
    1Nature of Translation(翻译性质 )
    Translation is a science
    Translation is an art
    Translation is a craft
    Translation is a skill
    Translation is an operation
    Translation is a language activity
    Translation is communication
    2Principles of Translation(翻译原 )
    Three characters 信达雅(faithfulness expressiveness and elegance)
    Three characters 信达切 (faithfulness expressiveness and closeness)
    Summary 忠实通
    (1) Faithfulness of Translation (翻译忠实 )
    Strictly speaking faithfulness is the generalization of the principles of translation
    That ’s to say true translation demands that the translator be faithful to the content
    language and style of the original at the same time
    Eg 1War pestilence and famine consumed one million people
    2The prize winner wears his honours modestly
    三种译文中 第种完全译 读起扭 意义费解 第二种译法关键
    词 wear 词义稍引申词序作定调整合汉语表达惯基
    句子整体意义 更原文 更全面 准确传递原文信息 汉语更精
    1Avoid translating word by word(词词译 )
    Eg Milky Way(误译牛奶路 )The pale white band of stars and clouds of gas that
    can be seen across the sky at night
    A) Did you go to see the film last night B) Didn ’t you go to see the film last night
    EgNo I didn ’t(A 句应没 B 句应没 )
    Eg Greatest compensation for wrongful imprisonment
    EgThe chief criminals shall be punished without fail
    2Avoid the cultural misunderstanding(避免文化误解)
    Eg Love me love my dog (爱屋乌)
    Eg Every dog has its day(意时)
    Eg Talk horse (吹牛)
    Eg Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen(亡羊补牢)
    EgLike a cat on hot bricks(象热锅蚂蚁)
    Eg He became dissatisfied with modern life and man ’s selfish wish for private wealth
    so he went and joined a Hippie commune
    出现代生活满私财富占欲反感 加入 嬉皮士
    3Avoid the misunderstanding of idioms (避免误解英语成语)
    Spill the beans (泄露机密 )
    E g You can ’t trust him to keep a secret he is sure to spill the beans before long
    切勿相信会保守秘密 久 肯定会泄露
    Eg Who wears the trousers in your family
    句话译 家谁穿着裤子 显然通里 wear the trousers
    4convey the implied meaning(注意握原文容 善细腻传递原作弦
    外音 )
    Eg You hold the office but you don ’t govern
    句话意思讲 接中文中句俗话 占着茅坑拉屎 句
    堪应译占着总统职位 治理国家
    Eg Go & Come 作系动词 形容词连表示变成某种状态情况 :
    Go bad(变坏) go deaf(变聋)&come loose(松动 )come true(成现实 ) 两者
    Look it has come green(瞧液体 已 变绿 )
    Look it has gone green(瞧液体 竟然 变绿 ) (2)Faithful to the structure(忠原文形式)
    Eg I hope you have a happy future before you
    How do you have the face to say such things
    1)表面形式 句子起作
    Have you had your breakfastWhere are you going
    中文中表达种问候英文中应 hello good morning代
    Eg In New York it is referred to as Saint John the Unfinished
    1纽约 认未完成圣约翰
    2纽约 称未竣工圣约翰教堂
    然第举译文形式原文致 实际第二句意义更接忠实原文
    Eg Pieces of stained glass dated before AD 850 some possibly even to the 7th
    century were excavated by Professor Rosemary Cramp which were placed into a
    window of that date in the nearby St Paul ’s Church
    罗斯马利·克兰普教授挖掘出 追溯公元 850 年甚追溯
    七世纪数块色玻璃 时装圣保罗教堂附玻璃
    罗斯马利·克兰普教授挖掘数片彩色玻璃 制造公元 850 年甚
    造七世纪 玻璃时装饰离发掘远圣保罗教堂窗户
    Come well here there 加强语气
    Come John don ’t be so cross啦 约翰 怒气
    Come cheer up
    Well well I should never have guessed it
    哎呀 永远猜出
    My friend here was a witness of the accident
    (3)Faithful to the style(忠实原文风格)
    风格分 Formal&informal
    分 Positivenegative deepplain humorous rigid
    分 (1)冷淡演说性 (2)正式慎重 (3) 商量 (4)便 (5)亲
    密等 谈话方式分修养文化讲标准语 口语 未受教
    育说粗话 俗话 正式场合语言非正式场合语言
    For all the tea in China(表示强烈拒绝 )
    That man was so rude to me I wouldn ’t go back to that job for all the tea in China
    1太礼 做份工作
    2家伙太礼 十八抬轿请 做分工作 种译法更口语更直接
    第二章 翻译程
    The process of translation
    Three stages
    1Understanding the meanings of dictions in the context(文中理解词义 )
    A) Draw a line from A to B(线)
    B)The ship crossed the line(赤道 )
    C) Cooking is more in your line than mine(某长 )
    D) They were given their marriage lines after the registration(结婚证书 )
    E)She bought an overcoat lined with silk( 衬里 )
    Eg Interrupted only briefly by the swearingin of a new senator Senator Strom
    Thurmond spoke against the Civil Right Bill for 24 hr 19 min on 2829th1957
    参议员斯特洛姆·瑟曼德 1957 年 8 月 28 日 29 日做反民权法案演说
    长达 24 时 19 分钟仅新参议员咒骂 短时间断
    样译法显然没理解 swearin意思 swear咒骂意思 swearin意
    宣誓职 应译
    参议员斯特洛姆· 瑟曼德 1957 年 8 月 28 日 29 日做反民权法案演说
    长达 24 时 19 分钟期间仅新议员 宣誓职 短暂中断
    2Understanding the background(解原文涉事物原文关背景 )
    <水浒 >中东京 日东京 (Tokyo)两概念

    韦承庆 <南行弟 >
    Mournfully mournfully roles the long River
    Saddened ah saddened the stranger ’s breast
    The flowers as they fall his fate recall
