

    高 化 学   

    考试时间:75分钟                                                满分:100分
    相原子质量:H1   C12   N14   O16   I 127
    单项选择题(题包括15题题3分45分题 选项符合题意)
    A.二氧化碳结构式: OCO            B.HF电子式: 
    C.原子核8中子氧原子: O      D.CH4分子球棍模型: 
    2.列实验正确(  )
    A. 定容                   B. 制氨气    
    C. 制蒸馏水           D. 检验钾离子
    A HCl         B N2         C CaCl2         D NaOH
    4 列反应中属氧化原反应时吸热反应 
     A.Ba(OH)2稀硫酸反应            B .甲烷O2燃烧反应
    C.铝稀盐酸反应                  D.灼热炭CO2反应
    5.ABCD 均气体A+ 3B 2C + D 反应说化学反应速率表示中反应速率快
    A.v(A)=04 mol(Ls)                      B.v(B) =08 mol(Ls) 
    C.v(C)=06 mol(Ls)                      D.v(D) =05 mol(Ls)
    6.列关石油炼制煤利说法正确  (   )
     A.CH4 + Cl2               CH3Cl + HCl     B.CH2CH2 + HBr      CH3CH2Br
    9某反应两步反应A B C构成反应量曲线图列叙述正确
    C.AC量差E 4    
    D.A B反应反应条件定加热
    10.定条件恒容密闭容器中表示反应X(g)+Y(g) 2Z(g)定达衡状态

    ①容器中气体密度发生变化    ②XYZ浓度发生变化
    ③容器中压强发生变化        ④单位时间生成n mol Y时生成2n mol Z
    A.①②           B.②④          C.③④        D.①④
    A.常温常压28 g乙烯丙烯(C3H6)混合气体中含氢原子数4NA 
    C.1mol CH4完全转化CCl4少需Cl2分子数目2NA   
    D.1L 1molL-1CH3COOH溶液中含氢离子数目NA
    ①C(s)+12O2(g)=CO(g) △H=-1105 kJmol-1
    ②C(s)+O2(g)=CO2(g)   △H=-39351 kJmol-1
    A.-28301 kJmol-1             B.+28301 kJmol-1
    C.+17251 kJmol-1             D.-17251 kJmol-1
    C.碳酸氢铵溶液足量氢氧化钠溶液反应:NH+4 + OH- NH3H2O
    D.NaAlO2溶液中通入量CO2:2AlO2— + CO2 + 3H2O   2Al(OH)3↓ + CO32—
    A.048mol       B.072mol      C.090mol     D.120mol

    第II卷   55分
    ①16O17O18O ②C2H5OHCH3OCH3 ③石墨金刚石 ④HDT 四组微粒物质中互位素     ▲     (填序号)互素异形体 ▲ 
    (2)现①SiO2②碘③Na2SO4④MgCl2四种晶体列求回答(序号填空):晶体熔化时需破坏价键     ▲     熔点低     ▲     晶体中存种微粒间作力    ▲   

    17.(12分)XYZQR 原子序数次增短周期族元素已知:气体YX3润湿红色石蕊试纸变蓝ZX族Q原子外层电子数周期序数2倍回答列问题:
    (1)Q元素周期表中位置   ▲  YX3电子式   ▲   (元素符号表示)
    (2)XYZ原子半径序      ▲     (元素符号表示)
    (3)X2QY高价氧化物水化物稀溶液反应会生成Q单质试写出该反应化学方程式            ▲       
    (4)证明R非金属性Q强实验事实    ▲     (填字母序号)
    (5)气体YX3水中溶解性特原          ▲           

    (1)某学设计实验流程:烧杯里加入20g Ba(OH)28H2O晶体10gNH4Cl晶体然烧杯放事先已滴3滴~4滴水玻璃片立玻璃棒迅速搅拌实验流程示意图回答列问题 :

