
    60see sb off 某送行(车站机场等)
    61see sb out 送某门口屋外
    62see sb through 帮助某渡难关透识破…进行底坚持完成
    63see sth through …利通…进行底
    64see to 负责…处理护
    65see to it that make sure that 确保
    66see with 意…
    67seeing that 鉴
    68seek afterfor 探索…
    69seek out 搜寻出……中挑出…物色
    70seize sb by 抓住某…
    71seize on 利
    72seize up 出障
    73seize hold of 抓住
    74select…from …中选出…
    75sell atfor 出售少钱卖
    76sell off 甩卖抛售变卖
    77sell out 卖光背叛信念背弃原出售(财产企业等)
    78sell up 卖光…
    79send…along 发送派遣…
    80send away …送远处驱逐…解雇…邮寄出
    81send down 降开(学生)
    82send for 派…遣…订购
    83send forth 长出
    84send in 寄(处理)派(应付困难局面)
    85send off 送行邮寄出
    86send out 派遣…放出…(光热)发出(请柬信号光等)
    87send over 运送发送…
    88send…to 派遣……
    89send up 发射…升级呈报(通滑稽模仿)取笑
    90make sense 意义明智
    91sb make sense of sth 某言意义
    92sth make sense to sb 理解
    93sensible of 觉查
    94sensitive to …敏感
    95sensitize sb to sth 某…察觉
    96sentence sb to 判某…徒刑
    97separate…from… ……分开
    98in sequence 序 先次序
    99serve sb with sth serve sth to sb 某提供某物
    100serve as 作
    101serve up 端(食物)出提供
    102set about 开始着手…散布谣言…
    103set against …补偿…立
    104set apart 分离
    105set apart from 区
    106set another date 改期
    107set aside 存储(时间金钱)暂时(感受)
    108set back …推迟耽误
    109set down …车记写…
    110 set in  …背景
    111set one's mind on doing 义词be determined to have one's mind set on bent on决定
    112set off …爆炸…(警报)响起拉响警报
    113set off for 动身前某处
    114set sb off 某开始做…
    115set out 开始出发开始工作
    116set out for set off for leave for 动身
    117set over 移交置…指派…理
    118set up 竖起创造
    119settle down 坐安居安静静定心做开始
    120settle down to 安定专心…
    121settle with …取谅解…清算偿…
    122under the shadow of …附(某光彩)掩盖
    123shake down 安顿
    124shake off 抖落…摆脱…撵走…
    125shake out …抖干净…
    126shake sth from ……抖掉
    127shame sb for 某…羞愧
    128shame sb intoout of 某感羞愧做做…
    129 one’s shame 某感羞愧
    130what a shame 真遗憾啊
    131 the shapeform of …形式
    132share sth with sb 某分享…
    133have a share in 分摊 分担
    134shelter sb from 掩护某免…
    135shift back to 转移
    136shine up to sb 讨某
    137shine with …发亮
    138ship off 遣送
    139shock sb into 某震惊…
    140 shocked atby …感震惊
    141shoot at …射击…努力
    142shoot down 击落射倒批驳驳倒彻底推翻
    143shoot out 抛出…突然伸出…
    144shoot up 迅速长高猛涨开枪坏击毁
    145shout at sb 某声喊
    146shout down 喊声压倒方
    147for short  缩写
    148 short  义词in brief 简言总
    149 short  完耗
    150 short for …简称
    151 short of 缺少
    152fall short of 达
    153go short of 缺乏
    154 short supply 供应足
    155shout out to sb 高声喊某做…
    156shout sb up (+ from…) 声某(…)起
    157 around 领某处
    158 in 领进引进
    159 off 卖弄炫耀
    160 up 揭穿出席
    161on show 展览
    162shower onupon sb 阵雨(般)落某身
    163shower sb with 某送量…
    164shut down …关闭关住窗户
    165shut off 关掉(煤气)切断……隔绝
    166shut up 关闭门窗等关店闭嘴
    167shut (the door) uponagainst sb 某吃闭门羹
    168 shy of 难情意思
    169sick of 厌恶厌倦
    170 the side of …相
    171take the side of 站…边
    172 first sight 第眼
    173catch sight of 见
    174lose sight of 忽略见
    175catch the sight of 瞥见
    176 the sight of 见…
    177(be) in sight 见
    178out of sight  见
    179know sb by sight …面熟
    180 the sight of sb in one’s sight 某观点某
    181sign in 签记录某时间
    182sign on 签约工作受雇
    183sign to sb 动作示意某做…