    As each flutters down in the earth to rest
    诗中长江非 Yangtze River Long River
    Countryhouse定 乡村住宅 钱乡间墅
    问题 词译作 Question problem trouble point issue究竟恰译法
    需根情况斟酌 时正长征路 天 行军 百里
    译 We were on the Long March Every day we marched a hundred li or more
    <高级英汉双解词典 >march walk as soldiers do with regular and measured steps
    〈朗曼代英语词典〉 to walk with regular esp forceful steps like a soldier
    显然 March walk准确
    1improving Chinese ability(注意提高中文修养 )
    Cotton fells soft
    2getting rid of the bound of original words(表达时忠原文跳出原文 )
    EgThey hoped to free themselves from the degraded position
    EgThe cathedral was built in Spanish Gothic style
    EgHe was weak and old
    1衰弱 老
    2身体衰弱 年纪老
    3mastering some skills
    3次译文 通读遍 做进步检查
    Skills of Translation
    1Extension(引申法 )
    2Conversion(转译法 )
    3Addition(增词法 ) 4repetition(重复法 )
    5Omission(减词法 )
    6Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions(正反反正译
    法 )
    7 Translation of Clause and Passive Voice(分句法动语态译法 )
    8Translation of Attributive Clause(定语句译法 )
    第三章 词类引申转译
    Extension(引申法 )
    Eg Mr Smith is one of the most durable teachers at this university
    史密斯先生该 学教时间长 教师
    The maximum dimensions of the Church of StPeter are overall length 115mbreadth
    6186mand height 3098m
    圣彼教堂外围尺寸分 长 115米宽 6187 米高 3098 米
    EgThe ancient tower tells us stories of the past 2000 years
    古塔诉说着两千 风风雨雨
    As a boy I hated going to school
    孩子 时候 喜欢学
    EgHe(Ghandhi) gave our modern world an electrifying vision of the potential of
    peaceful resistance and young men like Martin Luther KingJr took him as their
    model Albert Einstein said Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one
    as this ever in flesh and bloodwalked upon this earth
    现代 (甘 )身反抗潜力 象马丁 路德 金等青年效法
    榜样 爱斯坦说 代子孙恐怕难相信 世界 真 样

    二 词义具体化
    EgHe found a losing battle
    Eg The Earth is a wonderful place It is full of great beauty
    球奇妙方 奇观美景 处
    Eg Bertiem you must marry Aunt Agatha had said you want somebodystrong
    and sensible
    阿加莎姑妈说 伯提 定结婚 该 娶健壮懂事 姑娘
    第四章 句子成分转译 Conversion(转译法 )
    名词转译动词 (nounverb)
    Eg One of the leading newspapers called for the severest punishment of all who had been concerned in the conspiracy
    家报纸求 严惩 该阴谋关员
    We are looking forward to the early arrival of our guests
    The enemies hastened their preparations for an attack
    敌加紧 准备进攻
    Eg Without a word the general rose spread his huge bear ’s hand against the man’s
    chest and expelled him into the corridor
    军 言发 站起 伸出熊掌似手男胸口 推 推
    EgI went outside ran around the corner up the alley into the back yard and wormed
    through the cellar window
    走出门外 跑步 拐 弯 奔巷 进院 蜷着身窗口 钻入 窖
    I voted for Reagan because I think he can lead us out of this terrible economic slump
    投里根票 觉领导 摆脱 济萧条
    三形容词转译成动词 (prepv)
    Eg I ’m sure he’ll be here on time
    肯定 时达
    How many people were present at the meeting
    少 出席 会议
    Eg We are very anxious about his health
    非常 担心 健康
    四副词转译成动词 (adv— v)
    EgThe meeting will be over before we arrive if we don’t hurry
    假快点话 等达会议 结束
    He was already up when I called him
    时 已 起床
    Puck removed the harmful charm from Lyander and so led the lover about in the
    帕克里斯兰解害魔力 领着两情林中 兜兜
    五动词转译成名词 (v— n)
    EgMy car has been behaving well since it was repaired
    修理 汽车 状态 良
    I aim to be a writer
    目标 作家
    Who heads the government the Queen or the Prime Minister
    谁政府 首脑 女王首相
    We nearly forgot to tip the taxidriver
    差点忘出租车司机 费 Don’t forgot to date your letters
    忘信 填写 日期
    The mosque is now largely ruined
    清真寺现沦 废墟
    The scores of air aces in both wars are still hotly disputed
    两次世界战中王牌飞行员击落飞机数目 存争议
    He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience
    登台 观众报 热烈掌声
    六形容词转译名词( adj— n)
    Eg He wanted nothing but ill to all men to rich and poor men and women young
    and old alike
    什降祸切分 贫富贵贱男女老少
    The Chinese worked long hours for low wages and were essential in the completion
    of the Central Pacific Line from Sacramento to Promontory Point
    华工劳作时间长挣工资低修筑中太洋铁路萨 普中坚力量
    七名词转译形容词 (n— adj)
    I know her very well by sight and have long felt an interest in her because of her
    认 漂亮 早感兴趣
    It is no use regretting your past mistakes
    In some countries refusing presents from others is an impropriety
    某国家 拒绝礼物 礼貌
    八副词转译形容词 (advadj)
    Antanctica became permanently occupied by relays of scientists from October 1956
    1956 年 10 月 南极洲已成批批轮流里考察科学家 永久
    九形容词转译副词 (adjadv)
