
    Part II key to exercises
    Section A
    Prereading activities
    1B 2D 3C 4A 5E
    1 In fact all the pieces of advice mentioned in the interview are very useful But if I have t choose one as the most useful I’d choose keep a balance When we were in high school we spent almost all our time studying There lacked a balance between social life and academic life in high school It’s important to keep a balance between life and work because it will give us a sound mind in a sound body Now we have much more free time so we can join student organizations or go to different activities
    2 Before I left for college my parents did have a talk with me They told me how important college experience would be in my life They told me about the opportunities that college education would open up to me They told me to try to develop more interests and join some student clubs The most impressive advice they gave me was
    that I should not only read books about my major instead they advised me to read as widely as possible All these are very valuable pieces of advice
    Sarah Hi I’m Sarah I’m a student advisor at a university I know the first year of college is always difficult You have to adapt to a new environment and learn to do everything on your own To help make your transition just a little easier I’m going to interview some senior students on campus let’s see what advice they can give you
    Sarah Hi Jennifer What do you think is important to a freshman
    Jennifer I think it is very important to go to class regularly It sounds easy but oversleeping and missing that 8 o’clock morning class is very common Try to go to class on time and regularly You will learn the material in class get to know the professors and make friends with your classmates You will also get important information from the professors about tests and exams
    Sarah Mark do you agree with Jennifer
    Mark Absolutely My advice is Find a good place to study It may be your dorm room or a corner of the library or a quiet classroom but find a place that works best for you to get your work done If you have trouble concentrating in your dorm you need to find another place
    Sarah Nancy what is our advice for freshmen
    Nancy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy My advice is to get involved on campus Abig
    problem for a lot of new students is that they miss home and they don't have a sense of belonging The solution is to join a student organization or a club or a sports team You will make new friends learn new skills and feel more connected to your school
    Sarah Excellent advice Nancy Simon it seems you have something to say
    Simon Yes I do Well I want to say you should keep a balance College life is a mixture of social life and academic life Don’t join too many student organizations or go to too many activities Otherwise you won’t have enough time to study Of course you should not become a book worm The key is to keep a balance between fun and study
    Sarah They all give very useful tips But let me add a few more Take responsibility for yourself and your actions take advantage of the learning resources on campus stay healthy and eat right I hope you will get the most out of your college experience
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could
    2 The president calls on the students to make the most of the great resources on campus to explore new subjects to meet fascinating people and to pursue new passions
    3 By saying sample them widely the president mean students should try may different courses and try something new to see what it is like
    4 If we don’t challenge ourselves we will not become broadly educated people and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future
    5 We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we should challenge ourselves and by challenging ourselves we are more likely to find an interest we don’t know we have and this interest may help us build a prosperous future
    6 W should not worry and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm College experiences pleasant or unpleasant will provide us with valuable lessons which will enrich our life
    7 The expression Now it is your turn means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on
    8 The president’s welcoming speech is really impressive He mentions many important things about college life the resources available on campus as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities we should take The speech is very inspiring
    Critical thinking
    1 A university education will play a very important role in my life and it will benefit me in a
    number of ways In the university I can acquire specialized knowledge about my major and develop critical thinking and research skills I will have the opportunities to meet and share ideas with people of different minds I can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures And I will start my life journey of
    5 selfdiscovery selfimprovement and selffulfillment Yes absolutely With a university education a person will have more freedom and therefore more choices This education experience
    provides unlimited potential Moreover a university education provides the means for one to succeed Not only will a person obtain knowledge and skills essential for his career development but he will also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions on his own I admire those who dropped out of university and yet have made fame for themselves by achieving big goals Some people use those successful college dropouts as counterexamples to show their belief that a person can succeed even without a university education Chances are that most people do not have the same mind talent determination or opportunities as Bill Gates Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg did therefore they might not be able to achieve success without having a university education In fact a university education will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to succeed Nowadays education is getting more and more expensive especially college education And there are people who choose to give up education because of the high cost But without education one would not be able to acquire knowledge that an education will offer In other words they would be ignorant The result would be that ignorant people will suffer even more or pay even more for being so It is true that education is expensive but if you try ignorance the cost would be even higher To sample widely and challenge my self I am going to venture out of my comfort zone and do
    what I have not had the courage to do For instance I will make friends with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures I will take
    a swimming class and learn how to swim Iwil attend unconventional lectures join student clubs and try all kinds of food Most of all I will do whatever it takes to make the most of the four years and try to become a wellrounded graduate
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 confidence 2 explore 3 emerged 4 assume 5 pose 6 comprehensive 7 resources 8 yield 9 inherited 10 transmit
    Word building
    Words learned new words formed
    cover uncover
    easy uneasy
    load unload
    resist resistant
    account accountant
    simple amplify
    note notify
    quality qualify
    class classify
    1 classified
    2 assist
    3 resistant
    4 uncovered
    5 uneasy
    6 qualify
    7 unloading
    8 applicants
    9 simplified
    10 accountant
    11 notified
    banked cloze
    1 D 2 H 3A 4B 5M 6 F 7O 8 I 9 G 10 J
    Expressions in use
    1 got by
    2 make the most of
    3 in advance
    4 over time
    5 reap the benefits of
    6 all at once
    7 remind… of
    8 stand a chance of
    9 open the door to
    10 take pleasure in
    创始尊称古代圣(sage)言生活动记录语(The Analects)书中语中国古代文化典著作历代思想家文学家政治家产生影响研究语真正握中国千年传统文化孔子思想尤教育思想中国社
    12Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient sage His words and life story were recorded in The Analects An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers writers and statesmen that came after Confucius Without studying this book one could hardly truly understand the thousandsofyears' traditional Chinese culture Much of Confucius' thought especially his
    thought on education has had a profound influence on Chinese society In the 21st century Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community
