
        1 试卷分第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)全卷8页总分120分 考试时间120分钟
        2 答题前 考生需准确填写姓名准考证号 认真核条形码准考证号姓名考场号
        3 答案必须答题卡指定区域作答选择题部分必须2B铅笔填涂非选择题部分必须05毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写 字体工整 笔迹清楚
        4请题号题目应答题区域作答 超出答题区域书写答案效草稿纸试卷答题效
    5 保特卡面清洁 折叠污染破损等
    第I卷 (选择题 65分)
    I 听话 选答案(15题 计15分)
        第节 听面10段话 段话问题 读两遍 请根段话容面问题 三选项中选出恰项
    1 A Bread                     B Fruit                   C Water
        2 A Spring                   B Winter
                      C Summer
        3 A12 yuan                   B 15 yuan                  C 27 yuan
        4 A In a hotel                  B At the doctor's            C In a library
        5A A tall man with glasses                B A fat man with a round face
          C A tall woman with big eyes
        6 A Mike                      B Mike's parents             C Lily
        7 A Tiger                      B Dog                    C Pig
        8 A By plane                 B By car                  C By train
        9 A Ten hours                   B Nine hours               C Eight hours
        10 A A cake                 B Some papercuttings     C A book
        第二节 听面两段话 段话道题 请根段话容面问题 三选项中选出恰项 段话读两偏
        听第11段话 回答第1112题

        11 Why does Peter look upset today
            A Because he broke a window            B Because he lost the ball game
              C Because he ate something bad
        12 What does the mother ask Peter to do
              A To learn from Mr Green                B To say sorry to Mr Green
              C To play soccer with Mr Green
        听第12段话 回答第1315题
        13 Where will the two speakers go
              A To the bookstore        B To the post office        C To the supermarket
    14 What will the woman buy
            A A dictionary            B A grammar book            C A novel
        15 What's the man's hobby 
              A Studying English          B Writing novels                 C Reading novels
    II 听短文 选答案(5题计10分)
        题听篇短文 读两遍请题三选项中 选出恰项
        16 When did Jenny write a letter to Lucy

            A This Friday            B On December 5th             C On December 24th
        17 When did Jenny leave Lucy
              A About four weeks ago     B About two months ago        C About one year ago
        18 Where is Jenny working now
            A In New York           B In London                  C In Washington
        19 What does Jenny think of her new job
              A Interesting               B Easy                        C Bad
        20 Why can't Lucy go to Jenny's Christmas party
            A She is busy with her work                
            B She has to visit her grandfather
            C Her grandfather will come m visit her family
    III 完形填空(209 计20分)
        第节 阅读面篇短文 句子结构语法性文连贯求 题四选项中选出佳答案 短文连贯完整(10题 计10分)
        When I worked in England I had a meal in an expensive restaurant 1 saw a young couple come in with a small boy They only
       21   piece of the cheapest beef steak Sir Madam anything else One piece is not enough for   22  of you The waiter said
        The dad a little embarrassed He said to   23  waiter Thanks It's enough We just want to bring the guy to have beef steak and we have finished supper
        I watched   24   for a while Then I found that the parents not only took the boy to have beef steak but also regarded it as a process of learning The parents taught the kid   25   to use a knife and fork and told him some table manners
        I'd like  26  good friends with the family Then I walked over to them and asked really   __27 May I treat each of you to a cup of coffee They accepted my coffee with a smile on their faces I sat down at their table and we began to chat To be honest we are very poor so we can't afford any expensive food at all However have every confidence in our boy   28   he lives in a poor family I believe he will achieve great success in the future That's why we teach him the good table manners now said the little   29   father We hope our kid can be a person who respects himself and others After that I believe that the family won't be poor for a long time