    His plans are utter impossibilities
    计划 完全 实现
    Man should make best use of the natural resources in this world
    类应 充分 利球然资源
    He took a stern but sad farewell of his family and friends
    坚定 悲哀 告家朋友
    I crept close to a tree in an empty corner lot and fell into the sleep exhaustion
    爬荒僻空棵树旁 筋疲力 倒睡着 Conversion of sentence structure
    In those days after school and on Saturdays I worked as delivery boy for Olsen the
    florist The job paid only three dollars a week but that was a lot for a teenage then
    日子里 放学星期六奥森老爹花店送花 周薪 三元
    时候十岁孩子说 已少
    语转译谓语 (subjectverb)
    Ghandhi ’s treatment of his family was not heartwarming His moral demands were so
    harsh that they alienated his four sons
    甘 家亲切 道德标准甚苛 四子疏远
    Day by Day in his apparent march to death by starvation the world ’s excitement
    天天 象绝食死 世界民情绪越越 激昂
    There be 句型译法
    There is nothing new in this article
    篇文章 言物
    There is a movement on my left leg
    左腿东西 移动
    Heavy steps were approaching the house there was a single commanding knock
    沉重脚步声渐渐逼屋子 接着门威严 敲
    The discovery of the new continent by Columbus stimulated the desire for worldwide
    exploration in Europe
    哥伦布 发现新陆 消息欧洲激发全球探险热情
    His calls began to increase in frequency
    呼唤 频率开始升高
    But I realized suddenly that sadness was out of place
    突然意识 伤感 时候
    The 1980 ’s saw the great improvement of the people ’s housing conditions in China
    十九世纪八十年代 中国居住条件长足改善
    His face told me clearly that he was connected with Bardfield
    面孔 清楚知道巴德菲尔德联系
    The cold smile on his face made me guess that he considered himself to be superior to
    脸冷笑 猜想高等
    Light was pouring into the sky now
    时天空开始泛出 亮光 As we played some of the tricks of the game slowly returned to me
    着着 逐渐记起棋 妙着
    英语中动语态汉语 英语动语态译成汉语动句时 常常原文中
    When dinner was ended and they sat by the fire
    吃 晚饭 便壁炉旁坐
    Three girls were saved by her But she herself laid down her life
    救 三姑娘 牺牲
    The news was spread soon by those women
    女快 消息 传开
    Nylon differs from silk as to origin and cost
    尼龙丝绸 区 源成
    Perhaps she had loved Karl so long that she was unable to stop
    许卡尔 爱已历时太久 时已欲罢
    The speakers focused on the problem of homeless people in London
    发言者谈 重点 伦敦家者问题
    英语中某谓语动词合成谓语难译成相应谓语形式 翻译时常常转译成
    状语 宾语成译文中谓语 样动词 tend insist on persist in
    used to keep doing appear happen to seem to do succeed in doing hasten to do
    If you persist in breaking the law you will suffer severe punishment
    果 总 违法 必受严惩
    They tend to ask dull questions such as What kind of games do you play
    问聊问题 喜欢项运动
    My memory for faces helps me a lot in business
    记忆面孔领做生意颇 裨益
    Heavy smoking harmed his health mortally
    吸烟健康产生致命 伤害
    He has always enjoyed very good health
    体格 直
    It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch
    something 修长叶子 风中摇动 象伸出纤细手指触摸什东西
    When Zhou Enlai ’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height
    with gleaming eyes
    周恩门开 身材瘦长 普通略高 两眼闪着光辉 出现面

    Air pollution has great influence on people ’s health
    空气污染极 影响 着类健康
    As for Karl he gave every appearance of a in love with his wife
    卡尔呢 处处 显 太太十分恩爱
    Cambell had already a successful career
    坎贝尔 事业 已成
    She had a poor capacity for work than he
    四 宾语转译定语
    General MacArthur has the strongest claim to the title of most highly decorated
    American soldier
    麦克阿瑟军获功勋卓著 美国军称号 呼声高
    英语中做语名词转译动词 该名词前名词格代词格构成
    Her devotion to the cause of education won her the respect of all the teachers and the
    pupils in the school
    忠诚教育事业 受学校教师学生尊敬
    Darden’s sudden decision to marry Juana made people believe that he had gone mad
    达登 突然决定娶朱安娜妻 认定疯
    It is a beautiful moonlight night
    晚 月色 极
    She was hurt and indignant at what she thought was his derision and scorn
    作弄 嘲笑 感伤心
    They had a delicate way of behaving
    行 审慎
    There is not a man woman or child here in Bardfield that I don ’t know by sight巴德费尔德男女老少 知
    The next step was complete exclusion of the Chinese from entering the United States
    采取步骤便 彻底 禁止华移入美国
    I gave serious consideration to becoming a bush pilot
    认真 考虑作专门荒野区飞行技师
    They hurried to their father’s rescue
    匆匆救 父亲
    She has come to sing his praise
    What is the weather like in Denmark
    丹麦 天气样
    The air service to Normanton and Willstown ran weekly on a Wednesday
    周 星期三次航班飞诺尔曼顿威尔斯汤
    Emma was quick and decided in her ways and she lost no time in making friends with
    爱玛 做事 敏捷果断 失时机哈丽特交朋友
    You became Zinner in every action
    举动 象辛纳