    section B
    reading skills
    1 A
    2 A
    3 C
    4 B C E
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 The father is happy that his child is going to college and will have new exciting experiences Meantime the father feels sad to see the child leave
    2 Because it is in college that the child will find out what learning is about
    3 The statement Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school was made by Einstein It means that the details you have learned or the facts you have remembered are not important What is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have developed a way of thinking and a sense of responsibility
    4 the father thinks his child should take courses that will stimulate his interest and improve his intellectual capacity
    5 what Steve Jobs meant was that in college your passion will guide you to learn a lot of new and seemingly unconnected things but later those unconnected things will become connected and help you build your life and career
    6 the father warns his child not to be upset by low grades They are only letters and are not important
    7 Genuine and sincere people can become our friends
    8 The father is eager to see what his child will develop into and what achievements his child will make in the future
    Critical thinking
    1 I felt somewhat sad when the time came for me to leave my parents for college because I
    had to leave them for the first time in my life I missed all the comforts they provide for me at home But in the meanwhile I felt excited about my new experience of living on campus For me living on my own was an indication of independence and responsibilities I was looking forward to this new and exciting leg of my life journey
    2 My parents expect me to try my best in all aspects They said to me when I left home for
    college Doing your best does not just mean you have to get straight A’s it means you should work as hard as you can develop and flourish socially and enjoy life fullyThey have very high expectations of me because they believe in me They know that I have the motivation and ability to achieve the goals I have set
    3 I like to be friends with people who have similar hobbies to mine If we have similar hobbies
    we will have a lot to talk about with each other I also like to make friends with outgoing people because I am very shy
    I only make friends with people who are honest polite and sincere I don’t care whether we share similar hobbies or interests or not As long as heshe is a nice person I’ll be happy to be friends with himher
    4 Actually I think almost all courses can stimulate our intellectual capacity To some people
    courses that require them to solve problems such as math physics and enginerring can enhance their intellectual capacity But to other people their intellectual capacity can be developed more by courses like music philosophy or literature because they have to use their brainpower to think and seek answers since there are no right or wrong answers to many questions in these fields Personally I think learning something new will definitely stimulate my intellectual capacity so I’m going to take some courses both in arts and science
    5 When I was a kid my parents had to word away from home so I had to stay with my relatives
    for four years without my parents being around As a result I have learned to be very adaptable Now Ian study and live in different environments Being able to adapt is thus one of my dots
    Language focus
    1 stimulate
    2 potential
    3 cultivate
    4 instinct
    5 confident
    6 assured
    7 curiosity
    8 participate
    9 approach
    10 capacity
    expressions in use
    1 into
    2 like
    3 to
    4 up
    5 to
    6 up
    7 off
    8 in
    sentence structure
    1 Some people have pets and regard them as friends while otherpeople dislike pets and think
    they may cause diseases\
    2 Jerry is very bold and likes taking risks while his brother is extremely careful and thinks things
    through before doing anything
    3 Beijing is a busy city with a large population while my hometown is very quiet with a small
    1 It is Sam thatwho thinks that the greatest achievement of last century was the landing of
    mankind on the moon
    2 It was during my undergraduate studies that I found out what my passion was
    3 It is the curiosity and creativity of children that causes many educators to believe that
    teaching should stimulate children’s interest in learning
    1 make
    2 make
    3 do
    4 make
    5 make
    6 do
    7 do
    8 do
    Part II key to exercises
    Section A
    Prereading activities
    1 I am very close to my parents In fact we are like friends I never keep a secret from them When I have problems I ask them for
    their advice They give me directions about life I like this relationship with my parents and I think this is what parentchild relationship should be like
    2 ifI were not very close to my parents I would do the following to improve our relationship find out where the problem is and talk to my parents about it
    do something that makes them happy
    call them often when I am away from home
    keep them informed of what I am doing
    be open and willing to communicate
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 The daughter bought a large and expensive vehicle probably because her mother advised her
    to buy a practical and gasefficient car The daughter did this on purpose because at this age she was being rebellious
    2 The mother wants to show that although her daughter tries to show she is an adult actually
    she is not
    3 The mother is hap that their daughter is dependent now but on the other hand she feels
    doubtful whether her daughter could take good care of herself
    4 The mother wants to show that her daughter is not ready t e an adult yet
    5 The mother puts her daughter’s books onto a single shelf to deal with later
    6 The mother finds an envelope with items such as old family photographs letters greeting
    cards and love notes they gave their daughter and sees the words DO NOT THROW AWAY marked on the envelope Her attitude then changes
    7 At first the mother decides to throw some of the items away and donate the rest to charity
    After she sees the brown envelope she changes her mind and puts the back in place
    8 Because the mother knows that the sweet childhood memories will bring her daughter back
    Critical thinking
    1 If I were the daughter I would be very much touched when I read the article I would call my
    mom to say sorry for acting rebelliously and would tell her how much I love her Probably I would return home as soon as I can
    2 I don’t think it is wise to refuse parents’ advice or even do the opposite without a good
    reason Your parents care about you more than anybody else and always want to share their experience with you If you follow their advice you can at least learn from their experience
    6 and avoid making some silly mistakes if you don’t take their advice you may still get experiencebut in a hard way Besides your parents may directly point out our weaknesses that your peers wouldn’t so listening to your parents’ advice can make you smarter and help you grow mature Good communication will in my view help build a good relationship the following are my ways to strengthen communication with my parents visit them whenever possible invite them to see what I am doing at college teach them
    to use new communication tools such as WeChat and Skype so that they can communicate with me wherever I am try to look at things from their perspectives and share with them my feelings problems or ambitions Although there is no standard pattern for a good parentchild relationship some common factors can contribute to a more successful relationship respect each other support and encourage each other understand each other have fun together and be friends Yes many parents are expecting to much of their children First most families have only one child and parents want to make a perfect child out of them Second competition is intense in school and at work today So parents want their children to learn as much as possible so as to gain advantages over others in competition It’s not uncommon that some parents force their children to achieve what is even hard for adults But they ignore the fact that winning is not the only important thing and that children should have their own enjoyment and preferences No I don’t think parents today are expecting too much of their children Competition is