    ①实验中玻璃棒作        ▲    
    ②浸稀硫酸棉花作     ▲     
    (2)沼气种廉价源农村存量秸秆杂草等废弃物微生物发酵便产生沼气点火做饭农村推广建造沼气池仅效利 ▲  农业生产提供优良肥料已知: 标准状况1120L CH4气体完全燃烧生成CO2液态水放出4448kJ热量

    ①写出CH4完全燃烧热化学方程式          ▲         
    ②果述反应生成水蒸气反应放出热量   ▲    4448kJ(填><=)

    (1)种正开发利O2H2O作原料通化合制取H2O2方法原理右图示该方法制取H2O2总化学反应方程式    ▲   


    编号    实验目 
       H2O2溶液    温度    水
    体积mL    FeCl3溶液体积mL
    分数    体积mL            
    Ⅰ    编号Ⅱ实验参    12    50    常温    0    0
    Ⅱ    温度反应速率影响    ( ▲ )     50    60℃    0    0
    Ⅲ    编号Ⅳ实验参    40    50    常温    (▲ )    0
    Ⅳ    (        ▲      )    40    50    常温    0    10
    填写表中缺少容:Ⅱ   ▲    Ⅲ     ▲      Ⅳ     ▲    
    :Au侧电池   ▲    极(选填:正负)纳米棒   ▲   (选填:左右)移动

     (1)图某机物结构模型中表示苯    ▲    
     (2)2mL苯中加入1 mL溴水震荡静置实验现象 ▲ 
     (4)定条件苯乙炔制写出乙炔足量H2加热加压Ni做催化剂条件反应生成乙烷化学方程式    ▲   

    21(8分) 种测定饮料中糖类物质浓度(糖类物质葡萄糖计算)方法:取某色饮料200 mL处理该饮料中糖类物质全部转化葡萄糖加入适量氢氧化钠溶液稀释1000mL.取100mL稀释液加入300mL001500molL1I2溶液充分反应00120molL1Na2S2O3剩余I2反应消耗Na2S2O3溶液250mL
    C6H12O6+I2+3NaOH C6H11O7Na+2NaI+2H2O 

    (1)配制100mL001500molL1I2溶液需准确称取    ▲  gI2单质(保留3位数)

             高化学参考答案    20195
    1.A.  2. D. 3  D    4 D.   5.D.  6.C.  7.B. 8.B. 
    9 A.  10.B. 11.A.  12.C. 13.B. 14.C. 15.C.
    (1) ① ④   ③     (2)  ①    ②    ① ④
    (1)第3周期ⅥA族                    (2)Na>N>H
    (3)3H2S+2HNO33S↓+2NO↑+4H2O              (4)ab
    ①搅拌混合物充分接触反应  (2分)        
    ②吸收反应中产生氨气   (2分)
    (2)生物质 (2分)
    CH4(g)+2O2(g)CO2(g)+2H2O(l)  △H 8896KJmol1 (2分)  <  (2分)
    (3)O2 + 4e- + 2H2O 4OH-    (2分)
    (1)O2+2H2O 2H2O2(2分)
    (2)12  (1分)   10  (1分)     催化剂反应速率影响(2分)
    (3)正(2分)    右(2分)
    (1)D   (2)溶液分层层橙红色(橙黄色)层色

    (4)HC≡CH + 2H2                        CH3CH3
    21 (8分)(1)  0381(3分)    (2)  015molL1   (5分)



