2020年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专题04 首字母阅读专项突破-2020年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专项突破(原卷版)


    l 知识点:首字母填空基求特点

    l 知识点:首字母填空考查范围中考趋势

    l 知识点:首字母填空解题基步骤
    1 通读短文全文抓住高频词握意
    短文中词未知影响文章容理解初步阅读中跳空格量捕捉文章提供容信息语法结构方面提示助步分析判断 做题时定先掌握文章中心意中获取文章基结构体裁题时态等相关信息正确高效答题提供坚实基础保障

    2 确定词性缩选词范围
    (money)n 处填写词性?
    处填写 v prep adj nart
    earn money
    for money(work for money)

    3 仔细推敲判断题目类型选出正确词汇
    1)语法题考查学生语法技 the boy asked me loudly w he would be offered the job 宾语句引导词whether

    the boy tells me loudly w he thinks is the key point 宾语句引导词what

    A month later Christopher hadn’t heard from Jeff or received any money s_________ he phoned him


    5)常识题 Berlin is the c of the united Germany

    6)固定搭配题 i of 空格出应填写 instead

    4 确定词汇正确形式

    5 注意首字母填空中关键性词orandbut
    orand前词性致词义相反相happy and cheerful sadness and happiness
    but 前词性致词义相反


    l 知识点:首字母填空解题技巧

    1 惯法固定搭配填出简单项
    例1:Houston passed a on February 11 2012 The cause of her death is still unknown

    例2:In some cultures h receiving money can make people uncomfortable

    例3:I only hope t you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it

    例4:Often your headache is from your too much a 81 paid to one thing

    2 词性填写:注意词性变化时态语态
    例1:She didn’t feel happy with her husband The c often quarreled or even fought with each other and she began to take drugs(毒品)
    例2:If someone has thought about a g for me it always makes me happy

    例3:Carrots are grown on farms and in small family gardens all over the world It is one of the most popular sweet v

    例4:Li Feng quickly picked it up to answer the call It was from a good friend of his m


    例1:Houston began singing with New Jersey church’s choir (唱诗班) at age 11 Later she began performing with her mother in the New York City she was d by Clive Davis—head of the Arista Records

    例2:Drink a bottle of warm water Many people do not r that the dry air in their working place can be a danger because of the lack(缺少) of water

    例3:Therapy animals go into h 74 and nursing homes These animals lower the stress levels of people who are very sick or who have just had operations They also encourage people to recover

    形容词修饰名词位名词前代词位置前者出现系动词构成系表结构出现the ____ +名词even___ ___than般认形容词根形容词区词类特性(较级高级)
    副词形容词相似较级高级般修饰动词程度副词频率副词等考查重点常考副词:表强调副词onlyevenespeciallystillalsoalwaysalmostalready表否定 hardlyneverseldomrarely等句中逗号隔开however句againtogetheraltogetherinsteadsoonanywhere等句前sometimesusually等时学做题时留心总结高频出现词增加做题信心帮助

    例1:The woman explained that she was b 68 and that the dog Hampton acted as her eyes helping her navigate (引导) her way a 69 the city

    例2:Hampton is m 71 than a pet He helps me do the things that I need to do in the city the woman explained

    例3:Warm days and cool nights are the b time to grow great tasty carrots The quickest way to know if a carrot is ready to be harvested(收获) is to see its color(2012年南京白区模)

    例4:Alana was on the diet or two months Her doctor was pleased with her You have been very good he said You can eat some of the foods you like best But only a little Don’t eat too many sweets…If you do you will get a lot of weight a_________
    … But when you eat it it makes you sick It’s not a good food for you You are right said Frank Well I’ll eat more cake i_________

    代词 注意称代词物代词反身代词

    例1:When someone gives me money it just makes me think they’re being lazy says John Wilson In England we have a saying It’s the thought that counts When s gives me moneyit just makes me think they’re being lazy says John Wilson

    例2:E_________ went wrong at the station People were late and they were panicking(惊恐)

    例3:If you can’t get to sleep after half an hour get up and do s__________ quiet like reading


    例1:T some people were not satisfied with Houston’s acting the film was a great success making more than 410 million worldwide

    例2:However he lost heart w_______ a lovely young woman opened the door

    例3:A month later Christopher hadn’t heard from Jeff or received any money s_________ he phoned him

    例4:And even if you aren’t very rich you want people to think that you are That is w_________ Keeping up with the Joneses is about


    A threeday communication for Chinese Spring Festival
    Spring Festival[源学科网ZXXK]
    Honesty or dishonesty
    Water or food for astronauts