    No girl who respected herself would go out dressed like that
    重姑娘出门时会样 穿着扮
    I felt for the notes They were damp from the rain
    摸摸 钞票 雨淋湿
    Such friendships demand an investment of time and a willingness to reveal oneself
    and to be receptive to new ideas
    种友谊需时间培植坦诚相 接受 新观点
    Damn you he said in a low controlled voice Keep your distance I am not done
    低沉抑制 声调说道 离远点 没完蛋呢
    Outside the air was cool and clean
    外面 空气凉爽洁净
    That ’s rather an unusual request
    求 太分
    My two best friends from college days are Hugh and Charlie
    学起 休查理 两朋友
    They were older than I by two years and seemed vastly more knowledgeable
    长两岁 知识 似渊博
    作表语形容词名词时转译动词 时句中作谓语
    At the present rate of extinction we will know nothing of the vast majority of all
    species before they become extinct
    目前物种灭绝速度 绝数物种解前 灭绝
    The birds are busy celebrating the new day and have eagerly been in search of food
    鸟 忙着 庆祝新天 已迫觅食
    The Nobel Prizes for physics chemistry physiology or medicine literature and
    economics take place in Stockholm Sweden and that for peace is in Oslo Norway
    诺贝尔物理奖 化学奖 生物奖 文学奖济学奖瑞典斯德哥尔摩颁奖
    奖 挪威奥斯陆 颁奖
    讲情况外 表语转译宾语
    The youngest who was not in the least ambitious took no part in their argument
    子丝毫没 野心 参加辩
    I was brought up in Denmark by my grandmother and educated in Danish schools so
    that Danish is really my native language
    丹麦祖母抚养 丹麦学校受教育 真正 母语丹麦语
    The world ’s coldest continent and the most difficult to reach is Antarctica
    南极洲 世界 冷陆 难达洲
    We were both sick on the journey and a fine drizzle met us as we disembarked
    旅途中 俩晕船 船时 碰 蒙蒙细雨
    Her keen eye missed nothing and she specialized in discovering other people ’s
    东西 逃脱 敏锐眼睛 尤善发现秘密
    第五章 增词法重复法1 Addition (增词法)
    Session1 意义词间搭配需增词
    英语汉语句法结构 表达惯词间搭配关系等方面差异决定
    翻译时 时必须增加原文中没词 译文意义明确 语
    Under the rule of Pol Pot townsmoney and property were abolished
    布尔布特统治城镇 毁弃 货币 废 财产 破坏
    Both the bank’s chairman Nerio Nessi and its director general Giacomo Pedde
    resigned following the revelation
    银行董事长尼利奥·西总理贾科莫·佩迪 事件 披露双双辞职
    These weeks’ events in the Soviet Union captured head lines all across the United
    星期苏联 发生 事件成美国报头条新闻
    动词分译指动词译做汉语两动词 适应动词宾语搭配关

    The Soviet Union was capable of constructing a 100megaton bomb Such a device
    could make a crater in rock 107m deep and 29km wide and a fireball 139km in
    苏联力制造梯恩梯量亿吨炸弹 种炸弹石头 炸出
    107 米深29 公里宽弹坑 产生 直径 139 公里火球
    When he woke Lysander came to his old self and his old love again
    莱桑德醒 恢复常态 回原爱身边
    She played the piano the violin and in her later years the recorder
    弹钢琴 拉提琴 晚年 吹八孔直笛
    The whole town worried about her being alone
    城里 担心孤独生活
    He is a legend the very incarnation of compassion
    传奇性 物 慈悲化身
    Edith had known it would be hard at 54 to be mother to a threeyear old and a
    fiveyear old
    伊迪丝早知道 五十四岁 三岁五岁 两孩子 妈妈艰苦

    翻译时必须两中文词表达原文中名词意义 名词分译
    The destruction of habitats spells extinction for millions of species within the life time of children
    动物栖息 植物生长 毁灭致千百万种动植物现娃娃生
    She is a famous singer and actress Her performances always carry the audiences
    位著名歌唱家演员 表演常常 观众 听众 倾倒
    When he learned it was to borrow and not to give that the messenger had come His
    tone changed
    知信钱 送礼 说话语气马变
    The horse is in the fields eating
    马牧场里吃 草
    When we finished late in the afternoon I had paint up above both wrists and had to
    wash in gasoline
    傍晚完 工 时两腕沾油漆必须汽油清洗
    She was pale and fat
    面色 苍白 身体 肥胖
    The British Army ’s tallest soldier was Benjamin Crow who was signed on at Lichfield
    in November 1947 when he was 215m tall
    英国陆军中 身材 高士兵杰明·克劳 1947 年 11 月里奇菲尔德入
    伍时 身高 215 米
    英文中形容词派生名词译汉语时常常名词原形容词 时
    Imagine my excitement when I saw that it was a real boat
    想象 条真正船 心情 兴奋
    I knew what Anli ’s face when he discovered the theft would show only a touch of
    sadness Not for the loss of money but for the loss of trust
    心里明白 安尼尔发现失窃 脸会显示出抹 痛心神情 丢
    钱 失间信
    时形容词派生名词翻译时增加助词 合起成具名词功
    Joy it was to be for a few hours together and sadness that they had so soon to part and
    for so long perhaps for ever
    欢喜聚首片刻 悲伤 马分离 许会期
    英文中抽象名词翻译时需增加适名词意思明确 The old man ’s hands shook constantly and he explained to my father how his shaking
    had begun two years before and how he had been forced to give up his teaching
    because of this
    老手直颤停 告诉父亲颤抖毛病两年前
    缘放弃 教学工作
    When the exploration was completed the two astronauts on the moon would blast off
    in the landing craft to join the moonship once more