    试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分满分150分考 试时间120分钟
    第节 (5题题15分满分75分)
    1What does the man suggest the woman do
    ABuy a new dress  B Exchange the dress    C Get the dress tailored
    2What are the speakers talking about
    A A birthday celebration   B A fancy restaurant    C A holiday plan
    3What did the woman do for Mary last night
    AShe fixed Mary’s carBShe gave Mary a phone callCShe let Mary sleep in her house
    4Where do the speakers plan to go
    AThe theater      B Their mom’s office     C Their grandma’s house 
    5Who will begin the lecture now
    AProf Brookings      B Dr Mildens          C Dr White
    第二节 (15题题15分满分225分)
    6What did the woman do at the Media Camp
    AShe learned poster designBShe studied filmmakingCShe wrote for a magazine
    7Why did the woman spend her holiday there
    ATo visit her brother   B To try something different  C To work in the movie industry
    8What does Julia’s friend’s band need
    AA singerB A pianist    C A guitar player
    9How many members are there in the man’s band
    ATwo    B Three    C Four
    10What does the man offer to do for the woman
    AMeet her in the garageBIntroduce her to his bandCProvide a place for her practice
    11What does the woman do
    AA doctor    B A teacher    C A lawyer
    12What is the most probable relationship between the speakers
    A Old classmates    B Mother and son    C Sister and brother
    13What will the man probably do next month
    A Study in a school    B Give up the boring task    C Work with the woman
    14What are the speakers mainly discussing
    A The man’s favorite food    B Popular food in Belgium   C Belgian eating habits
    15How long did the man’s Christmas dinner take last year
    A About 6 hours    B About 5 hours              C About 3 hours
    16What may people there do after a big dinner
    AThey eat as much as usualBThey take exercise to keep fit
    CThey eat less in the following days
    17What prizes were given last week
    A Sports bags    B IWatches    C Pens
    18When was the show broadcast for the first time
    A A week ago    B A month ago   C A year ago
    19What does the speaker say about the footballer
    A He can speak French  B He has a famous wife  C He owns a club
    20How will the listeners tell their answers
    A By making a call B By writing a letter      C By sending a postcard
    第二部分 阅读理解 (两节满分40分)


    Story Patch (iPad)
    Great for boosting creativity amongst the little ones but also a challenge that you and the pintsized writer of your family can do together The app allows children to create their own themed tale paired with a choice of over 800 illustrations
    JBaby Grandparents Frame (iPad iPhone Android)

    They say that a picture is worth a thousand words Perfect for grandparents who want nothing more than to be involved in every step of their grandchild’s development It does require a WiFi frame to work but this can be bought from an electronic store

    Zero to Three Let’s Play (iPad iPhone Android)
    With a little help during play time anything is possible The app features boredom killers and provides fun ideas categorized specifically by age group Particularly useful when looking after babies or toddlers
    Little Peanut on the Go (iPad iPhone)

    Ideal for parents who want to stay wellconnected to their caregivers and children while away It allows them to share schedules with you if you’re in charge of the grandchildren and it may just give them some peace of mind if they’re leaving their children for the first time