    becoming increasingly intense in school and at the workplace So it is natural for parents to help their children to make full use of their talent and become as competitive as possible They know better about how far their children can go Besides more and more parents including my parents think it is more important for their children to be healthy and happy Of course while they expect that their children study hard and achieve success they should at the same time see to it that their children are not overworking themselves
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 awaits
    2 efficiency
    3 donation
    4 polished
    5 stuffed
    6 historical
    7 emotional
    8 embarrassed
    9 dump
    10 curb
    word building
    Words learned new words formed er
    1 interpreted
    2 employer
    3 artistic
    4 historic
    5 compute
    6 continuous
    7 economic
    8 fame
    9 electron
    10 atomic
    11 envious
    12 vary
    baked cloze
    1G 2K 3L 4O
    5A 6D 7E employer compute interpret atomic artistic economic historic electron envious continuous fame vary 8F 9B 10J
    Expressions in use
    1 made it
    2 after all
    3 strip off
    4 with open arms
    5 throw away
    6 straighten up
    7 keep back
    8 free offrom
    structured writing
    Parents may get disappointed when you fail to meet their expectations They may strongly object to your lifestyle and complain that you are wasting time on unimportant things To solve this problem you may try to make them understand that you are a responsible person First tell them that you have inherited many of their merits Then remind them that you have your own thoughts and life goals as an individual You can also explain how your lifestyle will help you in a positive way You may not be able to change your
    parents’ opinion overnight but if you keep trying it well eventually work
    According to the Chinese lunar calendar August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festivalthe MidAutumn Festival This day is the middle of autumn so it is called MidAutumn One of the important MidAutumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon On that
    night people get together to celebrate the MidAutumn Festival looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes The festival is also a time for family reunion People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival There are many customs to celebrate the festival all expression people’s love and hope for a happy life Since 2008 the MidAutumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China
    Section B
    Reading skills
    All righthe says and carries the smelly packageAs we walk back he tells meabout migrations of eelsto the Sargasso Seahoweels come down Dalmatian riversand swim across the Mediterranean and then the whole Atlantic until they reach the warm Sargasso Sea Here they lay their eggs and then the baby eels swim back to the native river of their parents
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1D 2B 3C 4C 5C 6D 7D 8A
    Critical thinking
    1 To me a good parent is quite challenging and demanding A good parent should
    attend to children’s physical and spiritual needs
    be supportive in times of difficulties
    share life experiences without preaching
    share hobbies and doing sports with their children and
    respect their children’s privacy
    2 My parents took god care of my sister and me They regarded it their duty to make sure that
    we had good food decent clothes and a nice place to live in but they also required us to do whatever they told us to do And we were supposed to keep no secrets from them If Isupposed to keep no secrets from them If I were a parent I would try my best to supply the best for my child(ren)’s daily needs just as what my parents did to me But I would also do something different I would respect my child(ren)’s privacy I would not give orders Instead I would try to become their friends and encourage them to do what they like
    3 Yes after reading the two stories in this unit I have come to a better understanding of my
    parents’ love for me Though my father and other show their love in different ways everything they do for me is meant to do me good even when they are being tough with me Most times I tend to take their love for granted I rarely spend time thinking about their love for me let alone expressing thanks for their love A better understanding of my parents’ love will prompt me to think about that I can do to them and how I can repay them for their selfless love
    4 Conflicts between parents and children may be sometimes inevitable However there are
    something we can do to reconcile and solve the disagreement
    calm down – anger only makes things worse
    analyze the reason for the conflicts
    try to be in our parents’ shoes and see thinks from their angle
    explain what is on our mind and try to have their support and
    make compromises whenever we can
    5 Nowadays many young people are too busy to spend time with their parents This has been a
    social problem of public concern It is true that young people today are facing great pressure from work They have so many things to do that they often have to work extra hours But this is no excuse for neglecting their parents Busy as they are they should try to set aside time to be with their parents especially on the weekend The aging parents may feel deserted and lonely being left at the empty nest In fact this social problem has prompted the government to take action and make it part of the law that children should regularly visit their parents and attend to their parents’ needs So as young people we should realize the problem and try to send as much time as possible with our parents
    Language focus
    Word in use
    1 awkward
    2 stretch
    3 overtaking
    4 delicate
    5 anticipate
    6 immense
    7 reluctance
    8 suspicious
    9 complain
    10 melted
    expressions in use
    1 out
    2 for
    3 with
    4 in of
    5 in
    6 down
    7 to
    8 aboard
    sentence structure
    1 All of Justin’2 His father doesn't’3 CNN then reported the story and
    1 Not that I don’t like your apple pie but (that) my doctor tells me not to have any
    2 Not that she is unwilling to help you but (that) she is tied up with extra work these days
    3 Not that some coffee beans or tea bags are more flavorful than others but (that) people love
    1 effort
    2 decision
    3 preparations
    4 arrangements
    5 meal
    6 mess
    7 complaints
    8 attempts
    9 sense
    10 excuses
    11 suggestions
    12 contribution
    Part II key to exercises
    Section A
    Prereading activities
    1. Traditional classroom
    Advantages more direct communication between the teacher and students a better learning atmosphere
    Disadvantages little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher the teacher tending to dominate the class writing on blackboard reducing efficiency
    Multimedia learning
    Advantages more vivid teaching materials
    disadvantages too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms
    Studying online
    advantages being able to choose when and what you want to learn easy access to the wide range of online information
    disadvantages making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet lack of facetoface communication between the teacher and students the possibility for students to
    develop Internet addiction
    2 I prefer the multimedia way of learning A multimedia classroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways slides pictures and even movies Compared with a traditional classroom a multimedia classroom is more interesting
    To be frank I prefer to study online In this way I can manage my own time I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace It is simply what I want
    3 Yes The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays It is hard to imagine what it would be like without the Internet We would have no easy or quick way to learn about the latest development of teaching and learning We would miss the
    many interesting online courses we couldn’t communicate effectively with teachers after class We just can’t afford to lose the Internet