    勘查工作 完成 月球两位宇航员便引发登月舱火箭重新回宇宙
    Necessity 必 性 preparation准备工作
    Madness 疯狂行 arrogance傲慢态度
    Readability 读 性 jealousy嫉妒心理
    Relativity 相 backwardness
    Pessimism 悲观情绪 落状态
    A lesson 堂课
    A table 张 桌子
    A song 首歌
    A dog 狗
    A machine 台机器
    A meal 顿 饭
    In previous fights Caius Marcius had met and beaten their leader Tullus Aufidius
    and knew his for a valiant and skillful soldier
    先前战斗中 凯斯·马西斯首领塔拉斯·奥菲狄斯交手败
    知道 位 智勇双全战士
    十某动词增加 + 动量词 结构 表示动作试试 者某动词
    I must get a rest before I go on
    必须休息 走
    She tried a smile It came out rather peculiar
    试着笑 笑 笑容样怪诞
    One night years ago I was here alone when all the fish surfaced
    许年前晚 独里 突然海中鱼全浮
    十 增加表示名词复数词
    数英语名词通词尾加 s表示复数 翻译时根具体情况 分
    名词前增加数词词 增加重迭词
    He has been running a fever for days发烧已 天
    A bloody sacrifice might appease the madmen of the SS
    牺牲生命许满足秘密警察部门里 狂
    Storms of snow threatened to bury the trail
    阵阵雪暴 预示着路径埋没
    十二 增加语气词
    中文里语气词较 翻译时语气词 增加译文生动性
    Be quiet The baby ’s sleeping
    吵 啦孩子睡觉
    He thought and thought but could not come out with an answer
    想 啊想啊想出答案
    十三 增加词
    He wanted to make her answer for her treatment of him
    说明理 什 样 (增加副词 )
    I have my orders said Dexter
    德斯达说 命令 身 (增加介词短语 )
    Posthumus was a youth of character and culture versed in the learning of the time
    波斯丘莫斯位品格 教养青年 时学问造诣 (增加形容
    She took a taste of her drink and then leaned back comfortably with her cigarette
    品口饮料 然适意面 嘴里叼着 烟卷
    Since she was Hermia ’s bosom friend the two of them told her their plot
    赫米亚 心腹密友 俩计划告诉
    Small cottages and farm building grouped like sleeping cattle around a village church
    whose pointed tower pointed high into the cold winter air to welcome the morning
    村舍农宅象群群熟睡牛 偎 村教堂周围 教堂尖塔高高耸
    入充满冬季寒气 高空 迎接早晨
    英语中时态表达通加助动词动词词型变化实现 译汉语时
    She often came to help us
    The agreement will come into force next spring
    协定 明年春天生效
    He had pressed the button before we could stop him
    没阻止 已 电钮 This is the second game They ’ve won the first
    第二场赛 已 赢第场
    She makes a good teacheras she was a good student
    原先 学生 现 老师
    英文中省略部分 汉语中省略汉语中必须增补出合表
    Fifteen years passed Hugh became a successful novelist I a publisher
    十五年 修已成名说家 做 出版商
    But Aufidius beaten repeatedly by his rival in the field determined to get the better of
    Cauis if not by fair means then by foul
    战场次败手奥狄斯决心凯斯点颜色瞧瞧 果正手段达
    目 正 手段
    A Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves
    父亲许子 子 时常相口角
    He went to the library everyday where he met Mary who was to become his wife later
    时天天阅览室 里 结识玛丽 成妻子
    翻译中 重复法运译文更明确 更生动 更符合汉语文法
    表达惯 重复词动词 名词 代词等
    重复部分 原文中出现词时词存结构关系时 名词
    两两定语 动词带两宾语等 核心词需重复
    Five marines received both the Army and Navy Medals of Honor
    五名海军陆战队士兵时获陆军 荣誉勋章 海军 荣誉勋章
    What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations
    between China and the Third World countries
    民族解放运动 前 途 中国第三世 界国家间关 系 前 途 样
    呢(重复名词 )
    Histories make men wise mathematics subtle logic and rhetoric able to contend
    读史 明智 数学 周密 逻辑学修辞学 善辩
    (重复动词 )
    Moved by his mother and Menenius Coriolanus consented though it was against his
    nature to go before the people and to try to win them over even if he had to flatter
    and to humour them
    卡利奥兰斯母亲曼耐涅斯话动 违背性 答应面
    群众 设法争取 恭维 迁 (重复代
    词) 译文生动重复
    翻译时 译文生动 意识重复某词句 构成排句列结
    Timon told them to set their minds at ease for he had clean forgotten the matter
    泰门放心 说已事情忘 干干净净
    The earth is a wonderful and aweinspiring place It is full of great beauty that
    inspired some people to create wonderful works of art and it gives others the insight
    to believe in a supreme being For these reasons alone surely this our only planet is
    worth our care our thoughtfulness and our attention
    唯球 值 爱护值 体贴 值 关心
    第六章 减译法正反 反正译法
    (减词法 )
    译翻译技巧样 减译目译文流畅通 更符合汉语表
    1称代词减译 2物代词减译 3反身代词减译
    While he was staying in England he made a study of old castles
    英国时 专门事古堡研究
    I saw him several times while I was in New York
    纽约时 见次
    做语代词外 时做宾语代词省略
    If you want the job go ask for it Dad encouraged her
    果想做份工作 申请吧 爸爸鼓励
    He might put the big fish in a big glassbox and make people pay to see it
    条鱼放玻璃缸 付款观
    Don’t put your hands in your pockets
    He entered the room his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold
    进屋 衣雪 鼻子冻通红
    He did himself behind a tree
    Did he hurt himself when he fell
    摔倒时伤着 二冠词减词
    Down came the ceiling
    The pen is mightier than the sword
