
    Quality Accuracy
    1 # of superstar hires in Productivity rates or error rates
    2 Speed of promotions of hires
    3 # of awards recognition's of hires
    4 5 Dollar amount of bonuses pay for performance of hires
    5 # or of qualified applicants who exceed the qualifications of our best current employees
    6 # or of hires who exceed the qualifications of our best current EE's
    7 # or of offers accepted
    8 of new hires involuntary terminated
    9 of unqualified applicants sent to managers
    10 of diverse applicants hires
    11 Accuracy of work force demand supply forecasts
    12 # or of Agile hires (Multicapable flexible continuous learning individuals)
    13 # or of top tier (top 1) of college hires
    14 Accuracy of preemployment tests in predicting the quality of a hire
    15 Accuracy of recruiters assessments in predicting the quality of a hire
    17 # of offered candidates lost to direct competitors
    18 # OR of all applicants that are qualified for the position
    19 # of total responses to our recruiting efforts
    20 # of recruits identified referred per position
    21 (ratio) of referred applicants who are hired (hit rate)
    22 of required scheduled employment processes (references interviews etc) actually completed
    23 # or of hard to fill positions filled
    24 # or of EEO complaints lawsuits
    25 # of termination's of new hires within 6 months of hire (voluntary and nonvoluntary)
    26 # or of internal placements
    27 # of applicants in Applicant Pool available for fast hire
    28 or # of nonactive job seekers (currently employed and not looking for a job) identified
    29 of recruitment sources evaluated and dropped for newer more effective sources (per year)
    30 # or of hires from our direct competitors
    Time or Speed
    31 Time to respond to initial requisition (response time)
    32 Time until resumes received
    33 Time between receipt of resumes and time received by managers
    34 Time to offer hire (time to fill)
    35 Time until termination tenure of new hires (months of tenure rate)
    36 Time required for new hire breakin Training required by new hires
    37 Average # of days each position is open
    38 Speed to hire for critical emergency positions
    Customer Satisfaction
    (Applicants and Hiring Managers)
    39 of applicants (both initial rejects and those selected for assessment) satisfied with the recruitment process
    40 of hires satisfied with the recruitment process
    41 of hiring managers satisfied with the recruitment process
    42 of satisfied applicants of internal placements
    43 Ranking of employment (by managers) as a contributor to meeting their goals profitability
    44 # of complaints or legal actions
    45 The ranking of employment by managers (as a contributor to profitability) compared to all other overhead functions and compared to last years ranking
    Money or Costs
    46 Starting salary of new hires (Compared to industry average or per unit of their productivity)
    47 spent on recruiting per new hire (cost per hire)
    48 Relocation expenses per hire
    49 of total recruitment budget that is variable (not fixed) to allow for easy reductions during slow hire times
    50 of total budget (total administrative andor HR) spent on employment
    51 Lowest cost per unit of employment service (Ex per reference check) than our primary competitors
    Other Indications of Quality Employment Systems
    52 The extent to which each of our employment practices systems is superior to that of our direct competitors
    53 Becoming an the Employer of Choice (EoC) for our industry or region
    54 Increased corporate capability as a result of strategic hiring
    55 All employment systems use technology require no formal training and are paper less
    56 Managers can access the employment intranet 24 hours a day
    57 All employment systems have international capabilities
    58 Periodically tracks acceptance and turndown reasons causes and uses them to continually improve our systems
    59 All employment systems produce quality employment documentation
    60 All employment systems continually evaluate the effectiveness of each individual recruiter screener and employment system
    61 It does comparisons of all of our employment data with last years industry average best in industry our chief competitor in order to continually improve
    62 It continually increases the amount of time priority and the extent of commitment (or ownership) of line managers to the employment process

    1 Organizational Effectiveness Revenue÷ Total FTE
    Revenue Factor Operating Expense÷ Total FTE
    Expense Factor (Revenue–Operating Expense)÷Total FTE
    Income Factor Revenue–(Operating Expense–[Compensation Cost + Benefit Cost* ])÷Total FTE
    Human Capital Value Added Revenue(Operating Expense[Compensation Cost+ Benefit Cost*])÷(Compensation Cost+Benefit Cost*)

