
    1.With the improvement in transportation students in some small villages no longer go on ropeways ______ rivers to schools.
    A. to cross B. crossing C. crossed D.Crosses
    2.The doctor warns Jack _____________stop ____________because it is bad for his health.
    A.to smoking B.not to smoke C.to to smoke D.not to smoking
    3.It’s important for us ________ a healthy lifestyle.
    A.to keep B.keep C.keeping D.kept
    4.—Look Kangkang that old man is crossing the crosswalk.
    —Jane let’s________ him.
    A. helps B. to help C. helping D. help
    5.We should do what we can ________ those people when they are in trouble.
    A. to help B. helped C. help
    6.Frank and his friends had great fun _________volleyball on the beach yesterday.
    A. play B. playing C. to play
    7.My teacher encouraged me __________ English as much as possible.
    A. to speak B. speak C. speaking
    8.A lot of museums in China are worth___________. If you have time you can choose to go.
    A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visit
    9.The doctors and nurses managed _________ the lives of patients though they didn’t have enough medicine.
    A. save B. saving C. to save D. to saving
    10.—Why do many farmers put their products online these days
    —________them more easily.
    A. To sell B. Sell C. Selling
    11.They offered courses_________ students know the importance of protecting the Huanghe River.
    A. Help B. helped C. helps D. to help
    12.The Birdwatching Society goes to Zhalong Nature Reserve the birds every year.
    A. to count B. counting C. count D. counts
    13.My sister has gone to work in Beijing not for money but ________ herself.
    A.improve B.improved C.to improve
    14.Our government tries to do everything they can _________ people live a better life.
    A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped
    15.— Clara you have ______ Journey to the West for two weeks.
    — Sorry I wanted to give it back but was made _________ Dazhou on business last week.
    A. borrowed to leave B. kept to leave
    C. kept leave D. borrowed leave
    16.He felt tired so he stopped _____________ a rest under the tree.
    A. having B. have C. to have
    17.He spent two hours ________ his mother with housework last Sunday.
    A.helping B.helped C.to help D.help
    18.We are glad ________ that traditional Chinese medicine can work wonders in preventing some diseases.
    A. know B. to know C. knowing
    19.Diana used to _________ to work but now she is used to ________ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.
    A. drive walk B. drive walking C. driving walk
    20.The singer was often seen to practice ____________ songs near the woods three years ago.
    A. sing B. singing C. to sing
    21.—A lot of old people are lonely. What can we do to help them
    —I want ______ the old people's home to talk to them.
    A. visit B. to visit C. visiting
    22. ______ the project as planned they need to work two more hours a day.
    A.To finish B.Finishing C.Finish D.To be finished
    23.Now the Chinese government has made laws ________ wild animals.
    A. protect B. protects C. to protect D. protected
    24.They hope ________the basketball match.
    A. win B. won C. to win D. winning
    25.CCTV news reporter will come to interview Wang Lin tomorrow Please tell her ________.
    A. not to be late B. not to come C. to watch TV
    26.Teachers expect all their students ________ progress day by day.
    A. to make B. make C. to take D. take
    27.Wang Lei is looking forward to ________ the best high school in September.
    A. refusing B. playing C. reading D. entering
    28.We’d better follow the sevenstep handwashing method __________ healthy.
    A. to keep B. keep C. keeping D. keeps
    29.The twin brothers are busy ________ artworks from ocean waste.
    A.making B.make C.to make
    30.The engineers will keep ________ the project with the manager of the company.
    A.discuss B.discussed C.discussing D.to discuss
    31.Doctors tell us ________ our hands before and after every meal.
    A.wash B.washed C.washing D.to wash

    keep  say  be  run  make to get work watch sit
    Passage 1

    Deng Chao is a Chinese actor and director. He is 1 on the jury for the first time at the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) which has been 2 for 10 years. It is a new experience for him and provides a chance 3 meet young filmmakers.
    Although the roadshow lasted a whole day Deng said he enjoyed the process. 4 the new films is like seeing the real yourself Deng said. Deng said he wanted to 5 up with young people and keep his mind fresh not be left behind. At the same time he is looking forward to 6 to know young people and what they are thinking.
    He also talked about some of his most impressive 7 such as Knock Knock and No Problem With Thought 8 that they all have the possibility to 9 shown in the cinema. Although some works are still in the early stages the works 10 by different filmmakers actually showed the achievements of the main team and they should be carefully considered.
    Good filmmakers should be heard seriously he added.
    Passage 2
    People on Earth could only see one face of the Moon because it goes around on its own axis in exactly the same time it takes to orbit the Earth. The far side of the Moon can only 1 seen from spacecraft.
    While a full day on the Earth lasts for 24 hours a full lunar day on the Moon is 2 long as 708 hours.
    The Moon is going away from us with about 3. 8 cm away from the Earth every year. The distance between the two planets is believed to 3 increased from the beginning 20000 kilometers to the present 380000 kilometers.
    If a footprint is left on the Moon it may last for hundreds of years because 4 is no erosion by wind or water on the Moon.
    Lunar astronauts used seismographs 5 visit the Moon and found that small moonquakes happened on the Moon. The seismographs set up on the Moon recorded over 3000 moonquakes every year from 1969 to 1977.

    1 A
    2 A
    3 A
    4 D
    5 A
    6 B
    7 A
    8 B
    9 C
    10 A
    11 D
    12 A
    13 C
    14 A
    15 B
    16 C
    17 A
    18 B
    19 B
    20 B
    21 B
    22 A
    23 C
    24 C
    25 A
    26 A
    27 D
    28 A
    29 A
    30 C
    31 D
    Passage 1
    1 sitting    2 running
    3 to 4 Watching
    5 keep    6 getting
    7 works 8 saying
    9 be 10 made
    Passage 2
    1 be    2 as 3 have  4 there 5 to





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