四年级下册英语教案-Unit1 Welcome to my new home!Lesson4 人教精通(2014秋)

    Unit1 Welcome to my new home Lesson 4
    1 Can read and say the words picture computer
    2 Can read and write the words and sentences study home What’s in the study There is a new computer
    3 Can use the drills to describe home
    1 Can read and write the words and sentences study home What’s in the study There is a new computer
    2 Can use the drills to describe home
    1 Greeting
    2 Let’s chant (Lesson 2)
    1 Show a picture of a new house and say boys and girls this is my new home Today I want to invite you to come to my home Welcome to my home (Put the sentence card on the Bb) Look It’s empty I want to buy so something to make it beautiful What should I buy Can you help me Review the words L 1 ~ L 3 eg bed desk fridge sofa chair table…
    1 Show the picture of new home and say Look It’s so beautiful I like it very much
    T Look Which room is this
    Ss Living room
    T What’s in my living room
    Ss There is a sofaa big TVa DVD player…
    T Look What’s on the wall Can you guess (Cover the picture teach the new word picture) Put the card on the Bb Ask them to practice orally and try to make sentences with the new word
    T What do you do in the living room Help them to answer I watch TVdo house workplay games…
    2 Look There are three rooms Look at the pictures on the doors What are they (门图提示)
    Ss bedroom kitchen
    T What about this one We can go into it and see but I can’t find the key Let’s look for the key First let’s go into the bedroom
    T What’s in my bedroom
    Ss There is a bedpicture…
    T This is my bedroom What’s in your bedroom
    Ss There is a beddeskchair… (Ask and answer in pairs)
    T What do you do in your bedroom Help them to answer I sleep have a rest in the bedroom
    T Can you find the key
    Ss No
    T Let’s go into the kitchen What’s in my kitchen
    Ss There is a new fridgetable… (Ask and answer in pairs)
    T I often cook meals for my family here Can you find the key Look What’s on the table Oh the key to the room Let’s have a look Listen and guess There are many books I often read books there Which room is it
    Ss Study (teach the new word) Read and spell try to make sentences with it
    3 T I often study here What’s in my study
    Ss There are some books There is a desk
    T We should read more books because reading can make more knowledge What’s on the desk Guess
    Ss computer (teach the new words Put the cards on the Bb)
    4 T Is there a study in your home What’s in your study What do you do in your study If you don’t have never mind I have some pictures for you This is not my study and this is not your study Look What’s in the study Get them to ask and answer in pairs
    5 Let’s chant
    6 Do the exercises I can choose
    1 T Today you visit my home Thank you for helping me I love my home and my family very much Look Li Yan goes to Kate’s home Let’s look and listen
    2 Role Play the dialogues
    3 Group work Little designer
    Tasks 1 Describe your home
    2 Design a room and talk about it
    3 Let’s chant
    4 Sing a song about home
    4 Show time
    5 Homework




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