        We became friends and got on well   30  each other Afterwards the kid made great progress and succeeded And I have the honor to drink a cup of coffee from him especially in the most expensive restaurant in England
        2l A order              B ordered             C are ordering         D will order
        22 A one               B two                 C three                D four
        23 A a                 B an                  C the                   D
        24 A she               B her                 C they                  D them
        25 A how              B what                C where                D why
        26 A become            B became              C becomes              D to become
        27 A loudly            B loud                C politely             D polite
    28 A Although          B If                  C But                  D Because
        29 A boy               B boy's               C girl
                     D girl's
        30 A in                B to                  C from                D with
        第二节 阅读面篇短文理解意 然题四选项中选出佳答案 短文连贯完整(10题 计10分)
        It was a busy morning At about 8 30 an elderly gentleman came to the hospital I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry to meet someone at 930
        The nurse made him take a   31   in the waiting area and told him it would take him at least 40 minutes to wait The gentleman looked at his watch and there was much worry on his face
        Since I was not   32   that morningmy patient didn't appear at the appointed (约定) hour I said that I would examine his wound(伤口) When I took care of his wound I asked him if he would go to see another doctor
        The gentleman said no and told me that he   33   to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife He told me that she had a special disease I asked if she would be   34_   if he was a bit late He answered that she no longer knew who he was and that she had not been able to
       35   him for five years I was   36   and asked him And you still go every morning though she doesn't know who you are
        He smiled and said She doesn't know me   37   I know who she is After hearing this I couldn't hold back(忍住) my   38   
        Now I   39   that for husband and wife true love means accepting her or his all The happiest people just make the best use of everything they have   40   isn't about how to live through the storm but how to dance in the rain
           31 A walk              B seat                C test                 D break
        32 A sad               B happy               C free               D busy
        33 A needed            B forgot              C agreed               D happened
        34 A lonely            B worried             C excited              D happy
        35 A believe           B answer              C recognize            D expect
        36 A surprised         B satisfied               C afraid                 D bored

        37 A so                B because            C and                D but
        38 A breath            B tears               C words               D joy
        39 A realize           B suggest             C hope                 D prove
        40 A Wisdom          B Beauty              C Life                 D Trust
    IV 阅读理解(15颖 计20分)
        第节 阅读面篇短文 判断列句子否符合短文容 符合A表示 符合B表示(5题 计5分)
        It is 40 metres long and 6 metres wide This must be the biggest bus you have ever seen It can carry 1200 to 1400 people
        It is China's new Super Bus It is going for a test run in Beijing at the end of this year Some other cities are also interested in running the Super Bus They hope it can solve traffic problems
        The Super Bus runs along fixed tracks The bus sits on top of two 2 2metretall legs The legs have wheels at one end Small cars can drive under the bus so the Super Bus does not take up road space The bus runs on electricity and solar power It can travel up to 60 km every hour Its creator Song Youzhou says it can reduce a lot of traffic jams The Super Bus can do the work of 40 buses In that way it can reduce a lot of traffic jams And it can save 860 tons of fuel (燃料)every year according to Song

        To build a Super Bus and its track costs less than building subways Subways are nearly ten limes more expensive to build Song said
        Some people worry that the Super Bus may not be safe However Song says there's no need to worry The Super Bus has laser scanners(激光扫描仪)between its legs The scanners make sure the cars keep a safe distance
        4l The Super Bus was created场Song Youzhou
        42 The Super Bus can carry more than 1200 people
        43 The Super Bus does not take up road space
        44 Song Youzhou created the Super Bus to reduce car accidents
        45 It cost more money to build a Super Bus and its track than building subways
        第二节 阅读面三篇短文 题四选项中选出回答提问题完成句子佳答案(10题 计15分)

