

    英 语
    第部分 听力(两节满分20分)
    (  ) 1 What color is the sofa
    A Brown         B White        C Blue
    (  ) 2 What meal are the speakers about to eat
    A Breakfast B Lunch C Dinner
    (  ) 3 How many players will play the game
    A Two B Three C Four
    (  ) 4 What will the man need to do during the holiday
    A Write papers B Play basketball C Take a vacation
    (  ) 5 What does the woman ask the boy to wash
    A His hands B His plates C His clothes
    (  ) 6 Who is the man most likely to be
    A A tourist B A tour guide C A French chef
    (  ) 7 How will the speakers travel around the city
    A By bus B By train C By car
    (  ) 8 What animal is the woman most likely looking at
    A A cat B A dog C A rabbit
    (  ) 9 Where does the conversation take place
    A In a pet store B In a pet clinic C In a zoo
    (  )10 What is the relationship between the speakers
    A Strangers B Schoolmates C Teacher and student
    (  )11 How does Neil get to school on most days
    A By walking with his friends
    B By getting a ride from his mother
    C By riding the school bus with his classmates
    (  )12 What is the most difficult for Neil
    A English B Science C Physical education
    (  )13 What are the speakers mainly talking about
    A A job they have to take
    B A project they have to do
    C A class they have to attend
    (  )14 What does the woman think of CAPP
    A It will be boring B It will be helpful C It will be difficult
    (  )15 What is the woman's best quality
    A She is reliable B She is creative C She is hardworking
    (  )16 Where will the man probably volunteer
    A At a TV station
    B On a construction site
    C At a sporting goods store
    (  )17 Where are the students told to eat during lunch
    A In the gym B On the court C In the cafeteria
    (  )18 When will the math exams be held this year
    A On Wednesday B On Thursday C On Friday
    (  )19 Who will give an introduction on Tuesday
    A An athlete B A headmaster C The PE teacher
    (  )20 Why are parents reminded to arrive early for the concert
    A To find a place to park B To get a place to sit C To take pictures
    第二部分 英语知识运(两节满分35分)
    第节 单项填空(15题题1分满分15分)
    (  )21 The engineer is thought to be capable and modest so his promotion to manager is a popular ________  
    A achievement B appointment C commitment D employment
    (  )22 —I cannot ________ what I have done to annoy Jessica
    —No worries She is kind of sensitive
    A turn out B make out C put out D leave out
    (  )23 The girl is so grateful whenever she remembers my brother and me ________ her from the icy water
    A to have saved B to save C saving D saved
    (  )24 Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan ________ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature
    A the one B one C those D ones
    (  )25 We have already discussed this plan ________ so next we should spare no effort to carry it out
    A at length B at random C at ease D at best
    (  )26 —Jenny is becoming slimmer and slimmer
    —It is said that she hired a fitness instructor last year and ________ since
    A is working out B worked out
    C has been working out D had worked out
    (  )27 The science competition is a good opportunity to show students ________ creativity can add new value to their school life
    A where B whether C how D when
    (  )28 I would not be seeing the film Green Book now ________ me up in time
    A were Kathy not to pick B had Kathy not picked
    C if Kathy hasn't picked D if Kathy did not pick
    (  )29 Emphasis on quantity of growth overlooked gaps in the quality ________ many aspects of the social services neglected
    A having left B to be leaving C to have left D leaving
    (  )30 Thanks to Chinese people's hard work and wisdom China has ________ into the second largest economy
    A evolved B slipped C extended D shaped
    (  )31 More competitive hightech enterprises are investing in Nantong Central Innovation District which will result in ________ economic growth
    A sustainable B adaptable C recyclable D changeable
    (  )32 Why are some brands more popular than others ________ the products are of similar quality
    A as though B even if C so that D in case
    (  )33 The teacher often gives his students a brief pause in class ________ they can take in what he has taught
    A why B when C who D which
    (  )34 —Professor Li is wanted on the phone Where is he
    —I saw him coming but in a minute he ________
    A will disappear B has disappeared C disappears D disappeared
    (  )35 —How was your evening
    —We went to Joe's and had ________ We really enjoyed ourselves
    A a white elephant B a square meal
    C a sacred cow D the salt of the earth
    第二节 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    I did my first marathon at 25 I'd __36__ running to get fit and thought I'd give it a go I started too fast found it very painful but __37__ to finish
    Then seven years ago I went to a talk by someone who had just done the Sahara desert race I felt so __38__ I've always wanted to do something __39__ I registered for the 2007 Sahara marathon My __40__ was shocking and I was two stone (127 kg) overweight but __41__ I'd paid the £3000 deposit I knew there was no going back
    On my first fivemile run I kept pretending my shoelaces(鞋带) needed tying just so I could __42__ But I kept __43__ until I was doing 30 then 40 miles People assumed I found it easy by then—I didn't I just learned to push through the __44__
    But nothing can truly prepare you for running in desert temperatures As the __45__ always looked the same the distance never seemed to get any shorter __46__ I was never bored—I was too focused on reaching the checkpoints and the water waiting there Blisters(水泡) were unavoidable—the __47__ gets everywhere At night the doctors treating us would __48__ them off with knives
    In the following days my feet would be hurting I kept telling myself couldn't __49__ If I quit the pain would stop but I knew I would __50__ it for the rest of my life Finally I finished Any suffering you experience is overridden(压倒) by the sense of __51__ at the end
    It's been a long progression from being a(n) __52__ slacker(懒虫) to __53__ I am now I've lost 10lb (45 kg) of body fat but gained a lot of __54__ —I have a better body now than at any point in my life Anyone can do this I'm not superhuman I'm just __55__
    (  )36 A ended up B taken up C given up D backed up
    (  )37 A hated B refused C struggled D offered
    (  )38 A inspired B bored C panicked D confused
    (  )39 A strange B ordinary C secret D extreme
    (  )40 A fitness B height C strength D wisdom
    (  )41 A until B once C unless D while
    (  )42 A wait B stop C complain D drink
    (  )43 A dropping off B tripping over C building up D slowing down
    (  )44 A tension B shame C fear D pain
    (  )45 A surroundings B volunteers C sandstorms D athletes
    (  )46 A Therefore B However C Moreover D Otherwise
    (  )47 A sand B water C grass D rubbish
    (  )48 A tear B strike C knock D slice
    (  )49 A fail B run C bear D cry
    (  )50 A treasure B regret C forget D appreciate
    (  )51 A belonging B failure C equality D achievement
    (  )52 A proud B brave C unfit D unfriendly
    (  )53 A which B when C where D why
    (  )54 A time B muscle C reputation D support
    (  )55 A learned B considerate C determined D fortunate
    第三部分 阅读理解(15题题2分满分30分)
    London Zoo