    Toilet Finder (iPad iPhone)
    Especially useful when you happen to find yourself in a sticky spot (after your grandchild has alerted you to their need at the last minute of course) Through satellite navigation’ signals your phone or tablet tracks the nearest loo to your current location A potential lifesaver when you’re out and about
     Whether you’re a grandparent who takes care of the little ones once or twice a week and is looking for interesting ways to keep them entertained or a longdistance grandparent relying on technology to stay in touch we’ve got you covered with the best apps for grandparents
    21 Which of the following can be used in Android system
    A Story Patch    B Little Peanut on the Go
    C Toilet Finder    D Zero to Three — Let’s Play
    22 What can we know about the apps
    A Toilet Finder can be used through voice signals
    B Zero to Three — Let’s Play can provide lots of entertainment
    C We can download JBaby Grandparents Frame from the App Store for free
    D Grandparents can share location with caregivers by Little Peanut on the Go
    23 What is the purpose of this article
    A To explain how to use some smartphone apps
    B To make life more convenient for grandparents
    C To recommend some apps to assist grandparents
    D To advocate interaction between family members
    In the middle of the 19th centurya fever dream of riches beyond measure drew countless explorers west to the mountains of central California.Although the gold rush ended up being a bust for many who sought a fortunesome of those explorers discovered a natural treasure that would draw permanent settlers to Yosemite Valley in the following decade.
    Vast wildernessbeautiful mountainscountless waterfallsand abundant wildlife drew Native Americans to Yosemite roughly 10000 years ago.The first nonnative tourists arrived in the mid1850s after reports from gold seekers told of an area of breathtaking beauty that no words were able to describe.
    Fortunatelysome of Yosemite’s earliest settlers recognized that Yosemite’s natural beauty and resources needed to be preserved for future generations.In the midst of the Civil WarPresident Abraham Lincoln signed a grant to protect Yosemite permanentlythus making it the nation’s first land to be dedicated to recreation and setting the stage for what would become the national park system.
    One of Yosemite’s earliest ambassadors was ScottishAmerican naturalist and writer John Muir.After living in Yosemite for a few yearshe helped define its proposed boundaries.He also wrote articles that helped lead to its official title as a National Park in 1890.He later cofounded the Sierra Club in 1892 to advocate for its continued preservation and protection.
    Located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in central CaliforniaYosemite National Park runs across nearly 748000 acresalmost 95%of which is wilderness.Around four million visitors come to Yosemite each year to camphike its miles of trailsclimb its rock formationsand photograph its impressive sights.Are you ready to visit Yosemite National Park Which of Yosemite’s sights would you most like to experience
    24.Which of the following best explains bust underlined in Paragraph 1
    A.Memory.        B.Symbol.    C.Failure.        D.Challenge.
    25.When did the first nonnative tourists come to Yosemite
    A.After it was discovered by gold seekers.
    B.When the gold rush finally came to a stop.
    C.Before native Americans found its beauty.
    D.When it became a National Park in 1890.
    26.What do we learn about John Muir
    A.He was the first to build the national park.
    B.He helped set the boundaries of Yosemite.
    C.He wrote to collect money for Yosemite.
    D.He gave Yosemite an official name.
    27.What do we know about Yosemite National Park
    A.It has been well preserved since the Civil War.
    B.It was originally created to protect wild animals.
    C.It used to be wellknown for its manmade beauty.
    D.It was once damaged by some of its earliest settlers.
    A walk through the galleries of Quebec's Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) places individuals facetoface with some 43000 artworks ranging from Chinese ceramics(陶瓷制品) to Inuit sculpture
    While the visiting is an incredible cultural experience a group of local physicians will soon be able to prescribe(开处方) museum visits as treatment for some illnesses
    We know that art contributes to neural(神) activity said MMFA director Nathalie Bondil What we see is that being in contact with art can really help your wellbeing
    Hélène Boyer vice president of a Montrealbased medical association explains that museum visits have been shown to increase levels of serotonin a neurotransmitter(神传导物质) known as the happy chemical which helps to lift mood
    According to Boyer the small increase in hormones(荷尔蒙)associated with enjoying an afternoon of art is similar to that offered by exercise making museum prescriptions ideal for the elderly experiencing pain that prevents them from regularly joining in physical activity
    The museum visits are designed to improve traditional methods As Bondil notes spending time in a peaceful environment can provide a welcome distraction What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain she says When you enter the museum you escape from the speed of our daily life
    I am convinced that in the 21st century culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century said Bondil Some people would do well to recall that just in the 19th century sports were believed to do harm to the body Just as doctors now prescribe exercise they will be able to prescribe a visit to the MMFA
    28 What does Hélène Boyer think of museum visits
    A They can cheer people upB They can reduce physical activity
    C They can slow down our life pace D They can increase levels of art appreciation
    29 How do museum visits affect people
    A Stop them concentrating on pain 
    B Stop them focusing on traditional methods 
    C Encourage them not to be absentminded
    D Encourage them to slow their steps while walking
    30 What does the last paragraph suggest
    A Physical activities were popular in the 19th century 
    B Sports are considered to be harmful to the body
    C Ideas of treating illnesses are changing over time