        The Chronicles of Narnia (纳尼亚传奇)
        Writer C S Lewis Ireland
        It's a book series of seven books The stories are about Narnia a mysterious land where animals walk and trees can talk Humans sometimes enter this world by chance Kids who go to Narnia in the stories meet all kinds of magical creatures(生物) including witches(女巫) and giants In each book there is a battle between two sides one bad that wants to turn Narnia into a hell the other good which wants the land to stay the way it is The kidheroes join the battle They help the ruler of Narnia the Lion Aslan defend(保卫)the country
        The Dangerous Book for Boys(男孩险书)
        Writer Conn Iggulden and Hal Iggulden UK
        This book tells you how clouds form how to make a battery and how to build the greatest paper airplane in the world Read about how to put together the tool box you'll need to make it through the summer Learn about the world's greatest battles and the history of weapons(武器) On the subject of girls boys are warned that girls as a general rule do not get as excited by the use of urine(尿)as a secret ink as boys do This is important to know

        The Daring Book for Girls(女孩胆书)
        Writer Andrea J Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz US
        For every girl with an independent spirit here is the guide to everything from schoolyard games to great women in history The book gives you ideas for an exciting fun girlhood Every girl can take part What does the book contain Twenty books every girl should read cool tricks with a basketball building a campfire queens of the ancient world science projects friendship bracelets(手镯)and the secrets of what boys are thinking
        46 In The Chronicles of Narnia Narnia is
            A an animal           B a land              C a witch              D a giant
        47 From The Dangerous Book for Boys a boy can learn the following EXCEPT ________
               A how clouds form                  B how to make a battery
              C how to build a paper plane            D how trees can talk

        48 According to the passage we learn that _______________________________
            A The Chronicles of Narnia was written by a US writer
            B The Chronicles of Narnia series talk about different themes
              C The Dangerous Book for Boys was written by two writers
              D The Daring Book for Girls was written by writers from the UK
        You may have heard of people who are allergic(敏)to seafood smoke or pets But did you know that some people were allergic to WiFi signals(信号) 
        Rose White a 44yearold woman from Britain first found herself being allergic to WiFi signals in 2015 She had a cough heart trouble and great pains in her head when she stayed at the places covered with WiFi signals
        Rose has tried many ways to keep away from WiFi signals In the past six months she either slept in her car or in tent which she had put up in the woodland and in the fields She even tried sleeping in a shed(棚子) Being completely tired Rose had no choice but to quit her job and moved 370 kilometers away from her home to avoid WiFi signals but failed Because of the hard life she got a stomach problem

        She is now living in a small house in the rural(乡)area in England There are far fewer WiFi signals However the house which belongs to her friend will be sold to others so she has to move again soon
        Rose is planning to move tomore rural area She is also planning to buy a camper van (野营车)so that she can drive away from WiFi signals whenever she is feeling uncomfortable As she can not work to make money she has m raise money online She is hoping to raise 15000 pounds So far she has raised over 1 600 pounds She still has a long way to go
    49 Which is NOT Rose's allergic symptom(症状) 
              A Cough            B Heart trouble     C Headache        D Stomachache
        50 What did Rose do to keep away from WiFi signals
            A She slept in tent in the woodland
            B She bought a small house in the countryside
            C She moved to a more rural area

            D She bought a camper van
        51 What does the underlined word quit in Paragraph 3 mean
    A leave              B begin                 C change          D continue
        52 Why does Rose have to move again soon
            A Because she wants to move to a new place
               B Because her friend decided to sell the house
            C Because she tries to find a job in a more rural area
            D Because the place she lives in is near the WiFi signals
        Thai New Year is also called Songkran Festival It is celebrated for three days from April 13 to April 15 every year SongKran Festival is the most funfilled time of the year in Thailand For Thai people it is an important holiday It is a time to stay with their family do good things in temples(寺庙)visit and show their love to the elderly It is also a time to enjoy the water fight that takes place on almost every street in this country during the hottest month of the year