    2 Human Resources (HR) Structure
    HR Expense Percentage HR Expense÷ Operation Expense
    HR FTE Ratio Total FTE÷ Total HR FTE
    HR Exempt Percentage HR Exempt FTE÷ Total HR FTE
    HR Investment Factor HR Expense÷ Total FTE
    HR Separation Rate HR Separations÷ HR Head Count
    HR Structure Breakdown HR FTE by Category÷ Total HR FTE

    3 Compensation
    Compensation Revenue Percentage Compensation Cost÷ Revenue
    Total Compensation Revenue Percentage (Compensation Cost+ Benefit Cost*)÷Revenue
    Total Labor Cost Revenue Percentage (Compensation Cost+ Benefit Cost*+Other Labor Cost)÷Revenue
    Compensation Expense Percentage Compensation Cost÷ Operating Expense
    Total Compensation Expense Percentage (Compensation Cost+ Benefit Cost*)÷Operating Expense
    Total Labor Cost Expense Percentage (Compensation Cost+ Benefit Cost*+Other Labor Cost)÷Operating
    Compensation Factor Compensation Cost÷ Workforce Head Count
    Supervisor Compensation Factor Supervisor Compensation Cost÷ Supervisor Head Count
    Supervisor Compensation Percentage Supervisor Compensation Cost÷ Compensation Cost
    Executive Compensation Factor Executive Compensation Cost÷ Executive Head Count
    Executive Compensation Percentage Executive Compensation Cost÷ Compensation Cost

    4 Benefits
    Benefit Revenue Percentage Benefit Cost÷ Revenue
    Benefit Expense Percentage Benefit Cost÷ Operating Expense
    Benefit Compensation Percentage Benefit Cost÷ Compensation Cost
    Health Care Factor Medical and Medically Related Benefit Cost÷ Covered Employees
    Workers Compensation Factor Workers Compensation Cost÷ Workforce Head Count
    Benefit Cost Breakdown Benefit Cost by Category÷ Benefit Cost

    5 Separations
    Separation Rate (Voluntary Separations+ Involuntary Separations)÷Head Count
    Voluntary Separation Rate Voluntary Separations÷ Head Count
    Involuntary Separation Rate Involuntary Separations÷ Head Count
    Voluntary Separations by Length of Service Voluntary Separations by Length of Service by Category÷ Voluntary Separations

    6 Staffing
    External Accession Rate (External Add Hires+ External Replacement Hires)÷Head Count
    Internal Accession Rate (Internal Add Hires+ Internal Replacement Hires)÷Head Count
    College Accession Rate (College Add Hires+ College Replacement Hires)÷Head Count
    External Add Rate External Add Hires÷ Head Count
    Internal Add Rate Internal Add Hires÷ Head Count
    College Add Rate College Add Hires÷ Head Count
    External Replacement Rate External Replacement Hires÷ Head Count
    Internal Replacement Rate Internal Replacement Hires÷ Head Count
    College Replacement Rate College Replacement Hires÷ Head Count
    External Cost per Hire (External Hiring Cost×11 Factor)÷ External Hires
    Internal Cost per Hire (Internal Hiring Cost×11 Factor)÷ Internal Hires
    College Cost per Hire (College Hiring Cost×11 Factor)÷ College Hires
    External Cost per Hire Breakdown External Hiring Cost by Category÷(External Hiring Cost× 11 Factor)
    Internal Cost per Hire Breakdown Internal Hiring Cost by Category÷(Internal Hiring Cost× 11 Factor)
    External Time to Fill External Days to Fill÷ External Hires
    Internal Time to Fill Internal Days to Fill÷ Internal Hires
    External Time to Start External Days to Fill÷ External Hires
    Internal Time to Start Internal Days to Start÷ Internal Hires
    External Hires Offer Acceptance Rate External Offers Accepted÷ External Offers Extended
    College Hires Offer Acceptance Rate College Offers Accepted÷ College Offers Extended
    Signon Bonus Percentage Total Hires Receiving Signon Bonus÷ Total Hires
    Supervisor Signon Bonus Percentage Supervisor Hires Receiving Singon Bonus÷ Supervisor Hires
    Executive Signon Bonus Percentage Executive Hires Receiving Singon Bonus÷ Executive Hires
    Signon Bonus Factor Signon Bonus Cost÷ Total Hires Receiving Signon Bonus
    Supervisor Signon Bonus Factor Supervisor Signon Bonus Cost÷ Supervisor Hires Receiving Signon Bonus
    Executive Signon Bonus Factor Executive Signon Bonus Cost÷ Executive Hires Receiving Signon Bonus