    No teaching and learning had been carried out long before the Internet came into being And people did just as well without the Internet or the computer It is true that the Internet makes teaching and learning more convenient and more efficient but it is by no means indispensable I’m sure we can still teach or learn without the Internet
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 A fleet of laptops smartphones and Internet connectivity 24 hours a day
    2 wireless Internet access anywhere and anytime on campus
    3 because smartphones could draw students’ attention and encourage sophisticated thinking
    4 because too much time online can mean too little time I reallife studying or exercising or visiting with friends If we spend too much time online we will be cut off from the real world
    5 they used the money to wire dorms with highspeed connections and equip their campuses with WiFi networks
    6 Becausethe university was afraid that it’s technology was not as advanced as that of other universities it gave away free Apple iPads to compensate for its inferiority in this aspect
    7 If a university can’t keep up with the rest f the world or if it can’t provide highbandwidth information as expected it will be at a competitive disadvantage
    8 it is mainly because they want to provide students with the most advanced free system
    Critical thinking
    1 Yes I think so Internet access is a must on campus We students need the Internet to do research for our study to obtain information to broaden our knowledge of the world to communicate with family and friends and to enrich our lives in our spare time
    No I don’t think so There are many potential disadvantages if Internet access is so easily accessible on campus Some students may waste too much time I playing online games or chatting online be tempted to visit unhealthy websites or even become Internetaddicted and
    neglect their study
    2 It sounds like an awful idea to me Obtaining knowledge is only part of learning Learning not only gives us a wealth of knowledge it also provides us with great vision strong principles social abilities good manners interpersonal skills and many more valuable attributes This obviously cannot be realized by learning at home only with the computer
    I think it is a good idea that students can study at home via the Internet in the future Learning would become more flexible and accessible This way college education could become available to many more people old or young near or far healthy or handicapped
    3 The Internet and smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily life because they don’t cost much and they make communication much more convenient We can talk to people or leave them messages almost anywhere and anytime And very often we will get responses in no time
    With the Internet and smartphones becoming more and more popular we are forgetting how to write with a pen or how to talk with people face to face The more we use the Internet and smartphones the less we meet our friends in real life Even when friends meet face to face instead of talking with each other they all look at their smartphones checking email or posting something on WeChat
    4 Life would be unimaginable without the Internet or smartphones I depend on them to do everything from study to communication from shopping to entertaining Without the Internet the backing systems the communications systems in fact all key aspects closely related to peoples’ life will collapse Life without the Internet would be terrible and simply unimaginable Actually I wouldn’t mind having a life without the Internet or smartphones Without them I would meet my family and friends face to face and spend more quality time together I might take up some interesting hobbies or try something new So without them life might become even more colorful
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 competitive
    2 transform
    3 typical
    4 response
    5 adopted
    6 focused
    7 compensate
    8 analyze
    9 regulate
    10 estimate
    word building
    Words learned new words formed
    ry scenery
    scene machinery
    detective detect
    compare comparative
    represent representative
    Modern modernize
    Character characterize
    1 scenery
    2 machinery
    3 summarize
    4 specializes
    5 massive
    6 detect
    7 representative(s)
    8 characterize
    9 comparative
    10 modernize
    11 explosive
    12 computerized
    banked cloze
    1J 2H 3L 4N
    Expressions in use
    1 fired off
    2 keep up with
    3 set up
    4 account for
    5 stand out
    6 add to
    7 take the lead
    8 at a disadvantage
    9 in large part
    10 visit with
    specialize computerize summarize 5F 6I 7E 8A 9C 10O
    structured writing
    It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today Some of them smoke because of peer pressure When they see some of their friends smoking they feel the pressure to try it out in order to fit in with the crowd Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate adults or appear to be mature Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them So parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children In conclusion the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults
    China’s space industry was launched in 1956 Over the past decades China’s space industry has created one miracle after another In 1970 China launched its first manmade earth satellite ranking China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch manmade earth satellites In 1992 China began to carry out the manned spaceflight program In 2003 China launched Shenzhou5 a manned spaceship The successful launch made China the third country to launch manned spaceships In 2007 Chang’e1 the first lunarorbiting manmade satellite was sent to space In 2013 Shenzhou10 the fifth manned spaceship was launched successfully laying the foundation for building the Chinese Space Station
    Section B
    Reading skills
    1O 2O 3O 4F 5F 6F 7O 8O
    Reading comprehension
    1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6D 7D 8C
    Critical thinking
    1 Teenagers and college students are more likely to become Internet addicts Many teenagers lack selfdiscipline Though their parents may watch them closely at home and only allow them
    very limited time to get online once being away from home these kids are likely to indulge themselves in the Internet The same is true for college students College students often use the Internet to help with their study and they lack supervision from their parents if they live on campus If they do not watch their time online and what they do with the internet they may also become addicted to the Internet
    2 YesI think so A weak personality usually can’t resist temptation Jack my former classmate definitely falls into this category He knew for sure that online games would take up too much of his study time However he just couldn’t stop thinking about the games and completely indulged himself in thisvirtual world
    No I don’t think so A person with a strong personality may also become an addict One of my friends had a very strong personality
    He was independent and decisive and he was always the leader among his friends But somehow he became an Internet addict So I think addiction to the Internet has nothing to do with ones personality
    3 If I have friends who unfortunately become Internetaddicted I will help them 1)set time limits I will suggest that they should allow themselves a limited amount of time to spend online each day 2)keep themselves busy I will help them find activities to keep their mind of the Internet eg meeting friends taking up new hobbies doing sports
    4 No Computer Day is a good idea If you shut down your computer for a day you’ll possibly find a book to read go out with friends talk with your family visit a museum play basketball or go to a concert A day without the computer is a reminder that there are more rewarding things to do
    I don’t think it is a good idea For people who depend on their computers for their work or study they could do little or almost nothing without computers Moreover the business world may become out of order without computers even for only one day
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 concerned
