2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 七 Module 2 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

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    课阅读作业 七
    Module 2 Period 3
    Ⅰ 阅读理解
        In most developed countries the government provides
    free education for children because it realizes that educated
    citizens are useful to the country in their later life Most
    countries also have private education This means that parents can pay
    to send their children to certain schools People who agree with this
    system say that it gives parents a larger choice of schools Other people
    think that private schools give the children who go to them an unfair
    advantage over other children
      At the age of three many children go to nursery school Two or
    three years later they enter a primary school At the age of 11 they go
    to a secondary school Then they may have a chance of continuing their
    studies at a university or college
      Universities and colleges are places where some young people go to
    continue their education after leaving school Most university students
    study one main subject though they may also study a number of others
    Teaching is usually by lectures or by discussions between a lecturer and 2
      Most students stay at university for three or four years At the end
    of that they take an examination If they pass they receive their
    Bachelor’s degree usually a BA which is short for Bachelor of Arts or a
    BS for Bachelor of Science Some students study for several more years
    in order to get higher degree such as a MA or a PhD
        Most university courses don’t train students to do a certain job
    Colleges on the other hand usually teach skills which enable students to
    follow a career(职业) such as clothing design or business studies
    语篇概述文章介绍发达国家教育方面信息 包括幼
    1 The passage mainly tells us   
    A something about the private schools in developed countries
    B how developed countries pay attention to education
    C some general information about education in developed countries
    D why education is important
    解析选 C旨意题文章介绍发达国家教育方面
    信息什教育重选 C 项
    2 In the first paragraph the underlined word citizens refer to   
    A the cities       B members of a country
    C the children  D people who lives in cities
    解析选 B词义猜测题根第段第句知 受教育公3
    民国家利选 B 项
    3 Why do most developed countries provide free education to children
    A Because the children don’t have money to go to school
    B Because the government wants its citizens to be useful to the country
    C Because education doesn’t cost the country too much money
    D Because there are not enough private schools
    解析选 B细节理解题根第段第句知 应选 B 项
    4 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
    A All the university students study one subject
    B After studying at the university for three or four years all the students
    can get a Bachelor’s degree
    C Students usually receive a master’s degree before receiving a
    Bachelor’s degree
    D Unlike university colleges usually teach students some useful skills for
    a career
    解析选 D推理判断题根段第二句知 学院教学
    生技选 D 项
    Ⅱ 语法填空
      阅读面材料 空白处填入适容(1 单词)括号单
    In only fifty years English has developed into the language most 1
    ________ (wide)spoken and used in the world English is the working 4
    language of most international 2 ________ (organize) international
    trade and tourism Businessmen and tourists often come to China
    without 3 ________ (be)able to speak Chinese Chinese businessmen
    taxi drivers and students communicate with them 4 ________
    (use)English English is also the language of 5 ________ (globe)culture
    such as popular music and the Internet You can listen to English songs 6
    ________ the radio or use English 7 ________ (communicate)with
    people 8 ________ are around the world through the Internet With so
    many people communicating in English every day 9 ________ will
    become more and 10 ________ important to have a good command of
    1 解析widely考查副词修饰动词 spoken and used 应副词
    widely 广泛
    2 解析organizations考查名词organize 动词 名词
    3 解析being考查固定短语be able to 固定搭配 作介词
    without 宾语 动名词形式
    4 解析using考查非谓语动词using English 现分词短语作状

    5 解析global考查形容词globe 名词 形容词 global全
    球处应形容词修饰 culture
    6 解析onover考查介词收音机 介词 onover 5
    7 解析to communicate考查非谓语动词to do 表目
    8 解析whothat考查定语句先行词 people whothat
    关系代词 引导定语句 句中作语
    9 解析it考查代词it 作形式语
    10 解析more考查较级处越越重 more and
    ①provide for        _______________________
    ②give sb an advantage over  _______________________
    ③enter v _______________________
    ④have a chance of doing sth _______________________
    ⑤take an examination    _______________________
    ⑥be short for       _______________________
    ⑦follow v _______________________
    答案:①提供某物某 ②某胜优势 ③进入
    ④做某事机会 ⑤参加考试 ⑥……缩写 ⑦事
    关闭 Word 文档返回原板块




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