    7 Training and Development
    Employees Trained Percentage Employees Trained÷ Total Head Count
    Training Cost Factor Total Training Cost÷ Employees Trained
    Training Cost Percentage Total Training Cost÷ Operating Expense
    Training Investment Factor Total Training Cost÷ Total Head Count
    Training Staff Ratio Total FTE÷ Training Staff FTE
    Training Cost per Hour Total Training Cost÷ Total Training Hours
    Internal Staff Training Hours Percentage Internal Staff Training Hours Provided÷ Total Training Hours
    External Staff Training Hours Percentage External Staff Training Hours Provided÷ Total Training Hours


    8 组织效率 销售额÷总成
    营运效率 营运成÷总成
    费率 (销售额-营运成)÷总成
    收入指数 (销售额-(营运成-薪酬福利成))÷总成
    力资源指数 (销售额-(营运成-薪酬福利成))÷薪酬福利成

    9 组织结构
    力成指数 力成÷营运成
    综合力成率 力项成÷总力成

    10 薪酬方面
    薪酬成率 薪酬成÷销售额
    薪酬福利成率 (薪酬成+福利成)÷销售额
    力成率 (薪酬成+福利成+力成)÷销售额
    薪酬营运指数 薪酬成÷营运成
    薪酬福利指数 (薪酬成+福利成)÷营运成
    力成指数 (薪酬成+福利成+力成)÷营运成
    薪酬效率 薪酬成÷总数
    员薪酬效率 专业员薪酬÷专业员数
    员薪酬费率 专业员薪酬÷总薪酬成
    理员薪酬效率 理员薪酬÷专业员数
    理员薪酬费率 理员薪酬÷总薪酬成

    11 福利
    福利成率 福利费÷销售额
    福利指数Benefit Expense Percentage 福利费÷营运成
    福利额度 福利费÷总费
    医疗指数 医疗费÷员数目
    综合福利指数 项福利费÷总福利费

    12 离职
    离职率 (动离职+动离职次数)÷总均数
    动离职率 动离职÷总均数
    动离职率 动离职次数÷总均数
    动离职时间 年(两年三年)动离职数÷动离职总数

    13 招聘配置
    外招率 (外部招聘数+外部换数)÷总数
    招率 (部招聘数+部换数)÷总数
    外招系数 外部招聘数÷总数
    招系数 部招聘数÷总数
    校园招募率 校园招募数÷总数
    外招换系数 外部换数÷总数
    招换系数 部换数÷总数
    外招均成 外部招聘成÷外招数
    招均成 部招聘成÷招数
    校园招募均成 校园招募成÷校园招募数
    综合外招成 类渠道外招成÷总外招成
    外招时度 外招时间÷外招数
    外招入职时度 外招入职时间÷外招数
    招入职时度 招入职时间÷外招数
    聘书接受率 外招聘书接受数÷聘书总发出数
    校园招募接收率外 校园聘书接受数÷校园聘书总发出数
    外招筛选率 次面试数÷外招入职数

    外招等时间 接收招聘申请次面试时间间隔÷批准招聘申请入职时间间隔

    14 培训
    培训率 培训数÷总数
    均培训成 培训成÷受培训数
    培训成率 培训成÷营运成
    培训成指数 培训成÷总数
    时培训成 培训总成÷时数
    部培训度 训时间÷总培训时数
    外部培训度 外训时间÷总培训时数





    需要 2 积分 [ 获取积分 ]





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