    2 release
    3 positive
    4 ceased
    5 enable
    6 decline
    7 scheduled
    8 essential
    9 neglect
    10 arouse
    expressions in use
    1 of
    2 to
    3 with
    4 of
    5 from
    6 but
    7 to
    8 for
    sentence structure
    1 new suit
    2 we should attach great importance to the
    development of the economy
    1 People do not feel sorry for John because he is shy and awkward in front of others
    2 The traffic accident did not happen because the driver was not skillful at driving
    1 homework
    2 lecture
    3 course(s)
    4 exam
    5 presentations
    6 research project
    7 degree
    8 shopping
    9 washing
    10 exercise
    11 things
    12 more good than harm
    Part II key to exercises
    Section A
    Prereading activities
    Where New York City subway statin
    Who What Wesley Austrey saved Cameron Hollopeter
    1 Yes I think Wesley Austrey is a real hero because he showed unusual courage in times of danger Few people would jump onto the tracks to save a stranger from a racing train
    No I don’t think Wesley Austrey is a hero He was behaving irresponsibly He should have realized that he had two little children to take care of What would his kids do if he died
    2 I am most impressed by Wesley Austrey talking about his own fear and what he said to the stranger From the report we can tell that Wesley Austrey loved his children and that he was fully aware of the danger he was facing This further shows how caring and how courageous he was I am most impressed when Wesley Austrey said I don't feel like I did something extraordinary I just saw someone who needed help This shows that Wesley Austrey is a warmhearted and courageous person When it is time for him to offer help he just extends his hand This is why when a stranger
    slipped off the platform Wesley Austrey immediately jumped onto the tracks to save him regardless of the extreme danger involved
    3 I doubt if I would be courageous enough to jump onto the tracks to save the man I would probably shout at the man telling his to stay between the rails lower his body and keep his head down And then I would ask the subway staff for help
    On a New York City subway it’s hard enough to find some who’ll give up his seat to some stranger let alone be willing to give his life for another person
    Fiftyyearold Wesley Austrey was a construction worker One day he was standing on a subway platform with his two little daughters Right in front of them stood a man Suddenly the man slipped off the platform edge and fell to the tracks between the two rails The deadlights of a trian appeared Wesley Austrey had to make a quick decision He jumped onto the tracks He lay on top of the man pressing him down in a space roughtly a fot deep There was only one half inch of space between the two men and the train The train rolled overhead before it stopped and people got the out
    Wesley Austrey’s children were extremely scared at the scene and Wesley Austrey himself was scared too I got to talk to him later he told news reporters Sir you can’t move I’ve got two kids up
    there looking for their father to come back I don’t know you and you dn’t know me but listen don’t panic I’m here to save you
    The man Wesley Austrey saved is 20yearold Cameron Hollopter Except for a fesmall wounds Hollopeter was doing fine Wesley Austrey refused medical help because he said nothing was wrong He visited Hollopeter in the hospital before he went to work I don’t feel like I did
    something extraordinary I just saw someone who needed help he said I did what I felt was right
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 Today both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies are described as
    2 Because during a mass shooting in Tucson Daniel Hernandez courageously ran through the
    danger to save one of the victims
    3 The priest meant that Dory was a hero not just because he gave his life for his wife but also
    because he had been known for his remarkable spirit and love of humanity when he was alive
    4 First responders are people such as police officers and firefighters whose job is to rush
    toward danger They are supposed to be the first to arrive at the scene of accidents and deal with emergencies
    5 In the past heroes were those who acted courageously beyond the call of duty or great
    leaders while today’s heroes can be average men and women
    6 Eleanor McMahon considered may police officers to be heroes because they rush toward
    danger to help those in need against the human instinct to rush toward safety and away from danger
    7 The inspiring stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary
    things whether it is to fulfill their duties or as part of everyday life
    8 We honor heroes by recognizing their heroism and more importantly by working to change
    the circumstances that led to their death
    Critical thinking
    1 In my view a hero is someone who
    is brave or even risks their lives in face of d
    saves others in trouble
    shows great courage when others hesitate or fear
    sacrifices themselves for others
    2 Yes people who give their lives for others shouldcertainly be considered heroes no matter
    whom they savewhether it is a family member or a stranger By rescuing others they demonstrate extraordinary courage and the rare qualities of a hero
    3 Yes I agree that Heroism is latent in every human soulI think everyong kids or adults men
    or women wants to be a hero Some want to be a hero because they want to be respected or loved by others they would like to gain fame or attention Some want to be a hero because they want to feel powerful for themselves Still some others want to be a hero just because they want to help those in nee even by sacrificing their own
    interest health or lives No matter what motivates the hero it is a glorious feeling when others look up to you as a hero
    4 Yes I think they should be regarded as heroes even though their efforts fail They are heroes
    because they are brave and ready to sacrifice themselves for others Their act and sacrifice will set a good example for other people no matter whether their efforts have brought about desirable results or not The most important thing is that they have tried while many other people would have neither the intention nor the courage to have a try
    5 It is heroes who protect us from danger and give us strength comfort and confidence To
    honor heroes we should
    spread their names and stories in legends the media songs movies etc
    put up monuments for commemoration
    set up a special day to remember them
    take good care of them and their families
    give them special honors and
    call on society to learn from them
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 involve
    2 fulfilled
    3 intense
    4 advocate
    5 circumstances
    6 respond
    7 subsequent
    8 confined
    9 reconciled
    10 distinct
    word building
    Words learned New words formed
    agree agreeable
    apply applicable
    desire desirable
    sustain sustainable
    compare comparable
    accept acceptance
    attend attendance
    assignment assign
    engage engagement
    1 assistance
    2 comparable
    3 attendance
    4 engagement
    5 applicable
    6 assigned
    7 acceptance
    8 entertain
    9 agreeable
    10 sustainable
    11 desirable
    banked cloze
    1L 2N 3J 4F 5M 6C 7H 8K 9A 10E
    Expressions in use
    1 shield … from
    2 make sense of
    3 called on
    4 in need
    5 areget caught up in
    6 relate to
    7 sum up
    8 count on
    9 In her words
    10 reserved for
    structured writing
    Where does happiness come from Ann was a fulltime worker with a low income but she devoted a lot of her time to helping people in her community One day Ann was diagnosed with a sever heart disease but she did not have enough money for treatment When people in her community heard the news they raised money for her and helped take care of her children Although Ann was very sick she felt very happy She had enjoyed helping other people who now
    in turn where happy t help her Happiness is indeed the result of helping each other
    Zheng He was the most famous maritime explorer in Chinese history In 1405 AD the ruler of the Ming Dynasty sent Zheng He on a voyage to the Western Seas in order to strengthen border defense and develop trade by sea In the following 28 years Zheng He led his fleet made seven voyages to the Western Seas with over 100000 crew members in total and visited more than 30 countries and