    184 silence 安静声
    185similar to 相似
    186ever since 1)句首2)句尾时表达时间应
    ( 注法句现完成时句般时
    egEver since he moved to London i haven`t seen him)
    187long since 久前
    188single out 挑选出…
    189single sb out for …选出某
    190sit down 坐座扎营
    191sit for  参加
    192sit out …袖手旁观坐户外
    193sit through 直捱…结束完…
    194sit up 熬夜坐直
    195skilled at in 善
    196skim along 擦掠
    197skim off 捞取
    198skim overthrough 浏览略读…
    199skip over 略…悄悄离开
    200sleep awayoff 睡眠熬度…
    201slide over 略回避…
    202slip awayoff 溜进
    203slip one's mind 忘记
    204slow downup 放慢…速度变呆痴
    205on the sly 偷偷
    206smash into 猛撞…
    207smell of 散发…气味…气味
    208smell out 嗅出…查出…
    209 at …微笑…笑…冷笑
    210 onupon …赞许厚
    211smoke out 查出……公诸世
    212smooth awayover …容易清障碍消分歧
    213smooth down …静铺
    214smooth out 解决铺
    215 far 迄止
    216 much for 关…讲…止
    217 long 见
    218sob out 呜咽说…
    219solicit (sb) for 征求(某)…
    220some more 点
    some time:段时间
    some times:次倍
    221somebody else
    222something like 类似
    223something of 少点
    224somewhere around 约
    225sooner or later 迟早
    226sopply sth for sb 某提供…
    227sore throatfoot 嗓子哑腿酸
    228sorrow atforover …遗憾懊悔悲伤
    229sort out 整理出…拣出…
    230the soul of sth …化身
    231sour sb on sth 某…失
    232speak down to sb 司口气某说话
    233speak for 代表…讲话…辩护
    234speak in 某种语言说
    235speak of 听说…
    236speak to sb about sth 责备某…
    237speak ill of  说…坏话
    238speak well of  说…话
    239specialize in 慢费力读懂…理解
    240spell over 考虑…
    241spring from …引起出身…
    242stand by …站起支持张
    243stand for …意思代表意味着容忍
    244stand in with …分担……友…勾结
    245stand off 疏远…远离…
    246stand out  突出显眼脱颖出
    247stand up 站起升起站住脚
    248stand up for 拥护支持…
    249stand up to 起…勇敢抵抗
    250take a stand against 采取某种立场反
    251take a stand for 采取某种立场支持…
    252stay up late 熬夜
    253stare at 目转睛凝视盯着
    254start at …吃惊惊起
    255start off 开始活动进行首先进行开始
    256start sb off + ondoing 帮助某开始某事
    257start out 出发动身着手(某工作)初想
    258stay away from 避免
    259stay in 家里
    260stay on 留继续学
    261stay tofor 留吃饭
    262stay out 呆户外家
    263stay out of 避开远离介入干预
    264stay with …驾齐驱
    265stay up 熬夜
    266step into 跨入踏…
    267step on to 走踏…
    268take steps to do 采取措施做某事
    269stick sth on …贴…
    270stick to 坚持…动摇
    271stick out 坚持索取…伸出断言
    272stick up 竖起……惶惑
    273stick up for 维护……辩护
    274stick up to 抵抗抑制
    275stir sb from 动摇某…
    276stir up 拨动搅动搅起…
    277stir up sb to 激起鼓动煽动某…
    278stop byin 便访问某
    279stop off 中途停车分道
    280stop sb from 阻止某做…
    281 awayup 贮藏储备…
    282 store 储存着发生
    283 store (for sb) 发生某身
    284storm at sb 怒骂某
    285 strict with sb in sth 某某事严格
    286go on strike  罢工
    287strike againstfor (反)…罢工
    288strike down 击倒杀死…
    289strike off 击断…勾销…
    290strike up 开始演奏唱歌建立起…
    291strike up sth with sb 开始某结交等
    292struggle againstwith …作斗争
    293struggle for …斗争
    294 out 研究出…解决…设计出…
    295 up 功预备工作考试
    296 up on …进行仔细研究
    297stuff sth with …装满东西
    298subject to 受制易
    299subject … to …服……遭遇
    300submit … to 提交(…)服屈服忍受…
    301substitute…for …代…
    302succeed in …取成功
    303succeed to 继继承接着发生…
    304such as 例
    305suck in 吸收吸取…
    306suck sth out of …中处等
    307suck up to sb 奉承某