        The first day of Songkran Festival is an important day to do good things Thai people will visit temples Also they will give money clothes and food to the monks(僧侣)that live in the temples After that they will spend time with their family
        On the second day of Songkran Festival Thai people will carry sand into temples to build small pagodas (塔) and put colored flags on them It is believed to bring luck Also it is considered lucky to clean out the house and throw out trash on this day
        On the last day of Songkran Festival Thai people will visit their elderly relatives and perform a water ceremony(典礼) They will gently pour water on their elderly relatives' hands which is a traditional way to show their love to them In modern times the gentle pouring of water has become a crazy water fight and it's a time for all Thai people to have fun So Songkran Festival is also known as Water Festival
        If you are a tourist at this time of year be prepared to join in this big festival and take part in the world's biggest water fight
        53 How long does Songkran Festival last

              A Two days          B Three days          C Half a month       D A week
    54 Thai people will build small pagodas and put colored flags on them in Songkram Festival 
    because it's believed that
              A it's good for their children               B it can make them healthy
              C it's good for their parents                D it can bring them luck
        55 Which can be the best title of the passage
              A Traditions on Thai New Year            B Wonderful Festivals in Thailand
              C The History of Songkran Festival         D The Importance of Festivals in Thailand
    第II卷(非选择题 55分)
    V 完成句子(5题计10分)
        根汉语意思 单词短语完成列英文句子
        56 越越担心食品安全
          More and more people are worried about the__________________ of the food they buy
        57 请捡起纸张
          Please ___________________ the paper on the floor

        58 年代书籍手工制作
          In those days books were produced ________________________________________
        59 拒绝参加周末聚会
          She _________________ to take part in the party on Sunday
        60 盒子空
          Look The box is __________________________________________________
    VI 短文填空(10题 计10分)
    方框中单词适形式填空 短文完整正确(单词限次空填单词)
    talk   word   meet  share   teach  patient  they  experience  help  tell
        My family went to Israel in order to attend a meeting and we had a great time there
        I 61___________ two new friends there who are Americans I seldom talked with people in English Besides I was pretty shy However they listened to me 62__________ and if I didn't understand them they explained slowly and clearly
        Unluckily we didn't get much time to talk but we wrote down our emails So I'm still in touch with one of 63 _______________

        She has 64 _________ me a lot and always gives me her advice and opinion when I ask questions and she is quite 65__________ I think a good friend doesn't only 66 ________ you the things you want to hear but also truthful things that might make you uncomfortable and I appreciate (感激) that so much She always says That's what friends for We talk every day through a chat APP called kik Her 67 ___________keep me moving forward whenever 1 feel unhappy and also help me to walk through hard work
    I was 68 ____________very hard time in my life and she comforted(安慰)me with nice words encouraged me prayed(祈祷)for me and was with me out of love I feel so happy to 69
    _____________with her and so relaxed we learn things from each other and we 70__________ things together from country to country culture to culture and so much more
        She is the best friend I could never forget
    VII 务型阅读(5题 计10分)
        阅读面短文 根短文容 完成列题
        Alberta is a wonderful Canadian province for tourists They can have a fantastic time in its cities and towns There are four mustsees in Alberta

        Calgary is the largest city in Alberta It is famous for an interesting festival about cowboys The festival usually begins with a great parade(游行) During the parade people sing songs and dance to music in streets to celebrate the festival Then a competition of cowboys' skills will take place during the festival
    Edmonton is the capital of Alberta The West Edmonton Mall a paradise(天堂)for shoppers is the largest mall in North America Besides the stores the city is also full of parks such as the Emily Murphy Park and a famous theme park called Galaxyland
        Banff is a town in Banff National Park It is wellknown for its natural beauty It's a small town but it is home to ail and culture Banff holds a film festival each year and them are many shows about sports nature and travelling in summer
        Jasper lies in a mountain parkJasper National Park Outdoor activities in the area include hiking climbing and camping If you want to learn about the natural and cultural history there you can choose to visit the Jasper Yellowhead Museum