    A threeday celebration for the coming Chinese Spring Festival started last Saturday in central Japanese city of Nagoya
    The celebration was h_____66____ on Hisaya Square in downtown Nagoya where red lanterns and f_____67____ were hung high and people cheered in a festival atmosphere
    A record high of 78 booths(展台) were set up around the square selling traditional Chinese foods i____68_____ dumplings sugarcoated haws and others
    A n______69___ of Chinese and Japanese artists performed(表演) on an amazing stage set up at one end of the square such as facechanging stunt of Sichuan opera acrobatics and lion dances
    Spring Festival is a traditional h_____70____ in China to celebrate the Lunar New Year It is hoped that the festival celebrations here would improve both understanding and f_____71____ between people in China and Japan said Deng Wei Chinese consul general in Nagoya
    Ichiro Hirosawa vice mayor of Nagya city said the Spring Festival celebrations here have attracted plenty of v_____72____ from Nagoya and neighboring areas and have p____73_____ great chances for Japanese people to get in touch with Chinese culture
    Overseas Chinese have been holding Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in Nagoya s___74______ 2007 The celebration has become an important platform(台) for l___75______ people to learn more about Chinese culture and improve both understanding and cultural exchanges between central Japan and China
    Teachers and students are very happy Why Because the winter holiday is coming and the most important t 86 festival Spring Festival is also on the way At present more and more Chinese focus on the traditional festivals which belong to all Chinese people with strong Chinese color A 87 them Spring Festival is the most important
    It falls on the f 88 day in the lunar calendar Since it is at the end of winter and the beginning of spring people call it Spring Festival Chinese have many traditional customs relating to it Since 23rd December in lunar calendar people start to p 89 for the event Every family will do some cleaning do their Spring Festival s 90 in supermarkets decorate their houses put up Spring Festival couplets and also get ready all kinds of food for the big farewell dinner on New Year’s Eve
    New Year’s Eve is the time for all the family members to g 91 to have a big dinner talking and laughing until daybreak which is called staying up to see the year out Every year the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV is covered l 92 Many people look forward to watching it People can take part in the guessing games through WeChat sending text m 93 and so on when they are watching the gala S 94 off fireworks once was the favourite activity of children According to the legend this could drive off evil monster called nian With the development of the times some changes have taken place For example to prevent environmental p 95 fireworks are not allowed in many big cities
    For Chinese at home and abroad the Spring Festival is always the most important

    You’re standing with your classmates E 66 is talking except you Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at when you say Maybe you just aren’t b 67 enough to speak
    Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and s 68 us speaking But we shouldn’t let it stay there
    I am 29 years old Even today that snake still sometimes v 69 me When I was in high school I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone e 70 my parents and best friends If a stranger asked me the way to a local shop it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk One summer I got a j
    71 in a restaurant and that helped a lot It meant I had to talk to[源学*科*网Z*X*X*K]
    customers(顾客) I had to tell them how m 72 their meal cost I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite This job taught me how to speak with people
    You may be too young to find a parttime job But you can look for other c 73 to speak with people You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag O 74 you can go to get a newspaper for your family
    If you do these things for a while the shyness’ snake will soon begin to l 75 you alone It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into

    In a town in France there was a farmer who lived alone Every day he s___86___ a pound of butter to his neighbour who was a baker One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i___87___ he was getting a pound After he weighed it he found that he wasn’t The baker then took the farmer to the judge(法官)
    The judge wanted to know the farmer’s ways to weigh the butter The farmer replied I’m so p___88___ that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it H___89___ I do have a kind of scale(天) The judge asked Then h___90___do you weigh the butter The farmer replied Before the baker started buying butter from me I had bought bread from him So now every time when I b___91___home the bread from the baker I put it on the scale and give him the same w___92___
    We always get back what we give to others Whenever you take action ask yourself this question Am I honest
    Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit Some dishonest people can lie w___93___ a red face Others lie so m___94___ that they do not even know what the truth is any more But who is it bad for In fact those who lie will hurt t___95___ by their own dishonest behaviour

    You may not realize it but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school School is also the p__76___ you socialize and learn to get along with people But this is not always easy What can you do if you just don't like one of your classmates
     If you d_____77___ that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容) Tolerance is the ability to recognize and respect the differences in others We cannot change the w__78_ that other people act it is important to learn to live h___79___with them
    Tolerance will make everyone get on b__80___ with each other Know others constantly makes us understand others’ differences
    Something is different does not mean that it is bad Tolerance t __81__us to keep an even temper and open mind
    You have to remember an old saying Treat others how you want to be treated You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates s___82____it is important to treat them with equal kindness If you tolerate something it does not mean that you have to like it No one is asking you to change who you are or w____83____ you believe in Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change 
    It is important to practice tolerance because it will make e___84___ lives easier Learn to accept people for their different abilities and i____85___ The world is a very different place and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make things better

    Space has never been a place known for good eating It is certain that the food now is better than it was in the days of earlier missions The International Space Station (ISS)has hot water a food heater and even a coffee maker already But what do the astronaut r 86 need on the space station
    There is no doubt that fresh fruits and vegetables which t 87 up room and can’t be saved for a long time are needed most A 88 apples and carrots are sometimes sent up on cargo ships those supply (供)runs are so rare To make matters worse sometimes a ship
    f 89 to arrivesomething that’s happened three times in the past yearhow terrible it is
    During longer t 90 into deep spaceparticularly to Marsfresh products are not only good for astronauts’ health but also for their mental(精神) wellbeing b 91 they can give them a comforting taste of home That means growing the crops onboard
    The f 92 and the longer humans go away from Earth the greater they need to be able to grow plants for food However without being strictly tested first n 93 goes onto the astronauts’ menu or into their bodies NASA has worked c 94 with ORBITEC a technology company to study how this could be done So in May of 2014 three members on the ISS g 95 red lettuce(生菜) for 33 days then picked and froze(冷藏) them and shipped them home on a returning spacecraft in October Scientists on the ground confirmed that they were fit to eat They pronounced them fine
    People believe astronauts will have more fresh food in space very soon





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