    regions The fleet traveled far into South Asia and West Asia and made all the way to the content of Africa Zheng He’s voyages to the Western Seas were a great feat in the worlds navigation history It showed Zheng He’s outstanding navigation and organization talents meanwhile it exhibited the national strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty and overseas countries
    Section B
    Reading skills
    1 November
    2 In the Dalton River
    3 Jonda
    4 Sandy
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1B 2D 3C 4D 5C 6D 7B 8D
    Critical thinking
    1 No I don’t think so although it is the duty of police officers to save vitims in accidents they
    should not be blamed for failing to save the victims on some occasionsit would be unfair to blame them as situations may become out of their control Sometimes they themselves may get injured or even die in their efforts to save those in danger So in this sense they may fail to save victims but they are still heroes and are respectable
    2 Helping others surely has its benefits When we help others we can derive a feeling of
    happiness and a sense of fulfillment We will earn respect from other people Besides by
    helping others we set an example for others who in turn will help even more people If we extend a helping hand whenever necessary we will help build a more friendly and harmonious world
    3 I think it depends on the situation If you know your sacrifice will save another person’s life it
    is undoubtedly worthwhile even if you have to risk your own life Nonetheless if you clearly know that your efforts won’t save them even at the cost of your own life then it is not a good idea to give up
    your own lif Maybe a better and more practical way is to ask more people for help This way you will not only save the victim but also avoid unnecessary casualties
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 collapse
    2 heal
    3 lean
    4 reflected
    5 slippery
    6 identify
    7 abolished
    8 ignore
    9 aspiration
    10 betrayed
    expressions in use
    1 lean on
    2 pull over
    3 is grateful for
    4 filled up with
    5 broke through
    6 brought… to a halt
    7 letting go of
    8 held on
    9 turned off
    10 beat them to it
    sentence structure
    1 it used to be that there were many fish in the river and people swam in it
    2 It used to be that Tom was afraid of heights but he has got over the fear now
    3 It used to be that John assisted his wife with housework but now he is too busy to do so
    1 2 3
    1 carried outconducted
    2 gavedeliveredpresented
    3 enroll intake
    4 inventedcoined
    5 created
    6 put indevote
    7 deliveredgaveoffered
    8 put forward offerprovide
    9 take
    10 writefinishcomplete
    Part II key to exercises
    Section A
    Prereading activities
    1) playing basketball
    2) swimming
    3) running on a treadmill
    4) playing tennis
    5) playing cycling
    2 Yes Generally speaking these sports are popular among college students though they are not as popular as basketball and soccer
    Not all of these sports are popular among college students As far as I know swimming and tennis are more popular among college students than the other three sports
    1 I like jogging and playing tennis When I jog I listen to music or English So Idon't feel bored
    and I can learn something while exercising I also like playing tennis because it is a very exciting sport and it is fun playing with friends
    2 I don’t do sports every day but I try to exercise regularly On weekdays I’m too busy with
    my classes and homework so I can only do sports occasionally But on weekends I always manage to spend as much time as I can playing table tennis going hiking or doing yoga
    I spend about half an hour doing exerciseevery morning Usually I run on the sports field on campus But if it rains I do pushups and situps in my dorm If I have time I play soccer or basketball in the afternoon with my classmates
    3 Yes I think so Playing sports offers may obvious benefits Playing sports is good to our health
    and good health is important for success at college It also helps cultivate cooperation and teamwork Besides playing sports is very good for the development of our social skills for sports teach us how to communicate and cooperate with people
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 Because the SydneytoMelbourne race is 875 kilometers long and it is a harsh test of
    endurance for the world’s top athletes
    2 Cliff Young was a toothless 61yearold farmer he was wearing rubber boots and was mch
    older than the other runners
    3 Other athletes neither believed it nor treated Cliff Young with respect
    4 Because Cliff Young didn’t run properly He had the strangest running style and appeared to
    5 When people found that Cliff Young ran through the entire night without sleeping and when
    it seemed to them that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured
    6 When he was running Cliff Young imagined he was gathering his sheep and trying to outrun
    a storm
    7 Cliff Young gave all the prize money to five other runners He didn’t keep a single cent for
    8 Cliff Young is a brilliant example showing that ordinary people also have the inherent quality
    to achieve great results
    Critical thinking
    1 I think teamwork fair play and honesty and excellence in performance best characterize the
    spirit of sports
    teamwork Individuals can be strong on their own but they can be much stronger in a team game
    fairpaly and honesty Respect the rules of the fame Be honest Never cheat even though you know you won’t get caught
    excellence in performance Always try your best Show your efforts and best performance
    2 By playing sports people can cultivate honesty determination and mutual respect
    Honesty you will learn that having the sense of fair play and observing moral principles are essential in playing sports
    Determination Be ready to face difficulties or frustrations Be ready to face difficulties or frustrations and never give up Ultimately this could be the deciding factor when it comes to winning or losing
    Mutual respect It is compulsory to play by the rules You will learn to respect your
    opponents fellow players referees and fans
    3 No winning isn’t the most important thing in sports Winning is good but there is much
    more about playing sports than winning playing sports brings about many benefits the most important of which is to cultivate the spirit of sports The spirit of sports is best reflected in the Olympic Creed which reads The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part just as the most important thing in life is no the triumph but the struggle The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well
    4 I think it means that a true champion has great confidence and determination that we should
    not take lightly A true champion knows one must push his limits of endurance or strength or skill to achieve victory A true champion never gives up
    5 The story of Cliff Young is extraordinary and inspirational from which I have learned a great
    deal I have learned that we should pursue our dreams regardless of what other people have to say An ordinary person can become a hero and wonderful things do happen when we are determined and committed Most important of all we should believe in ourselves
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 annual
    2 contract
    3 distinction
    4 substantial
    5 furnished
    6 amateur
    7 assemble
    8 react
    9 apparent
    10 magnificent
    word building
    Words learned new words formed
    boring bore
    fascinating fascinate
    amuse amusing
    Explode explosion
    Assume assumption
    Evolve evolution
    Contribution contribute
    Element elementary
    Revolution revolutionary
    1 assumption
    2 fascinated
    3 explosion
    4 elementary
    5 compensation
    6 evolution
    7 amusing
    8 bore
    9 contribute
    10 revolutionary
    banked cloze
    1K 2D 3C 4B 5H 6O 7F 8M 9A 10G
    Expressions in use
    1 passed away
    2 left behind
    3 give away
    4 had no intention of
