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    第部分:知识运(两节45 分)
    第节 单项填空( 15 题题 1 分 15 分)
    题 ABCD 四选项中选出填入空白处佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    例:It’s so nice to hear from her again _____ we last met more than thirty years ago
    A What’s more B That’s to say
    C In other words D Believe it or not
    1.The researches of this kind in both the UK and the continental Europe well before the First World War
    A.have conducted B.have been conducted
    C.had conducted D.had been conducted
    2. the famous actress offers to her fans is honesty and happiness
    A.Which B.What C.That D.Whom
    3.Trump in the library every night over the last three months
    A.works B.worked C.have been working D.had been working
    4.—I don’t really like Tom Why did you invite him
    —Don’t worry He come He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were
    A.must not B.need not C.would not D.might not
    5.It’s important for the figures regularly
    A.to be updated B.to have been updated
    C.to update D.to have updated
    6 The old bank _____ appearance is not a pretty sight is extremely magnificent inside
    A whose B where C when D why
    7 The famous athlete tried again and again after each failure That’s _______ he succeeded in the end
    A what B when C whether D why
    8 Usually Beijing Roast Duck ________ together with special pancakes green onions and sweet sauce
    A was served B will serve C is served D serve
    9 ______ gas price is going up people are looking for less expensive ways to get around
    A Now that B Even if C Although D Unless
    10 Passengers ________ talk to the driver while the bus is moving because it will take his focus off the road
    A would not B must not C may not D need not
    11 When we saw the road with snow we decided to spend the holiday at home
    A block B to block C blocking D blocked
    12 I took my driving license with me on holiday ______ I wanted to hire a car
    A in case B even if C ever since D if only
    13 So what is the procedure
    All the applicants before a final decision is made by the authority
    A interview B are interviewing
    C are interviewed D are being interviewed
    14 Experts believe people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary
    A why B where C that D what
    15 If we a table earlier we couldn’t be standing here in a queue
    A have booked B booked C book D had booked
    第二节 完形填空( 20 题题 15 分 30 分)
    阅读面短文掌握意题 ABCD 四选项中选出佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    The Brave Action
    13yearold Madison was studying at home when her mother burst in.She said a boy had fallen into a septic tank(化粪池)and made an urgent 16 for Madison’s help.
    They ran to a neighbor’s yardwhere the 17 adults surrounded the septic tank opening 18 wider than a basketball.The boyaged only 2had slipped in and was 19 .
    Madison quickly 20 the situation.She was the only one who could 21 through the small opening.Without 22 she got close to the opening and said 23 me in.
    Some people held her waist and 24 .She wiggled(扭动)arms and shoulders until she 25 the opening.Insidethe tank was dark and the air smelly.When she stuck her arms into the dirty watershe jammed her left wrist against a hidden stick 26 it severely.
    27 tend to her injuryMadison scanned the surface of the dirty waterhoping to 28 the underwater boy.Suddenly she saw his little toes stick out.When spotting the vague 29 of his foot againMadison shot out her 30 handgrasped the foot tightly and shouted
    Pull me up
    As they nearly reached the surfacethe boy’s other foot got stuck.She wiggled his foot until it was 31 .Eventually they were lifted out.
    32 the kid wasn’t out of trouble.Having suffered from lack of 33 that longhe wasn’t breathing.He was then given hard hits on the back until he coughed up water.At the sight of thisMadison sighed with 34 .
    Madison received months of treatment for her wristwhich made her 35 actions more impressive.
    16.A.appointment B.attempt C.choice D.request
    17.A.anxious B.curious C.annoyed D.merciful
    18.A.partly B.previously C.slightly D.dramatically
    19.A.floating B.weeping C.trembling D.drowning
    20.A.controlled B.examined C.took part in D.gave up
    21.A.look B.jump C.fill D.fit
    22.A.time B.permission C.hesitation D.judgment
    23.A.Throw B.Lower C.Force D.Push
    24.A.legs B.arms C.head D.hands
    25.A.adjusted to B.got through C.tore down D.held on to
    26.A.touching B.trapping C.injuring D.striking
    27.A.In an effort to B.Rather than C.Likely to D.Ready to
    28.A.feel B.smell C.follow D.attract
    29.A.skin B.gesture C.picture D.outline
    30.A.left B.single C.good D.clumsy
    31.A.frozen B.free C.flexible D.bare
    32.A.However B.Instead C.Therefore D.Personally
    33.A.protection B.oxygen C.gravity D.energy
    34.A.flight B.cold C.relief D.respect
    35.A.unselfish B.thoughtless C.unconscious D.random

    第二部分:阅读理解(两节40 分)
    第节( 15 题:题 2 分 30 分)
    阅读列短文题 ABCD 四选项中选出佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    Recently the sewer line(污水道)under our house didn’t work.My first response was to call a repairman.I made the callexpecting the man at the other end of the line to complain about such an awful job.Insteadhe simply askedThe address
    An hour later Steve arrived in his truck.He looked exactly as I had imagined he might:broad and bearlikein well worn clothing.Can you fix it I asked with a mixture of doubt and hope.Steve looked at me as if responding to my lack of faith.With a cheerful shrug that suggested my crisis was all in a day’s work for himhe saidSure.
    After a short whileSteve told me that he had to get a tool and tear up the street to the main sewer line.He would first have to get permission from the town I registered appropriate panic.How long will all this take Againa shrug I should have it done by evening.