        71 What does the festival about cowboys usually begin with
           It usually begins with _____________________________________________________
        72 Where is the largest mall of North America
           It is ___________________________________________________________________
        73 What is Banff famous for
           Banff is famous for ______________________________________________________
        74 In which season does Banff hold the film festival
           Banff holds the film festival ________________________________________________
        75 What can you learn in the Jasper Yellowhead Museum
           You can learn ___________________________________________ there
    VIII 补全话(10题 计10分)
        A)根话容 方框符合话情境句子抄写话空白处 话恢复完整选项中两项余
        A Excuse me Can you tell me how to get to Washington Street

        B It's easy to find 76 ___________  You will arrive at Washington Street soon
        A Okay Where is Jackson Avenue
        B One block east from here After you get there go north until you see a red light
        A All right              77              
        B You will be on Davison Street
        A I see Where do I go after that
        B           78         
        A Thank you for your help You know this city very well
        B             79         Are you new here
        A Yeah Cm going to a theatre on Washington Street
        B Great 80                           
    Thank you very much
    Yes I have lived hero for many year
    Then where do I go
    Hope you enjoy your movie
    Go east on Davison Street
    First go north on Jackson Avenue
    I come from Canada 

        B) 根面话中情境 空中填入适语句 话恢复完整
        A Hello is that Lingling speaking
        B Speaking 81___________________________________ 
        A This is Meimei I want to go to the movies now 82______________________________ 
          B I'd love to but I'm watching a TV program called The Readers 83_________________
        A No I haven't 84________________________________________________ 
    B It's great In the program many people tell their own stories and share some wonderful 
    articles with us Reading is important to us and we should read as much as possible
        A 85 ________________________ I can't wait to enjoy it
        B Why don't you turn on the TV and watch it at once
        A Good idea I'll do it right now Goodbye
        B Bye
    IX 书面表达(1题计15分)
    假李华 美国笔友Bill发封电子邮件 想解梦想职业请认真阅读面邮件 根信中容实际情况写封回信

    To lihua@ china com
    From bill006@ america com
    Subject Your dream job
    Dear Li Hua
       Our teacher told us China is developing fast You are lucky enough to live in China
       Would you please tell me about your dream job in the future
    ◆What is your dream job
       ◆ Why do you like the job
       ◆ Do you think your personality is suitable for the job Why or why not
       ◆ What do you need to do for your dream job
          Drop a few lines if you have time
          Best wishes
        求1 参考提示语 适发挥
            2 语句通 意思连贯 书写工整
            3 文中出现真实信息(姓名校名名等)

            4词数 少千70词(开头已出 计入总词数)
    Dear Bill
    Thank you for your letter I am glad to tell you about my dream job ____________________
        Tell me about your ideal job
    Li Hua

    第I 卷(选择题 65分)
    I 听话选答案
        1C    2B     3C    4B   5A      6C    7C    8A    9A    10B
        11A   12B   13A   14B   15C
    II听短文 选答案
        16B   17B   18C   19A   20C

        21B   22C   23C   24D   25A   26D  27C   28A   29B   30D
        31B   32D   33A   34B   35C   36A  37D   38B   39A   40C
    IV 阅读理解
        A)41 A    42B    43A    44B    45B
        B)46 B    47D    48C
        C)49 D    50A    51A    52B
        D)53 B    54D    55A
        56 safety    57 pick up      58 by hand    59 refusedturned down      60 empty
    VI 短文填空 
        61 met    62 patiently      63 them      64 taught      65 helpful
        66 tell     67 words        68 experiencing 69 talk     70 share
    VII 务型阅读 
        71 a great parade
        72 in Edmonton in the capital of Alberta
        73 its natural beauty