    308suffer for …遭受恶果
    309suffer from 患…病受…损害侵害
    310sufficient for 足够
    311suit towith …相称
    312 suitable forto 适合
    313superior to 优
    314 supposed to do 应做某事
    315sum up 总结概述…

    supply sth to sb
    supply sb with sth offer sth to sb
    offer sb for sth
    provide sth for sb
    provide sb with sth 某提供某物
    316…with …支撑…
    317sure ofabout 确信
    318 surprise 惊讶
    319 one’s surprise 令某惊讶
    320surprise sb into 出意某做…
    321surrender oneself to 投降首…
    322suspect sb of 怀疑某犯错
    323 suspicious of …疑心
    324swallow sth.Down 吞…
    325swallow up 吞没淹没…
    326swear at sb about sth 辱骂某某物
    327swear to sb that 发誓
    328sweat away( +at…) 努力(干…)
    329sweat…out of sb …流出榨出…
    330sweep awayoff 扫…
    331switch offon 关开 收音机电灯
    332switch sb offon 挂断接通某通话
    333switch sth out of… 突然…中夺走…
    334sympathize with sb in sth 某遭遇…表示情
    335 sympathetic totowards …情赞
    336 in sympathy with 某遭遇…表示情
    1take a coursesubject 攻读课程
    2take a day off 请天假
    3take a leave 请假
    4take a seatbe seated 入座
    5take account of 考虑
    6take advantage of 利
    7take after 面貌父母
    8take against 反…
    9take along  身携带
    10take away 带回消失消(病痛等)
    11take away from 减少减弱
    12take apart 严厉抨击…塌糊涂拆卸
    13take back …回想起收回(说错话)意退货…重
    14take by 攻占
    15take care of 顾
    16take charge of 负责
    17take delight in 乐
    18take down 记拆掉拆卸
    19take down with 受…困扰患…病倒
    20take for 误认…
    21take hold of 抓住
    22take in 收留留宿欺骗蒙骗吸入吞入(体)理解
    23take interest in …感兴趣
    24take notice of 注意
    25take off 脱掉(衣服)起飞突然受欢迎
    26take sb off(+to) 带领某(前)
    27take on 事呈现具(特征外观)雇佣
    28take out 带…出(餐馆剧院)杀死毁灭切摘(体部分)获领掉掉(污迹等)擦邀(某)出门领(专利权执)发出(票)…买出食启程
    29take over 接(工作)
    30take part in 参加
    31take place 发生
    32take one's place 取代
    33take pride in …感骄傲
    34take pity on 情
    35take one's time 慢慢
    36take sth seriously 认真
    37take to 开始事…养成…惯
    38take up 占(时间)占(空间)开始事某项活动继续讲述
    39take up with …亲密交…发生兴趣
    40take…with sb 某带着…
    41talk about 谈……
    42talk at sb 影射某指桑骂槐讲某
    43talk down to sb 高等某讲话
    44talk of 谈做…
    45talk sb intoout of sth 说明某做做…
    46taste of 某种味道气息
    47in good taste 方体
    48tear apart 撕毁撕碎…分崩瓦解…快…担心
    49tear at 撕裂扯开撕破
    50tear away 舍离开
    51tear sth away from …夺走…
    52tear down 拆毁(建筑物)
    53tear into …猛攻积极投入
    54tear up 撕毁撕碎(文件)
    55telephone (…) to sb 电话告诉某(…)
    56tell on sb 告发某说某坏话
    57tell (sb) aboutof sth 告诉(某)…讲述…
    58tell apart ……区开
    59tell…from ……区开
    60tempt sb to 引诱某…
    61tend onupon 服侍招…
    62tend to 趋…
    63have a tendency to do 趋…
    64in terms of 义词with regard to 根…方面
    65be on goodbad terms with 关系()
    66test sth for sth 化验… 里面…含量
    67testify against sb 作利某证词
    68thanks to 亏
    69that is (to say) 说
    70just then 时
    71think about 考虑…想起…
    72think afterfor 渴…
    73think back to 回想
    74think highly of …高度评价
    75think poorill of …评价高
    76think nothing of 轻视
    77think of 考虑…想起…想象
    78think of sb for 考虑某否适合作…
    79think out 仔细盘算彻底想想思考设计出发现解决…
    80think over 慎重考虑
    81think through 思考…出结充分考虑
    82think up 想出(意)
    83on second thoughts 三考虑
    84threaten sb with …手段威胁某
    85put through …接通(电话)
    86be through with 义词finish with 做完成
    87throw about 处扔…舞动手脚