    5 Up to
    6 regardless of
    7 might (just) as well
    8 fall ill
    9 in attendance
    10 to this day
    structured writing
    In 1564 William Shakespeare the great poet and playwright was born in England As a boy he attended a local grammar school in his hometown At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway and they had three children Between 1585 and 1592 he developed a successful career in London By 1592 several of his plays were on the London stage and he had become wellknown by acting and writing plays He appeared to have retired from the theater and returned to his hometown around 1613 In 1616 at the age of 52 he passedaway
    Tai Chi is a kind of martial arts and a fitness exercise as well It has a long history in China With slow and gentle movements Tai Chi is suitable for people of any age sex or body type to practice It can be used to provide selfdefense as well as build the body Therefore it has become very popular among Chinese people During its development Tai Chi borrowed and absorbed desirable elements from traditional Chinese philosophy medicine and martial arts and it has developed into a sport with unique features As a unique sport in China Tai Chi is also gaining increasing popularity among many foreign friends
    Section B
    Reading skills
    1 The text is mainly about the benefits sports can bring to young people
    2 Sports can keep young people healthy give them a sense of selfworth and accomplishment
    teach them to deal with both failure and success and help them learn to cooperate with other
    3 Yes participation in competitive team sports can do harm to young people sometimes
    Reading comprehension
    Understanding the text
    1 It means that the qualities of the future leaders are formed through the activities that they
    participate in now
    2 Team sports can bring about attributes such as inspiration and physical stimulation
    3 By mentioning lemons and honey the author wants to illustrate that in order to get to know
    the real meaning of something you have to experience it
    4 The quotation implies that it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose in a game What
    matters is whether you try your best or play fair or work as a team
    5 By taking part in team sports talented people have the chance to develop leadership skills
    and earn the respect of their team members
    6 Through sports those who lack talent will learn the value f individual hard work the vale of
    cooperation and teamwork and the fundamental importance of planning and preparation for the positive outcome of their ambitions
    7 When too much emphasis is put on winning children may suffer psychological harm and
    may miss the learning opportunities sports can offer
    8 It means winning is not everything but we must win as there is no other option for us In
    saying this the football coach means that although people often say winning is not everything it turns out to be the most important thing on the playground What he wants to convey is that players should do all their best to win
    Critical thinking
    1 There are many benefits we can get from playing sports
    It can improve our health fitness and overall wellbeing
    It is fun and makes us enjoy our college life more
    It helps us develop selfdiscipline We can learn to set goals and work hard to achieve the goals
    It provides us with a positive physical appearance and higher selfesteem
    It helps us learn how to act with grace in the face of failure and come to know that we can’t always win and winning is not everything
    2 Yes I have played in competitive sports I was on the class volleyball team in high school
    Every year we competed at the school sports meeting I usually felt stressed out a few days before the game I would clam myself down by closing my eyes and taking deep breaths or by practicing meditation or yoga Besides I would keep telling myself that my team had practiced a lot we cooperated well and we were ready
    3 No I don’t have any trouble in cooperating with others in team sports I play team sports
    such as basketball and football I can always get along well with my teammates and my opponents as well for I’m understanding and considerate and I can handle defeat with god grace
    I seldom play any team sports I love sports but I only play sports alone such as jogging swimming Tai Chi and yoga But I
    don’t think I will have trouble playing in team sports for I always believe that you win as a team and you lose as a team
    4 Take up a sport practice it and you’ll love it Playing sports benefits you both or the time
    being and in the long run By playing sports you will enjoy good health better selfimage and therefore greater confidence and you will meet more people learn to deal with stress or depression So let sports become part of your life for the benefits will not only add up to a better quality of life but will also last a lifetime
    5 We should be humble in victory and gracious in defeat If you win be humble Don’t boast
    about your talents or skills Don’t play down your opponents But if you lose be gracious Don’t complain that the judge wasn’t fair or your teammates didn’t play well or your opponents were just lucky Say Congratulations to your opponents and shake hands with them Also thank your teammates for their efforts
    Language focus
    Words in use
    2 humble
    3 underline
    4 mutual
    5 accomplish
    6 adapt
    7 emphasized
    8 overcome
    9 demanding
    10 considerable
    expressions in use
    1 for
    2 on
    3 to
    4 in
    5 out
    6 for
    7 with
    8 on
    9 in
    10 at
    sentence structure
    1 It is thought that writing about troubling experiences helps people deal with them
    2 It is reported that a film by an unknown director has won the first prize in the film festival
    3 It was known that this worldfamous company evolved from a small company with a few
    people and a single office
    1 2 3 Based on the evidence of murder case the policeman’
    1 playing
    2 do
    3 go
    4 go
    5 doing
    7 played
    8 keep
    9 overcome
    10 achieved
    11 set
    12 earned
    Unit 6 Key to Exercise
    Section A
    Language focus 3
    1 indicate 2 conventional 3 assess 4 decrease 5 alter 6 has undermined 7 compromise
    8 controversial 9 resolved 10 abandon
    1 solution 2 transmission 3 prosperity
    4 formation 5 flexible 6 occupied
    7 originality 8 productivity 9 simplicity
    10 persuasion 11 representation 12 security 6
    1 J 2 C 3 H 4 D 5 M 6 G 7 I 8 A 9 E 10 N
    1 cutting back on 2 interfere with 3 take a toll on
    4 at risk of 5 dropped out 6 in turn
    7 contribute to 8 are accustomed to 9 held on to
    10 in other words 9
    There are several reasons why people get fired from their jobs First people may lose their jobs if they have some dishonest behaviors such as cheating in their job supplications or telling lies in work Second employees may be fired sue to poor attendance No boss likes an employee who is often late for or absent from work Third people having difficulty getting along with their coworkers are also likely to be fired because they may cause conflicts in the workplace Therefore to be a good employee it is important to be honest punctual and cooperative
    Since its economic reform and openingup to the world China’s education has gone through rapid development and made remarkable achievements The Chinese government gives top priority to the development of education persists in revitalizing the country by science and education and fully advocates qualityoriented education Meanwhile it actively promotes equality in education to guarantee everyone access to education China’s achievements in education can be reflected in two different layers One is the popularization of the nineyear compulsory education the other is the realization of mass higher education The development of
    education has made significant contributions to China’s economic development and social process In recent years to satisfy the needs of social and economic development the Chinese government had sped up the training of qualified personnel urgently needed in various fields
    Section B
    2 2
    1 B 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 C
    Language focus 4
    1 advanced 2 tremendous 3 claim 4 endure