    The love of money is the root of all evil
    The elephant stood ten feet tall and weighed more than four tons
    头象身高十尺 重四吨
    Juliet was torn between desire to keep him near her and fear for his life should his
    presence be detected
    朱丽叶想留身边 怕发觉会丢掉性命 感进退两难
    (减译名词 )
    He joined the Red Army in the winter of that year
    年冬天参加红军 (减译介词 )
    It is in studying as in eating he who does it gets the benefits and not he who sees it
    读书吃饭样 利益实际吃 旁观 (减译连接词 )
    2Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions(正反反正译
    法 )
    正反 反正译法指原文中正面表达词句子 译文反面表达 者原文
    中反面表达词句子 译文中正面表达 里应指出 反面表达指句子
    中 含 否 定 词 具 否 定 意 义 包 括 英 文 中 notnonever 带
    inundedisimilirless等表示否定词缀 汉语中非
    未 否 勿等字
    I could see that her excitement was gone (正面表达 )
    出 兴奋劲 见 (反面表达 )
    All this is between ourselves (正面表达 )
    告诉 (反面表达 )
    词类采正反 反正译法
    Keep him inside here

    Moved and you ’re dead
    动否死 二介词
    Everyone stay off the phone so they can call to tell me I won
    谁 电话 便电话通知奖
    Most of the men of his class are not able to earn enough for marriage until they are
    象阶层男 三十岁 攒足够钱结婚
    Yet they could easily have learned that there are over a hundred registered
    correspondents in Beijing
    然 难 知道北京现 100 位常驻记者
    EasyLiu you ’ll have a heart attack
    紧张 刘会发心脏病
    Wet paint
    油漆 未干
    The light in the classroom is poor
    教室里光线 足
    Perhaps more than that but there are facts to be faceda town and its people and
    you and me
    许 简单 面现实 面镇镇
    He knew that nothing was ever going to be the same again
    清楚 切
    Nothing that he could do to calm the calm the storm of anger was of any avail
    息愤慨情绪做 切努力 失败
    英文中样种现象 短语中 词具意义恰通常意义相
    反例 riot 词通常暴乱 骚乱意思 短语 riot police 中riot 防
    暴意思 决译成暴乱警察 样 riot gun 暴乱枪 防暴
    枪 种现象做词反义 称正词反译
    Fraud investigation
    欺骗行 调查
    Fire brigade
    Narcotics squads
    缉 毒队
    Pornography campaign反黄运动第七章分句法动语态译法
    分句法 翻译时 时会遇结构复杂 长句子 果原文结构译出 译
    文会繁琐堪 意义清楚 时必须采分句法 复杂句子拆
    译两单独句子 拆出组成句子部分原文中语 位语
    定语 状语 表语 等等
    The night was chillyit was early November A light drizzle added t my discomfort
    夜里凉风飕飕 十月初 天起毛毛细雨 令倍加难受
    All this talk and no action made Slim impatient
    谈着 采取行动 瘦子耐住
    His opposition to the plan is known to everybody
    反项计划 众周知
    She was famous as much for her learning as for her goodness and beauty
    闻名遐迩 品格良纯容貌艳绝学识
    The constable booked the motorist for failing to stop at Halt sign
    警察开摩托车记次 停车标志前没停车
    He should be criticized for his carelessness
    粗心意 应受批评
    American friends were obviously quite disturbed by the attitude of those here (in the
    US) who sought to misrepresent the arguments of the Chinese and reject them out of
    里 (美国 )企图歪曲中国观点 轻易加驳斥 美国朋友
    英语汉语中动语态 两种语言中动语态惯 场合频率
    相 较起 英语中较广泛 形式 英语动语态系动词
    be’形式分词联合构成 汉语中分加 受
    结构 英语动语态句子译成汉语时 译成动
    句改译动语态句子 译做汉语中独特结构 句
    The University of StAndrew ’s was established as a university in 1410 theology and
    medicine may have been taught there since AD 900
    圣· 安德烈学 1410 年改学 公元 900 年起 里 开设神学医
    英语动语态句子译成汉语动句时 根具体情况 分构成种形式
    1谓语前加 句中出现施事者
    She was elected Chairman of the Students ’ Union
    2谓语前加受 予 加 等词
    The problem must be dealt with first at the meeting
    问题必须会首先 予 讨
    3行动体前加 受 等字
    These heroes are respected by everybody in the country
    英雄物 受 全国民尊敬
    The committee is made up of 21 members
    委员会 21 名委员组成
    4译成 结构
    结构汉语中种动句结构 常强调施事者
    说明件事样做什时候 什点做
    History is made by the people
    历史 民创造
    句汉语中种特殊句子结构 翻译英语动句时 果知道必
    说出施事者时 译汉语句
    I know why he was appointed
    知道 什委派
    If he is given way to he will only make further demands
    果作出步 会提出进步求
    句子英文中惯动语态 汉语直接译成动句 必改变句子结构
    表示 动 语态 词 必说 出动 作施 事者 英 文中 He was greatly
    surprised汉语惯说吃惊说惊 汉语中
    然没表示动词 动义言喻
    He was suddenly aware that Frey ’s eyes were fixed on his face
    忽然发觉 福雷眼睛 正盯 脸
    Complaints should be made to a responsible person
    意见应 提 负责
    翻译时原文语 (受施者 )译成宾语 by 介词宾语 者状语译语
    My father ’s scream could be heard in the next town
    爸爸喊声 邻城 听见
    If he would but take command hours and riches would be heaped upon him and
    absolute power
    愿意统帅军队作战 数荣华富贵绝权力
    原文语译成宾语 增译泛指性语 家

    He was expected to give up evil and return to good
    More than that we have to be and be seen to be a component part of the struggle
    仅必须成功必须 场战争组成部分
    it 做形式语句子翻译
    英语中常 it 作形式语动语态句子 旧译动语态 符
    合中文惯 翻译类句子时 根文 做灵活处理 时
    增加适语 等时增加 般通常
    This claim is patently exaggerated but it is accepted that she may have been 104
    种说法显然夸许 般认 活 104 岁
    It is believed that 相信
    It is claimed that 宣称