    88throw away 扔掉抛弃错(机会等)
    89throw off 摆脱甩掉匆匆脱掉拽
    90throw oneself at …猛扑力讨(某欢心)
    91throw oneself into 投身积极事
    92throw out 拒接受脱口出
    93throw over 抛弃计划等拒绝接受…
    94throw up 呕吐…显眼引起…注意
    95tie to 赖…阻碍……合伙
    96tie up …捆绑系紧船停码头…关系
    97be tied up with 忙
    98at a time 次次
    99at all time at any time 总时永远
    100 any time 时
    101 the same time 时
    102 one time 度
    103 times 时
    104all the time (某段时间)直总
    105behind time 迟 晚点
    106behind the times (思想法)落时代
    107keep time (钟表)走准
    108kill time 消磨时间
    109 time 时迟早
    110 no time 决时候
    111 no time 立刻
    112on time 时
    113once upon a time
    114for the time being 义词temporarily 暂时
    115tire of …厌倦
    116tire from …疲倦
    117tire out …十分疲劳
    118 the point 切中害切题
    119keep in touch with sb 某保持联系
    120trace … to 追溯…追查
    121 in sth with sb 某某事做生意
    122 in… for 旧物折价换类物
    123 off 交换位
    124 sth out to sb …拍卖某
    125train sb in …培养某
    126train…to …培养成…
    127transfer … from…into (…)…转移调…
    128transfer…into …改变成…
    129transform … from…into (…)…改变成…
    130translate sth from 译…
    131translate into …翻译成转变成…
    132translate sth to …翻译成…
    133transmit sth to …传………传达…
    134transport sth by …运送…
    135transport…from…to ……运送…
    136travel to 旅行…
    137treat as …作…
    138treat sb for sth 某治疗…疾病
    139treat sb to sth …款某
    140treat with sb 某谈判交涉商议…
    141trend totowards 伸转倾…
    142trick sb into sth 哄骗某做…
    143trick sb out of 骗取某……
    144trip up 找出某错挑剔……
    145a troop of 群
    146go to the trouble of (doing) sthto do sth take the trouble to do sth辞幸苦做某事
    147have trouble in 做某事麻烦
    148 trouble 处困难
    149spare trouble 避免麻烦
    150trouble sb aboutwith ……扰麻烦某
    151puthave trust in 赖
    152trust in 相信某
    153trust sb for 赊卖某……
    154trust sb with sthtrust sth to sb ……委托某办理
    155trust sth with sb ……存放某处
    156tell the truth 说实话
    157try for 争取谋求……
    158try on 试穿(衣物)
    159try out 试(某)(采前)严密试验
    160try sb for 某试做……
    161turn about 转
    162turn against 反背叛
    163turn away 撵走转身准…进入
    164turn away from …感厌恶
    165turn back ( + to) 原路返回折转…重新提…
    166turn down 拒绝(意见)…调低
    167turn in 床睡觉交
    168turn into sth …转变
    169turn off 拐弯…厌烦…失信心截断(水电)关掉
    170turn on …感兴趣
    171turn out 结果
    172turn over …移交(理钱额)翻身翻页翻倒
    173turn to 转求取
    174turn to sb for help 求某帮助
    175turn up 露面查字典
    176 turn 次相应转
    177turn upononagainst …发怒攻击…转反…
    178take turn at sthtake it in turns to do sth逐做某事
    179 typical of 特

    1uncertain of about 确知
    2under control 处控制
    3under the circumstances 种情况
    4understand sth. From …听说
    5unite with …团结
    6up to date 进行中
    7up to 达直胜取决
    8urge sb into 怂恿某做…
    9urge sb to 催促某完成项务
    10use up 耗费…
    11used to do 常常
    12be used to doing 惯
    13be unprepared for …准备
    1in vain 徒劳
    2be valid for …效
    3vary from… to …变化…
    4vary in …方面变化
    5vary with 着…变化变化
    6venture onupon 敢…鼓起勇气前进
    7venture sth on ……方面投机
    8in the vicinity 附
    9in close vicinity to …方
    10in the vicinity of 约
    11with a view to + 动名词 义词in order to do sth …目
    12in view 义词in sight 见
    13in view of 义词considering 考虑…
    14in the view of …意思
    15byin virtue of 义词as a result ofby means of……力量