    I did not want to watch the digging of my property unfold and went into town to visit some friends.I felt somewhat guilty upon driving off in my clean vehicleleaving Steve to such a disagreeable task.Finallywhen I went homea sweeter sight I never saw:a period of newly paved street and all was tidy and relatively dry.
    I need to sayin my own defensethat I am not a weak father of two children I’ve traveled all over the worldserved in the United States Navy and earned a PhD.But the broken sewer line was my limit.Then I thought about Steve Bigroughand how people might judge himif not for his appearance then for his work.And I was taken by the very idea thatno matter what crisis occursthere is somebody somewherewho has the appropriate tools and settles it.
    36.What do we know about Steve
    A.He wears neat and new clothes.
    B.He is quite confident of his skills.
    C.He always complains about his job.
    D.He hesitates to accept the repair work.
    37.What did Steve think of the author’s crisis
    A.It’s a great challenge.
    B.It’s beyond his ability.
    C.It’s a part of his routine.
    D.It’s none of his business.
    38.Why did the author leave home during the repairs
    A.He liked to take his time riding outside.
    B.He drove to turn to his friends for help.
    C.He was afraid of being looked down upon.
    D.He was unwilling to face the embarrassing situation.
    39.What can be inferred from the text
    A.Action speaks louder than words.
    B.God helps those who help themselves.
    C.Every profession produces its top experts.
    D.Hope for the bestbut prepare for the worst.
    For years going home for the holidays has been bittersweet I appreciate the opportunity to spend quality time with my mom but it is painful for me to see her house littered with stuff(物品).Clothes bought but never wornand new items in their original packaging carelessly purchased and never used.It's evident that seeing the stuff on a daily basis reminds my mom of a time when shopping was her way of spending money.
    I didn’t fully understand the extent to which my mom was suffering until this weekwhen I saw piles of clothes on her bed.
    How do you manage to sleep every night with all that stuffMom I asked.To my horrorshe replied I do it because I know I have to get rid of all this stuff eventuallyI am punishing myself by sleeping with them until I do—that.
    Shocked and upsetI gently explained to her that punishing herself was only to make things worseand that everybody deserves a place to sleep in peaceno matter what mistakes they’ve made.I suggested she move all the stuff upstairsleaving her room comfortable to sleep in.
    With patience and her slow but steady guidanceI helped her go through some of the piles and move them upstairs.For the rest of the week I stayed thereshe was in a better mood and was excited about going through the rest of the house to finally get rid of her stuff—past mistakes and painful times.The items brought back painful memories as we inspected and moved thembut I kept reminding her that removing them would allow her to move on and heal.We finally sold so many things and took bag after bag to charity.
    The stuff is just a sign of the destructive patterns of selfhatred on past mistakes.Only through the act of selfforgiveness can we bring about a chain reaction of reorganizing—both of the house and heart.
    40.What made the author feel bitter
    A.She couldn’t understand her mom’s sorrows.
    B.Her mom was stuck in the painful memories.
    C.Her mom was always left alone at home.
    D.Her mom wasted money on useless things.
    41.The underlined word that in the second paragraph refers to_______.
    A.getting rid of the stuff B.buying the stuff
    C.opening the stuff D.moving the stuff
    42.We can infer from the passage that______.
    A.the author never bought her mom anything
    B.the author’s mom has no money to purchase now
    C.the author’s mom regrets buying so many things
    D.the author knows her mom’s suffering only this week
    43.What’s the best title of the passage
    A.How to do shopping wisely B.The importance of selfforgiveness
    C.Keep an eye on the elderly’s behavior D.Clearance helps remove suffering
    Dogs and humans have been living sidebyside for about 15000 yearsbut there are tons of facts about dogs that perhaps we have never heard of.
    Night vision
    Dogs have good night vision.Their large pupils let more light in and the rods (视杆细胞)work better in poor light.But the biggest factor is the tapetum(反光组织)which reflects light at the back of the eye.Besidesdogs’ whiskers(胡须)also help them see in the dark because they pick up on very small changes in airproviding dogs with information about the sizeshapeand speed of things nearby.
    Secret tail code
    Dogs can use their tails to communicate.They wag their tails to the right when they are relaxed or happyand to the left when nervous or threatened.When they’re aggressivethe tails will stick straight up in the air.A broad wag is friendly while a slow wag is neutralneither excited nor anxious.
    We often see a dog’s body making sudden movements in its sleep.Dogs have the same brain wave patterns as humans’ while they are asleepso they dream just like we do.
    Super nose
    Dogs can find their way home despite long distances.Their noses are a vital part of their incredible sense of direction.The part of a dog’s brain that control smell is 40 times larger than humans’.They’re able to follow smells for miles.Furthermoredogs have an amazing ability to recognize the smells given off by the abnormal cells in human bodiesincluding cancer.This is something scientists are eager to explore further.And interestinglya dog
    ’s fingerprint is on its nose.The patterns on dogs’ noses are so distinct that they can actually be used to identify the animals.
    A sixth sense
    Dogs act strangely before something badlike a storm or earthquakehappensfor they are sensitive to low frequencies that humans can’t sense.So don’t let their strange behavior go unnoticed next time.It could save your life.
    44.Which of the following indirectly helps dogs see well in the dark
    A.Their rods. B.Their tapetum. C.Their whiskers. D.Their pupils.
    45.If a dog holds up the tailit indicates________.





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