    D Doctors prescribe museum visits regularly now 
    31 What is the main idea of the text
    A Museum visits are ideal for the elderly     B Happy chemical helps to lift mood 
    C Peaceful environment helps escape pain     D Cultural activities will promote health     
    Working up a credit score for Walter Cavanagh has got to be a mathematical nightmare—the man has nearly 1 500 valid credit cards to his name and holds the Guinness Record for the most credit cards Mr.Plastic Fantastic—a title given to him by Guinness World Records—is also the proud owner of the world's longest wallet which can hold about 800 cards But he uses it only to carry a few cards while the rest are safely kept in bank safedeposit boxes.
    Cavanagh started collecting credit cards in the late 1960s One of my best friends and Imade a silly bet the guy who could collect the most credit cards by the end of the year would win dinner he said I got 143 cards by the end of the year and my friend gathered 138 After winning that bet Cavanagh decided to simply keep going with his unusual collection He got credit cards from gas stations airlines bars and even ice cream stores.
    If there's one card missing from Cavanagh’s collection it's that from the Newberry Company They repulsed his application for a card in the early 1970s even though he'd collected over 100 by then They said he had too much credit Therefore so far he hasn't had a Newberry card in his collection
    Cavanagh hasn't stopped applying for new cards—he's held the Guinness Record since 1971 and has no intention of letting go of it He copies whole pages from a US directory of businesses and keeps sending applications If he receives a rejection he writes back to the company explaining his goal and ambition But he doesn't count useless cards in his total collection
    Thanks to all the cards to his name Cavanagh has access to about $17 million at any moment Despite this privilege he has managed to maintain an excellent credit score
    The 72yearold retired financial planner and credit expert has only one piece of advice to share Never use a card to buy anything you can't pay off in a couple of months If you don't have the discipline you shouldn't have the cards
    32 Cavanagh began to collect credit cards when he__________.
    A owned a very long walletB made a bet with his friend
    C wanted to create a Guinness RecordD was treated to dinner by his friend.
    33 What does the underlined word repulsed in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A Rejected.B Recalled.C Repeated.D Recognized.
    34 What do the underlined words the discipline in the last paragraph probably refer to?
    A Having many cards to your own name.
    B Buying things by card and paying off in time.
    C Managing to own more privileges for your card.
    D Using a card to buy things as many times as possible.
    35 What do we know about Cavanagh's cards?
    A Some of them are useless.
    B They are safely kept in his long wallet.
    C They have brought him fame and privilege.
    D Fewer new cards are added to his collections.
    第二节  (5题题2分满分10分)
    How You Open Your Car Door Matters to Cyclists
    TheDutch reachisn’t a new dance move or a random YouTube challenge It’s a simple move that can help prevent harm to cyclists And you might keep your car door safe in the process too ___36___
    Typically a person sitting in the driver’s seat of a car opens the door with the hand closest to it  It makes sense since doors are designed to be opened that way ___37___ But if you happen to do that at the wrong time you may unknowingly create an obstacle for a passing cyclist The cyclist might be knocked down off the bike The car door is likely to be damaged by the fastmoving bicycle
    ___38___ However the car door design and longtime habits have made the process automatically Luckilythere’s a simple way to solve the problem Open your car door with your other handusing the Dutch reach So instead of using your left hand reach for the door handle with your right ___39___ At the very least you’11 look into your side view mirror to check for any traffic
    The Dutch are used to opening their car doors this way All Dutch are taught it It’s part of regular driver education The technique dates back about 50 or 60 years in the Netherlands In 2016 an American named Michael Charney started the Dutch Reach Project He wanted to popularize the practice in the United States Charney’s efforts may be paying off ___40___
    A Pull the handle and the door is open
    B This will force you to turn your body
    C It is easy to do once you are used to it
    D People are trying to change the way to open the car
    E All you have to do is change how you open your door
    F Several states now include the Dutch reach in their drivers’handbooks
    G Clearly the solution is for the person exiting the vehicle to check for traffic
    41I got a ticket ____ I would never have been able to afford a concert like that
    A as a result     B otherwise     C therefore      D as last
    42 Who will ask Mr Finkelstein to keep his dangerous dog in his house or _____ 
       I will give it a go He often listens
    A tied up      B tying up     C to tie up     D tie up
    43 Is Katherine still performing
      I’m afraid not She is said ____ the stage already as she has become an official  
     A to have left    B to leave    C to have been left     D to be left
    44 We didn’t see our instructor at the exhibition yesterday
      He ____ it
     A mustn’t visit    B can’t have visited    C should have gone to see   D may see
    45 Athletes from many countries came to compete ____ each other ____ gold medals ____ the Olympic Games
    A with for against   B against for in    C in for with   D against with for
    46 The little girl said she would buy a gift for her mother with the ________ on Mother's Day
       A20 dollars remained     B 20 dollars to remain   
       C remained 20 dollars     D remaining 20 dollars
    47 Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday
      No but we ____ to get in touch with them ever since  
     A have been trying   B have tried    C are trying    D were trying
    48 I drove my car at a speed of 150 kilometers an hour this afternoon It was great fun
       Did you go crazy You _____ yourself 
     A might kill     B could kill    C must have killed    D could have killed