    16vital to …关系重
    17void of 没缺乏
    18volunteer for 愿做…
    19vote againstfor …投反赞成票
    20vote on …投票表决
    21vote out (投票方式)罢免(某)
    22vote through 投票意…表决通

    1wait for sb 等着某…
    2wait out 等…结束
    3wait up (for) (…)等候着睡
    4wake sb up 唤醒某某醒悟
    5wake up 醒觉悟
    6wake up to 警觉…认识…
    7walk away from …旁边走…安脱身
    8walk away with sth 手牵羊走
    9walk into 走进…快完…严斥某
    10walk off 突然离开…罢工带走…
    11walk off with 手走…轻易赢
    12walk out 走出…表示抗议退席罢工(某)带走
    13walk out on sb 某需帮助时离开
    14walk out with sb 某恋爱
    15walk over sb 轻蔑某
    16walk through 敷衍事做完…
    17walk up 着…走
    18walk up to 走…
    19wander aboutoverthrough 漫步…
    20wander aboutup and down 徘徊…
    21wander from 离题
    22want for 缺少…
    23warm to 某情爱…
    24warm upover 变暖
    25warn sb against 警告某做…
    26warn sb of 警告某…
    27wash againstalongover 波涛等拍…
    28wash awayout (蚀)
    29wash down 洗…开水等吞
    30wash out 破产淘汰…
    31wash up 饭洗餐具
    32waste away 消瘦
    33waste sth.On …浪费钱财时间
    34watch for …注意守候…
    35watch out for 提防…
    36watch over 守监视…
    37wave sb onaway 挥手某前进走开
    38wave to …挥手等致意
    39wear away …受磨损
    40wear down …磨损…筋疲力
    41wear off 逐渐减弱…擦
    42wear out …疲乏…穿破…减弱
    43wear sth to …穿…程度
    44weep at …哭泣
    45weep forwith …落泪
    46weep over 悲叹哀悼…
    47weigh in with 讨程中成功提出…
    48weigh oupon 重压…
    49weigh out 称出量出…
    50weigh with sb 某影响
    51weigh up 称…估量…
    52what if …样呢?
    53what's upnow 发生什事?
    54whisper about sth 密谈…
    55whisper to sb 某窃窃耳语
    56be willing to do 乐意做…
    57win onupon sb 影响某
    58win over sb 说服某
    59win sth ofoff sb 某处赢…
    60win sb over to 某争取…
    61wipe off 消灭…结…
    62wipe out 擦洗…部…歼灭…
    63wipe up …擦干净消灭…
    64wish for 想…
    65wish sth on sb …强加某硬塞某
    66wish sth to sb 祝某…
    67with regard to 关
    68with respect to 果…样
    69with the exception of …外
    70withdraw … from ……撤回
    71withhold from 忍住做…
    72withhold sth from sb 某隐瞒…
    73without any trace 没踪迹
    74without fail
    75without question 毫疑问
    76wolf down 狼吞虎咽
    77wonder about …感奇
    78wonder at sthsb's doing …某做感惊异惊讶
    79sb wonder whether… 某想知道否…
    80it is no wonder that…no wonder that 难怪
    81work against 努力反某物
    82work as 做…工作
    83work at 做…
    84work in 配合引进
    85work for 努力促成某事受雇…
    86work off 排偿清…卖掉…发泄
    87work on 继续工作设法说服…影响
    88work out
    例We must work out a plan as quickly as we can制定拟定
    Have you worked out this problem yet算出
    I can’t work out the meaning of the poem理解
    The map is wrongI can’t work out where we are判断
    Things will work out if you will just be patient圆满解决(进行)情况良
    If the traffic plan works outit will be used in other cities too进行情况良
    89work over 调查重做
    90work up 逐步建立起激起…
    91worry about …烦恼担心发愁
    92worry along through 熬…
    93worry out 绞脑汁解决…
    94worry sb for sth 缠着某…
    95worth doing 值做
    96be worthy of 值

    would rather +句
    would rather do than (to) do
    prefer to doing to doing
    prefer to do than (to) do 宁愿(前者)愿(者)
    97wrap up into 包成…
    98write down 记……描写成…
    99write ininto …写入…
    100write off 写信寄出容易写成…
    101write out 写出…全部写出…
    102write up …写成文写文章赞扬

    1yield oneself up to 沉缅…
    2yield to …屈服投降





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