    Set in the heart of Regents Park London Zoo provides a great day out with a family friendly atmosphere It has been entertaining visitors of all ages with a collection of over 80000 animals as well as some fantastic shows and interactive experiences for over 150 years
    From the classic penguin feeding time to the insightful talks held in an authentic living rainforest there really is something for everyone to enjoy There are fun and games in the kid's zone including a range of special exhibits designed to be as informative as they are exciting Children are free to explore a treetop village a secret underground world and the Touch Zone which provides a safe environment for them to interact with all of their favourite creatures
    There is so much to do at London Zoo you may struggle to fit it all into one day Your ticket includes priority entry access at no extra cost giving you more time to see one of the city's premier attractions
    Important Information
    * Disabled Access Wheelchair access is available throughout the park however as the Zoo contains a lot of listed buildings some have minor restrictions
    * Parking space subject to(取决) availability Only valid in conjunction with a paid for Zoo entry ticket
    * Last admission is one hour before closing time
    * Some animal exhibits may close up to 30 minutes before closing time
    (  )56 According to the advertisement London Zoo ________
    A provides an ideal place for families to hold talks in an rainforest
    B combines entertainment and interactive experiences with creatures
    C offers unlimited access to premier attractions with a little more charge
    D caters to the curiosity of children with guided exploration and interactions
    (  )57 It can be learned from the passage that ________
    A visitors will be admitted to the zoo at their convenience
    B drivers shall get parking space with a paid entry ticket
    C late comers may miss some of the animal exhibits
    D wheelchair users can have access to any building





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