    49 Lots of supplies were offered to the flood stricken area _____ people from all walks of life volunteered to go there and help rebuild homes
      A on the contrary   B by all means    C above anything else     D what’s more
    50 I need to advertise for a roommate for next term
       _____ Simon is interested
      A Why bother   B How come    C So what    D What for
    51 China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals _____ all its citizens
       A in search of    B for the purpose of   C in honor of    D for the benefit of
    52Have you really realized the role computer has ______ in our daily life
      A made    B given   C caused     D played
    53 I don’t think your lecture _______ the audience for they appeared quite puzzled
      A got across to   B got around to    C got away from   D got along with
    54 We all have a special feeling for our mother tongue _______ those of us ______speak one _____ is not endangered might not always be aware of it
     A what that who  Bas if which who   Cbecause that which   D although who that
    55 It is unwise to disturb one who is devoted to his work Just _____
     A face the music        B fly off the handle       C eat your words         D bite your tongue
    When I was a law professor a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points He was 56  and after thanking him for his honesty I changed the 57  in my records His beaming (欢笑) face turned to58  You're lowering my grade he said angrily I would never have come in  59   …… He didn't finish the 60 but it was obvious that his display of honesty was false He thought he'd have it all— praise and the 61 grade Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade  62  because all I'd accomplished was to discourage him from being  63  in the future And every time I tell this 64 some people agree with this remark But I can't see how I could give good   65   for worsening my mistake in grading by undermining (损害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to  66   an error The grade itself would be a dishonest  67  of his knowledge and it would have been 68   to other students How could I possibly give a student a gift of an69   grade I know   70  reporting an error in one's favor is unusual but like  71   extra change it's clearly the right thing to do People of character those with real honesty hate to give up benefits as 72  as anyone else 
    The difference is that for them a good conscience and reputation is 73   enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing Perhaps lowering the student's grade did 74   him from being honest in the future but bribing (贿赂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when it's costfree would have   75    him even more The duty to be honest is about right and wrong not risks and rewards
    56 A wise     B right    C rigid     D angry
    57 A file         B note    C name    D grade
    58 A grief         B shock    C happiness     D silence
    59 A whether      B which    C if      D what
    60 A sentence           B word     C exam    D lesson
    61 A higher     B lower          C more    D less
    62 A move     B stand    C change    D drop
    63 A brave          B adventurous      C honest     D dull
    64 A man           B story    C way     D exam
    65 A state       B cause    C excuse    D result
    66 A make       B mind         C avoid        D correct
    67 A reaction        B sense      C sign     D reflection
    68 A unfair      B cruel     C tough     D funny
    69 A unfinished    B undone    C unearned    D unquestioned
    70 A actively      B secretly    C voluntarily    D curiously
    71 A receiving    B returning         C earning    D paying
    72 A many             B well    C good      D much
    73 A pleasure           B reward     C content    D honor
    74 A discourage     B influence     C protect      D separate
    75 A improved      B encouraged    C ruined    D blamed
    Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake But no one judged that an earthquake was coming 76________ (sudden) everything shook It seemed as if the world was 77________ an end Millions of brick houses and a number of dams 78________ (destroy) Railway tracks became useless bars Pipes in mines burst and let 79________ smelly steam Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere
    The next day this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers With the reporters 80________ (give) an outline of the disaster the whole nation was shocked by the damage and the victims' extreme suffering People were moved 81________ they read that the 82________ (survive) comforted each other by saying Congratulations You survivedSo they not only expressed their sympathy sincerely but also organized together 83________ (help) the victims right away The injured were rescued and the dead 84________ (be) buried The 85________ (frighten) people were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter fresh water and electricity Thanks to people's help the loss was minimized
    86The publisher also said that readers would be amazed by the writer's unique way of thinking and s________ writing
    87The target audience is high school teenagers Our main aim is to d________ young people from smoking
    88These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the world with their a__________ to push the boundaries of human achievement
    89At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics the People's Republic of China returned to the Olympics after 32 years' a_____________
    90A sport must be practiced by men in at least 75 countries on at least four c_________ or practiced by women at least 40 countries on three
    91My parents do think that c__________ young people show no respect for their elders
    92When you fail to deal with a problem don't give up It is time for you to look for a new a_______
    93Our company has got used to p_________ our new products by advertising them on TV radio and in newspapers
    94 Why did Mary's husband go to his neighbour Aleko to get back their lamb
     He was told that Aleko suddenly a______________ a new lamb
    95 What is especially fantastic about the suspension bridge
       It is e___________ that if the bridge were packed with cars it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity

        20学赞成    80学反

    点    1吃学校食堂口饭菜
       3遇挫折父母安慰鼓励    1滋长惰性日难独立
        Recently many boarders have moved out of the school dormitories to live with their parents in a rented house nearby 




    第部分:听力( 20 题题 15 分满分 30 分)
    15 CACCA    610 ABACB    1115 CBCCA    1620 CACAC
    第二部分:阅读理解( 20 题题 2 分满分 40 分)
    2123 DBC  2427 CABA    2831 AACD   3235 BABC  3640 EAGBF
    4145  BAABB    4650  DADDA   51—55 DDADD


    5660 BDBCA  61—65 ABCBC  6670 DDACC 7175 BDBAC

    76Suddenly 77at 78were destroyed 79.out 80.giving 81.when 82.survivors 83.to help 84.were 85.frightened 
    86skilfulskillfulskilled  87 discourage  88 attempts   89 absence  90continents   91contemporary      92approach    93promoting    94acquired   95 estimated

      Recently many boarders have moved out of the school dormitories to live with their parents in a rented house nearby 20 of the students think it does good to them because they can have better food than that sold in the school cafeteria and they don’t have to spend time waiting in line to buy food or washing clothes which saves a lot of time Besides their parents can comfort and encourage them in time of difficulty The rest of us are strongly against it They think it will help develop laziness and make it difficult for them to become independent in future It will also affect their parents’ work and add to their burden They will feel guilty if they fail to live up to their parents’ expectations The pressure will have a bad effect on their studies
       Personally I don’t agree with the decision to move out To begin with it’s much more fun to live with friends than live with parents It’s true that our parents can encourage us when we are in low spirits but it’s our friends who can really help us solve academic problems we come across every day At the same time living on campus is a great opportunity for us to develop good habits and learn how to get on well with roommates and classmates Last but not least we are not study machine It’s impossible for us to study all day long Actually doing some house work like cleaning helps us to relax and do better academically   