    It is considered that 认
    It is expected that 希
    It is found that 发现
    It is felt that 感
    It will be said that 会说
    It has been pointed out that 指出
    It is held that 认
    It is noted that 注意
    It is suggested that 建议
    It is announced that 宣布 称
    It is reported that 报道
    It is generally believed that 普遍认
    It is said that 说It must be admitted that 必须承认
    然英语动语态结构汉语 少数情况 英语动语态句子译
    So they decided to go together but to wear masks so as to escape recognition
    决定起 戴面具 免 认出
    Someone is bound to find me
    肯定会 发现
    Translation of Attributive Clauses
    My plan which I have used many times is very simple
    2方案 已次 简单
    Toward evening we stopped at an inn where we passed the night
    1傍晚 停家里夜旅店
    2傍晚 停留家旅店 里夜
    But there are still people who have failed to memorize the lessons of the past
    How many students are there in your class whose homes are in the countryside
    Premier Zhou who was busy all day long never knew what fatigue was
    周总理然整天忙 知疲倦 (concession)
    My unclewho will be seventy tomorrow is still a keen sportsman
    伯父然明天满七十岁 爱运动 (concession)
    Envoys were sent who should strengthen our international position
    派节 便 加强国际位 (purpose)
    Anybody who should do that would be laughed at
    谁 做种事情 定会受嘲笑 (condition)
    About final exam
    .列句子翻译成汉语 (20题 2 分)
    二.列句子翻译成英语 (20题 2 分)
    三 .翻译谚语 ( 20题 2 分)
    四 .选择佳译文 (10题 2 分)
    五.语篇翻译 (30)
    .列句子翻译成汉语 (20题 2 分)
    1 I ’ve been hoping I ’ d have a chance to see the film
    2 In another month ’s time she ’ll have been studying here for three years
    3 May you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater success
    4 He must always have his own way
    5 Much is left to be desired
    6 I wish I hadn’t come
    7 How I wish it wasn ’t raining
    8 That ’ where we differ
    9 That was how they were defeated
    10 Not that I dislike the work but I have no time for it
    二.列句子翻译成英语 (20题 2 分)
    11 什光阴更贵东西
    12 越细心越
    13 象点头14 做件事费吹灰力
    15 春天树绿
    16 言喻永远会相信
    17 件事足轻重
    18 处理事情应该讲轻重缓急
    19 点意思
    20 昨天电影没买票
    三翻译谚语 (20题 2 分)
    21 More haste less speed
    22 Nothing venture nothing have
    23 Where there is a will there is a way
    24 Look before you leap
    25 Strike while the iron is hot
    26 Practice makes perfect
    27 One stone two birds
    28 Have a card up one ’s sleeve
    29 Speak of angles and you will hear their wings 30 Time is money
    四选择佳译文 (20题 2 分)
    31 You are being stupid
    (A) 意装傻
    (B) 愚蠢
    (C) 正愚蠢
    32 You’re being merely childish
    1 样做简直孩子气
    2 孩子气
    3 正孩子气
    33 I hope we ’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow
    (A) 希明天前已说明书准备
    (B) 希明天前说明书准备
    (C) 希明天时已说明书备齐
    34 Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one
    (A) 成千万备件中备件合格没合格
    (B) 成千万备件中发现合格
    (C) 成千万备件中合格
    35 It was quite a few years before he finally finished his novels
    (A) 年终写完说
    (B) 完成说前已年
    (C) 终完成说前年
    36 Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out
    (A) 背着倒失败朋友
    (B) 理睬穷困潦倒朋友
    (C) 失意落魄朋友拒千里外
    37 商品质量漫天讨价
    (A) Even quality goods must have a price ceiling
    (B) You should not demand too high a price with quality goods
    (C) The owner of quality goods should not demand too high a price
    38 切考虑进建议似更切实行
    (A) Everything is taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    (B) Everything taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    (C) Everything is taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    39 工篮球热心观众
    (A) These worker are avid watchers of basketball matches
    (B) These worker are avid watchers of basketball
    (C) These worker are warmhearted watchers of basketball
    40 俗话说怕识货怕货货
    (A) Inferior goods can ’t stand comparison as the saying goes
    (B) As an old saying goes we are not afraid that you do not know all about the goods but we are afraid that you compare the goods
    (C) As an old saying goes don ’t worry about not knowing about the goods just
    compare and you will see which is better
    五语篇翻译 (30)
    A poor chimneysweep who had not enough money to buy a meal stopped one hot
    summer day at noon before an eatinghouse and remained regaling his nose with the
    smell of the victuals The master of the shop told him several times to go away but
    the sweep could not leave the savory smell though unable to purchase the taste of the
    food At last the cook came out of the shop and taking hold of the sweep declared
    that as he had been feeding upon the smell of his victuals he should not go away