    5 relieve 6 ensure 7 relevant 8 convinced
    9 illustrate 10 soared 5
    1 in spite of 2 catchgethave a glimpse of
    3 are in the a minority 4 relieves…of
    5 a matter of 6 As for 7 is envious of 8 look back 6
    1 Whereas my friend was dressed in a black hat and coat I was dressed in jeans and sneakers 2 Whereas having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive
    3 Whereas Asian people do not look into each other’s eyes as they talk in the Western world it is polite to maintain eye contact during a conversation
    7 to do it by themselves in the lab
    3 Although the statistics show the number of teenagers using tobacco has started to decline experts say the number is still disturbing 8
    1 formal education 2 working students
    3 educational funding 4 nonworking students
    5 educational experience 6 school engagement
    7 school commitment 8 school performance
    9 commitment 10 educational aspirations
    11 undergraduate students 12 school careers
    Unit 7
    Section A
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 reveal 2 implying 3 accurate 4 exaggerated 5 eliminate
    6 facilitate 7 frustrated 8 appropriate 9 conscious 10 launch
    Words building
    Words learned
    inquiry New words formed continual emotioin correspondence innocent presence occurrence worthy unity inquire
    1 correspondence 2 continual
    3 partial 4 emotion
    5 occurrences 6 innocent
    7 worthy 8 industrial
    9 presence 10 inquire
    11 unity 12 intelligence
    Banked cloze
    1 L 2 M 3 C 4 E 5 H
    6 G 7 J 8 I 9 N 10 A
    Expressions in use
    1 not to mention
    2 turn in
    3 rip off
    4 cope with
    5 launched a campaign
    6 If thisthat is the case
    7 be confined to
    8 descend into
    Structured writing
    My dorm is nice to live in For example it has a very convenient location It is close to everything on campus It only takes 5 minutes
    to walk to my classes 8 minutes to the library 15 minutes to the swimming pool and only 2 minutes to the cafeteria What’s more there are great facilities in the building There is a laundry room a gym a TV room and even an ATM machine Most importantly I like my roommates We get along very well and we have a lot of fun together In one word I love my dorm
    Integrity and harmony are traditional Chinese virtues Harmony is demonstrated in various aspects In regard to interpersonal relations traditional Chinese thoughts hold that Harmony is most precious and A family that lives in harmony will prosper A harmonious social environment can be created based on these principles As for relations between human beings and nature people should learn to understand respect and protect nature Harmony is essential to interpersonal relations relations between human beings and society as well as between human beings and nature Nowadays harmonious development is still the way of running the country and managing talented personnel With the development of China’s society economy and culture the idea of harmony goes even deeper into people’s hearts China is on its way toward the goal of building a harmonious socialist society
    Section B
    Reading skills
    1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D
    Reading Comprehension
    1 B 2 C 3 D 4 C
    5 D 6 A 7 D 8 B
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 encountered 2 switch
    3 complaints 4 volunteered
    5 perceive 6 prevail
    7 ignorant 8 prompt
    9 threaten 10 randomly
    Expressions in use
    1 cropped up
    2 cut in line
    3 pointed to
    4 play an … role in
    5 go beyond
    6 show up
    7 gave chase
    8 mind your own business
    9 live with
    10 pass … on to
    Sentence structure
    6 factor to be taken into account
    1 Hardly a day goes by without news reports in the media about terrible accidents or natural disasters
    2 Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago
    3 Hardly a month went by without Tony taking a business trip abroad and coming back with contracts
    1 traditional values
    2 eliminate cheating
    3 undesirable effect
    4 ill effects
    5 Widespread dishonesty
    6 fakes a term paper
    7 purchase receipt
    8 illegal resources
    9 mutual trust
    10 academic environment
    11 durable bonds
    12 ultimate nightmare
    Unit 8
    Section A
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 sequence 2 relief 3 retreated 4 restrain 5 inevitably 6 tendency
    8 process 9 evident 10 rigid
    7 deliberate
    Words building
    Words learned New words formed
    present presently
    cost costly
    dead deadly
    approximately approximate
    name namely
    scarcely scarce
    barely bare
    editor edit
    generate generator
    survivor survive
    1 approximate 2 deadly 3 presently 4 costly 5 generator
    8 editing 9 namely 10 scarce
    6 bare 7 survive
    Banked cloze
    1 O 2 M 3 N 4 K 5 J 6 G 7 A 8 D 9 E 10 B
    Expressions in use
    1 in…terms 2 pulled away 3 to…relief 4 be born with 5 in a new light 6 on a mission 7 in comparison 8 make up for 9 spilled out 10 At the time
    Structured writing
    College life and high school life differ in many ways High school offers fundamental courses such as math physics and English
    whereas college offers more specialized courses most of which are related to students’ majors In high school all classes are arranged by the school so students just follow a fixed schedule in contrast college students can choose the courses in which they are interested and arrange their own schedule so their schedule is more flexible Moreover high school students acquire knowledge and skills mainly through teacher’s instructions In contrast besides attending lectures college students are expected to learn on their own and develop critical thinking
    Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China China has persisted in the independent foreign policy of peace and made tremendous progress in foreign affairs By 2011 China had established diplomatic relations with 172 countries Over recent years with the enhancement of its comprehensive national strength China has been playing an increasingly important role in international affairs and China’s international status has been further enhanced In regional affairs China actively promotes all kinds of regional cooperation It has made important contributions in maintaining regional peace and promoting regional development China’s diplomacy will hold high the banner of peace development cooperation and mutual benefit On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and through allround and friendly cooperation with various countries China will make unremitting efforts to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity
    Section B
    Reading skills
    Paragraph 2
    1 Friendship in the US
    2 To describe how American friends treat each other
    3 For Americans a friendship may be superficial casual situational or deep and enduring Paragraph 4
    1 Friendship in Germany
    2 To describe the characteristics of German friendship
    3 In Germany friendship is much more a matter of feeling and affection
    Language focus
    Words in use
    1 compatible 2 ( been) integrated 3 diverse 4 constitute 5 significant 6 guarantee 7 complicated 8 keen 9 enhance 10 extend
    Expressions in use
    1 a range of 2 back and forth 3 showered with 4 debt of gratitude thanks 5 feel be at home 6 come into being 7 apply to 8 A lack of
    Sentence structure
    6 new project
    3 7
    1 In his letter I could see that his purpose was
    1 value friendship 2 make friends 3 begin a friendship 4 enduring friendship 5 shared activities 6 emotional expressions 7 emotionally feelings 8 emotionally honest
    9 enhance their friendship 10 distinct boundaries 11 situational friendship 12 onetoone relationship 13 crossgender friendships 14 keen awareness 15 specialized interests 16 private relationships





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    生产与运作管理第三版课后习题含答案第一章 绪论思考题: 1.社会组织的三项基本职能是什么?说明它们之间的关系。 2.生产运作管理的定义、内容与目标。 3. 分别对制造业与服务...

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    第一章 绪论 判断题: 1.制造业的本质是从自然界直接提取所需的物品。X 2.服务业不仅制造产品,而且往往还要消耗产品,因此服务业不创造价值。× 3.服务业的兴起是社会生产力...

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    1.人力资源的含义是什么 从综合的角度讲我们认为所谓人力资源管理简单地讲就是现代的人事管理是指组织通过各种政策、制度和管理实践以吸引、保留、激励和开发组织成员调动他们的积极性并充分...

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