        74 in summer
        75 Jasper's natural and cultural history
    VIII 补全话 
        A)76 First go north on Jackson Avenue
          77 Then where do I go
        78 Go east on Davison Street
          79 Yes I have lived here for many years
          80 Hope you enjoy your movie
        B)81 Who is that speaking
          82 Would you like to go with me
          83 Have you watched it
          84 What do you think of the program
          85 I agree with youYou are right
          (答案唯 符合题意)
    IX 书面表伏(1题 计15分)
    Dear Bill
        Thank you for your letter I am glad to tell you about my dream job Teaching is my dream job because I would like to share my knowledge with my students and help them solve problems I am outgoing and helpful I get on well with children Besides the school's environment appeals to me and staying with students helps to keep me young and alive To realize my dream I have to make full use of spare time to acquire the essential knowledge and enter a good university What efforts are you making for your dream and who is your favorite football player

        Tell me about your ideal job
    Li Hua

    I 听话 选答案
        第节 听面10段话 段话问题 读两遍 请根段话容面问题 三选项中选出恰项
        1 M What would you like to have bread or fruit
          W Neither I feel thirsty Can you give me something to drink

          M OK Here you are
          Q What would the woman like
        2 W Look at the beautiful snow outside Ices go out and play
          M OK I'm coming
          Q What season is it now
        3W John are these your new books How much are these
          M One is 12 yuan and the other is 15 yuan
          Q How much are John's two new books
        4W How often should I take this medicine
          M Three times a day You will feel much better soon
          W Thanks a lot
          Q  Where does the conversation probably take place
        5W Have you seen our new neighbour Mike
          M  I saw him this morning He's a tall man with a round face and a pair of glasses
          Q What does Mike's new neighbour look like
        6 M  Have you ever been to the Disneyland in Shanghai Lily
          W  No never What about you Mike
          M  I have been there with my parents
          Q Who hasn't been to the Disneyland in Shanghai

        7W What's your animal sign Bruce
          M  I was born in the Year of the p咭 
          Q  What is Bruce's animal sign
        8 M  How are you going to Los Angeles
          W  I planned to drive there but my car is broken so I will go there by air
          Q How will the woman go to Los Angeles
        9 W Look the post office is closed
          M Yes It opens from 8 a m to 6 p m every day
          Q How long is the post office open every day
        10 M Next Sunday is Kate's birthday She likes Chinese papercutting very much
          W Yes I will buy some for her as a present
          Q What present will the woman buy for Kate
        第二节 听面两段话 段话题请根段话容面问题三选项中选出恰项 段话读两遍
        听第11段话 回答第1112题
        W Peter you look upset today Is there anything wrong
        M No Mum but
        W Come on son tell me what has happened
        M Well what shall I do In the afternoon I broke a window in Mr Green's house with a soccer ball

        W Oh did you say sorry to Mr Green
        M No I ran away I was afraid to tell Mr Green山e truth
        W That's a bigger mistake Let's go to Mr Green's house together I think you should say sorry to Mr Green and the sooner the better
        M OK Mum Let's go right now
        听第12段话 回答第1315题
        M Hi where will you go
        W I will go to the bookstore
        M What book actually do you look for
        W I look for an English grammar book written by Betty Simon
        M Why do you want to buy a grammar book
        W I will go to America next year so I should study English well
        M May I come with you to the bookstore
        W Of course you can Will you also buy a book
        M Yes I want to buy a novel
        W Do you like reading a novel
        M Of course I have many novels in my house

        W Wow That is very interesting Let's now
    II 听短文 选答案
        题听篇短文 读两遍 请题三选项中 选出恰项
    Dear Jenny
        I've got the letter you wrote to me on December 5th last Friday I'm very happy to hear that you're doing well It's been about two months since you left I'm very glad to hear that your new job is interesting but I m sorry to hear that you don't like Washington I think you'll like it better once you make more friends there Good luck to you
        Thank you very much for your invitation but I'm very sorry that I can't go to your Christmas party on December 24th because my grandfather will come here that day to celebrate Christmas with our family
    Please forgive me I hope you can come to New York to spend the New Year holiday with us





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