    听力原 文:
    Text 1
    W I’m gonna throw out this ugly dress I don’t even remember why I bought it in the first place M Well it’s such a beautiful material Just get it to a tailor A few changes will make it lovely
    Text 2
    M Father’s sixtieth birthday is coming W How should we celebrate it for him
    M I plan to take the whole family for a big meal in a fancy restaurant I’ll also invite some relatives
    Text 3
    W Guess what happened to me last night M What was it
    W My phone rang when I was sound asleep It was my friend Mary Her car couldn’t start when she passed my house So I invited her to spend the night
    Text 4
    W Do you want to watch a movie tonight
    M No I want to spend the night at grandma’s
    W If you go I’ll go with you I miss her so much
    M Then let’s go over to her place after Mom comes back Text 5
    M Before we begin today’s lecture I want to invite Dr Kathleen White to talk about the plan for the afternoon
    W Prof Brookings I just talked to Dr White She said she will be a little late today because she got stuck in traffic
    M Oh thank you Dr Mildens In that case I’ll begin the lecture now and Dr White can tell us about the afternoon later on
    Text 6
    M Did you and your brother have a good time at the Media Camp
    W Yes it was great He went for filmmaking and I chose poster design
    M What made you decide to go there Did your brother talk you into it(说服)
    W Actually I persuaded him I read about it in a magazine I knew he’d be interested because he wants to work in the movie industry I don’t but I was getting a bit fed up with(……厌倦) always spending the summer doing the same old things so I applied as soon as I heard about it
    Text 7
    M Hey Julia You look unhappy What’s the matter
    W Oh hi James I really want to be in my friend’s band but they say I can’t sing M Well you’ve got a great new electric guitar haven’t you
    W Yes but they don’t need another guitar player
    M You see I play in a band Perhaps you  could play with us I’ll ask the others W Really Who’s in your band
    M There’s Pete and Danny They’re brothers And then there’s Joe—the pianist you know the tall American boy We need a girl in the band Let me ask them
    W OK We can practice in my garage Text 8
    M Next month all the people in our class have to spend a week going to work instead of going to school I wondered if I could come to work with you
    W But you don’t want to be a lawyer You’ve always said you want to do something different from your dad and me Let’s think of somewhere else you could go like ahospital
    M But I might want to be a lawyer
    W What are all your friends going to do during this special week
    M Most of them want to work with children in a primary school for a week I really want to know what a lawyer is really like and what you really do
    W Well I’m not happy about it But if it’s what you really want and you promise not to be upset if you’re bored I’ll do it
    M OK I promise Text 9
    W Chris I would like to know what kind of food you eat in
    Belgium M We have our fish our meat our wines our fruit…
    W I mean what is popular about Belgian food
    M Well it’s a bit different in Belgium as I think it is here in
    New York We really enjoy the tables
    We don’t go out for dinner that often but when we go out we stay at a table for three or four hours It starts with appetizers then it may be a soup then it’s the main dish then it’s still an icecream or something
    W It takes so much time to have dinner in your country
    M Yeah We really enjoy eating and it goes slow Last winter a friend from Portugal went to Belgium with me For Christmas dinner we met at 530 and  then we started with some drinks I think we ate from 6 o’clock in the afternoon till 12 o’clock that night
    W Wow You must be fat there if you eat that much
    M In fact we don’t We don’t do it that often but if we do then of course the next day or the next few days you see people just don’t eat much
    Text 10
    W And now for our Mystery Person of the week and your chance to win one of our amazing prizes Last week’s competition produced a huge response and the first five answers pulled out of the box received 100 worth of sports bags And if you didn’t win last week here’s another chance And this week’s prize is even bigger We are giving away ten prizes of250 worth of iWatches to mark the first anniversary of the show so get your pens ready to take down the address details  Just write the name of the person you think is our Mystery Person and send it to Mystery Draw 
    PO Box 5110 London The address will be repeated at the end of the show for those of you who didn’t get it And now let me introduce our mystery person this week He is a very wellknown footballer who plays for a famous club and has also played for his national team He is very talented and is very popular especially for the part he played in a famous footballing victory He has no famous wife and speaks French but not a Frenchman If you think you know  who he is then send your answer on a postcard to Mystery Draw PO Box 5110 London That’s PO Box 5110 We don’t accept letters And please don’t forget to write your name and telephone number too





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