    without paying half the price of a dinner The poor fellow said that he neither could
    nor would pay and that he would ask the first person who should pass whether it was
    not an unreasonable and unjust demand
    The case was referred to a policeman who happened to pass at that moment He
    said to the sweep As you have been feasting one of your senses with the odor of this
    man’s meat it is but just you should make him some recompense therefore you shall
    in your turn regale one of his senses which seems to be more insatiable than your
    appetite How much money have you
    I have but two pence in all the world sir and I must buy me some bread
    Never mind answered the officer take your two pence between your hands
    now rattle them loudly
    The sweep did so and the officer turning to the cook said Now sir I think he
    has paid you the smell of your victuals regaled his nostrils the sound of his money
    has tickled your ears
    This decision gave more satisfaction to the bystanders than to the cook but it was
    the only payment he could obtain
    —— By anonymous
    三.列句子翻译成汉语 (20题 2 分)
    1 I ’ve been hoping I ’ d have a chance to see the film
    2 In another month ’s time she ’ll have been studying here for three years
    3 May you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater success
    4 He must always have his own way
    5 Much is left to be desired
    6 I wish I hadn’t come
    真悔该7 How I wish it wasn ’t raining
    8 That ’ where we differ
    9 That was how they were defeated
    10 Not that I dislike the work but I have no time for it
    四.列句子翻译成英语 (10题 2 分)
    Nothing is more precious than time
    12 越细心越
    You cannot be too careful
    There seems something wrong about it
    It is very easy for you to do such a thing
    Spring coming on the trees turned green
    16 言喻永远会相信
    It goes without saying that he will never believe you
    17 件事足轻重
    This is a matter of no consequence
    18 处理事情应该讲轻重缓急
    Matters should be handled according to priority
    19 点意思
    It ’s our little gift as a token of our appreciation
    20 昨天电影没买票
    I did not buy a good seat for yesterday ’s film
    三 翻译谚语 (20题 2 分)
    21 16More haste less speed 欲速达
    22 17Nothing venture nothing have 入虎穴焉虎子23 18Where there is a will there is a way 志者事竟成
    24 19Look before you leap 三思行
    25 Strike while the iron is hot 趁热铁
    26 Practice makes perfect 熟生巧
    27 One stone two birds箭双雕
    28 Have a card up one ’s sleeve胸成竹
    29 Speak of angles and you will hear their wings 说曹操曹操
    30 Time is money 寸光阴寸金
    四选择佳译文 (20题 2 分)(划线正确答案)
    31 You are being stupid
    (A) 意装傻
    (B) 愚蠢
    (C) 正愚蠢
    32 You’re being merely childish
    (A) 样做简直孩子气
    (B) 孩子气
    (C) 正孩子气
    33 I hope we ’ll have got the instructions ready before you come tomorrow
    (A) 希明天前已说明书准备
    (B) 希明天前说明书准备
    (C) 希明天时已说明书备齐
    34 Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one
    (A) 成千万备件中备件合格没合格
    (B) 成千万备件中发现合格
    (C) 成千万备件中合格
    35 It was quite a few years before he finally finished his novels
    (A) 年终写完说
    (B) 完成说前已年
    (C) 终完成说前年
    36 Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out
    (A) 背着倒失败朋友
    (B) 理睬穷困潦倒朋友
    (C) 失意落魄朋友拒千里外
    37 商品质量漫天讨价
    (A) Even quality goods must have a price ceiling
    (B) You should not demand too high a price with quality goods
    (C) The owner of quality goods should not demand too high a price
    38 切考虑进建议似更切实行(A) Everything is taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    (B) Everything taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    (C) Everything is taken into consideration her proposal seems more practicable
    39 工篮球热心观众
    (A) These worker are avid watchers of basketball matches
    (B) These worker are avid watchers of basketball
    (C) These worker are warmhearted watchers of basketball
    40 俗话说怕识货怕货货
    (A) Inferior goods can ’t stand comparison as the saying goes
    (B) As an old saying goes we are not afraid that you do not know all about the
    goods but we are afraid that you compare the goods
    (C) As an old saying goes don ’t worry about not knowing about the goods just
    compare and you will see which is better
    五语篇翻译 (30)
    贫穷扫烟囱工 穷连顿饭买起 炎热夏中午
    家餐馆前停 站鼻子贪婪嗅着食物味 餐馆老板次
    走开然没力买食物尝尝 舍离开令馋涎欲滴香味
    厨师店堂走出 抓扫烟囱工 说闻饱菜肴香味
    时候 警察碰巧旁边 事告里 警察扫烟囱工
    报酬公合理 现该轮感官享受
    紧警察回答道两便士双手捂着 现劲咔
    扫烟囱工样做警察转身厨师说: 先生想现

    裁决旁观者满意 厨师然满意 样报酬




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